the perfect rollerset


New Member
ok ladies - I'm in search of the perfect rollerset! so far so good but if i can improve it - why not.
here is what i am doing.
i wash and condition - and then i rinse with acv(a 1/2 capful in a cup of water) - i dont wash this out.
then i:
option 1 - just use:
1) joico kpak style thermal design foam - i use quite a bit of this - the more i use the shinier and the longer the set last
2)- chi silk infusion
3) silk elements mega silk heat protection spray
4) pure organic shea butter rubbed on my hair before to seal in moisture before rolling

- - then sat up under the dryer for a bit - -

- - This set gives me an unbelievable shine - good grief - and then some - and it last for five days! the 5th day beginning to look a little less fab but still pretty good since i've had some roller sets start like that on day 1! This set could easily last 6 days if i were willing to throw a few rollers in for a few minutes on day five to touch up my curls -did this with awesome results - and my hair stays soft and moist all week - no need to moisturize which really surprises me.

option 2(what i did this week)
1)joico kpak thermal design( a little less cuz i'm running low and need to catch it on sale)
2) infusion 21
3) lacio lacio (figured i'd give it a try)
4) forgot to put the silk elements heat protectant - but sprayed it on the rollers anyway
5) sealed with the shea butter as above

now this roller set was ok - but atlease 35% of the bling was gone. I was wondering what took away the bling? was it the lacio? the infusion? - and it definately isnt going to last 5 days!
my question is ladies - how do you think my set can be improved? any suggestions? i hate to depend on one product, right now it's that joico design foam- also if you noticed i don't use a leave in for option 1 - any suggestions? I was thinking of getting a joico leave in because i am getting hooked on the shine.
What exactly don't you like about your sets?

From what I see you use quite a few products which will weigh the set the shea butter and the serum together would be pretty heavy for me but my hair is fine.

I like my sets to be silky and light so I just use a very small amount of a light water based leave in (kinky curly knot today) and diluted lottabody setting lotion.

Also, are you combing your sets out? I saw you mention that they last 5 days. I comb mine out so if you're not doing that I guess you would need different products than me so the curls would hold and keep their shape.

This was my ponytail set with the rollers freshly taken out before combing.
Hey you can't post all that and not show any pictures!!


ha ha I will try and get some pictures of my next set! :-)

What exactly don't you like about your sets?

From what I see you use quite a few products which will weigh the set the shea butter and the serum together would be pretty heavy for me but my hair is fine.

I like my sets to be silky and light so I just use a very small amount of a light water based leave in (kinky curly knot today) and diluted lottabody setting lotion.

Also, are you combing your sets out? I saw you mention that they last 5 days. I comb mine out so if you're not doing that I guess you would need different products than me so the curls would hold and keep their shape.

This was my ponytail set with the rollers freshly taken out before combing.

I am actually liking my sets now. I'm just trying to perfect it and understand why I am getting the results i am getting. I'm not going for the silky right now, i don't comb my curls out, i let them fall over the course of a few days so they are perfect on day 3. I wish i had grabbed pictures of my set last week, because it really was great and i was about 23 weeks post relaxer and you couldn't tell.
oh and pokahantas your set looked beautiful! Your hair looks beautiful! :yep:
I too use less products (Giovanni leave in, Giovanni Frizz Be Gone Serum and water) and my sets come out very light and shiny and last for 3 weeks. They last this long because I pincurl everynight. Check out my YouTube vids n fotki in my siggy. God bless x
I also use less product. I've come to the conclusion that leave in makes my hair feel crunchy after wards. I just condition really well that I have enough slip, and make sure my hair is very wet when I put the rollers in.
I too use less products (Giovanni leave in, Giovanni Frizz Be Gone Serum and water) and my sets come out very light and shiny and last for 3 weeks. They last this long because I pincurl everynight. Check out my YouTube vids n fotki in my siggy. God bless x
thanks for links i just watched your tutorials!
3 weeks!? Girl you just sent me back to the drawing board! :lachen:
and i thought i was doing something with my little 5 days. I'm definitely going to try pin girl method. you and your hair are beautiful by the way and so is your voice - i love your music! :yep:

I also use less product. I've come to the conclusion that leave in makes my hair feel crunchy after wards. I just condition really well that I have enough slip, and make sure my hair is very wet when I put the rollers in.
glamaim what conditioners do you use? just wondering... your hair is beautiful! how long does your set last? I feel like i am just about there with my reggie but still tweeking to get it just right.

ladies you have all inspired me to keep going with this!
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option 2(what i did this week)
1)joico kpak thermal design( a little less cuz i'm running low and need to catch it on sale)
2) infusion 21
3) lacio lacio (figured i'd give it a try)
4) forgot to put the silk elements heat protectant - but sprayed it on the rollers anyway
5) sealed with the shea butter as above

now this roller set was ok - but atlease 35% of the bling was gone. I was wondering what took away the bling? was it the lacio? the infusion? - and it definately isnt going to last 5 days!
First of all, I'm :lachen: at your percentage break-down of how much bling was missing. Second, I suspect it was the lacio lacio. I use it regularly and I notice a little dullness with it. I'm wondering if it's build-up from all the 'cones (even though I usually love them).
First of all, I'm :lachen: at your percentage break-down of how much bling was missing. Second, I suspect it was the lacio lacio. I use it regularly and I notice a little dullness with it. I'm wondering if it's build-up from all the 'cones (even though I usually love them).

:lachen: i did get pretty technical there didnt i? :lachen:
i'm thinking it was the lacio as well. hmmmm it did make my hair feel nice - but i reeeaaallly liked that bling.
ha ha I will try and get some pictures of my next set! :-)

I am actually liking my sets now. I'm just trying to perfect it and understand why I am getting the results i am getting. I'm not going for the silky right now, i don't comb my curls out, i let them fall over the course of a few days so they are perfect on day 3. I wish i had grabbed pictures of my set last week, because it really was great and i was about 23 weeks post relaxer and you couldn't tell.
oh and pokahantas your set looked beautiful! Your hair looks beautiful! :yep:
Ok I gotcha. I thought maybe you were unhappy with something about them. Well as long as what you're doing and using is working for you thats great. I'd suggest you get a fotki album or some other pic hosting site so that you can upload pics and record notes with them so you can remember what you like and how you got those results. I've found that very useful along the way. Like now I can look back through my fotki and see how I did something years ago and what I used in case I forget.
thanks for links i just watched your tutorials!
3 weeks!? Girl you just sent me back to the drawing board! :lachen:
and i thought i was doing something with my little 5 days. I'm definitely going to try pin girl method. you and your hair are beautiful by the way and so is your voice - i love your music! :yep:

glamaim what conditioners do you use? just wondering... your hair is beautiful! how long does your set last? I feel like i am just about there with my reggie but still tweeking to get it just right.

ladies you have all inspired me to keep going with this!

Thanks for the compliment!