The Official Mane 'N Tail Users Club

I just started using the detangler. Absolutely love it. I may switch over to the conditioner after I use up everything I have.
New member here!

I've been using the original shampoo and conditioner as well as the deep moisturizing conditioner and detangler for a month now.

I love them! I use the original conditioner to deep condition. So far, so good.
New member here!

I've been using the original shampoo and conditioner as well as the deep moisturizing conditioner and detangler for a month now.

I love them! I use the original conditioner to deep condition. So far, so good.

Yet another healthy head of hair that proves simplicity is king. Thank you so much for sharing!

I'm hiding my hair under wigs for the cooler months. My hair is in braids underneath and I cowash daily. I already have some mane 'n tail conditioner so I'll add that to the cowash rotation! Thanks again!

;) yup yup
and you're very welcome!
keep us posted, girlie :)
I used it, and it did the job. It's very thick. However, I don't know if it's excellent. I doctored mine up, but I have two large bottles (32 ounces)--buy one get one free. Can't beat that for $6.95!
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Hello ladies. I just joined last week b/c none of my friends want to talk hair, LOL. I have been lurking for about 6 months and have picked up some good tips. Newho, I wanted to let you guys know that Sally's is having a BOGO free sale on Mane and Tail thru Oct 31. So stock up. I know I did. I may go back next week and get some more.
Hello ladies. I just joined last week b/c none of my friends want to talk hair, LOL. I have been lurking for about 6 months and have picked up some good tips. Newho, I wanted to let you guys know that Sally's is having a BOGO free sale on Mane and Tail thru Oct 31. So stock up. I know I did. I may go back next week and get some more.

Hot dog!!! Thank you!!! :yep:

:welcome: to the LHCF!! You'll find plenty of fellow hair obsessed ladies here! hahaha
I would like to join! I just purchased the Original Mane and Tail conditioner. I am using this strictly as my dc for the next six months to see if my hair responds well to it.
I would like to join! I just purchased the Original Mane and Tail conditioner. I am using this strictly as my dc for the next six months to see if my hair responds well to it.
I remember I did that for a year when I was relaxed, and my hair was the thickest, strongest, and healthiest it had ever been.

I used the Mane n Tail shampoo and conditioner (this was in the mid-1990s, long before they expanded their product line), and my hair was very happy. My hair wasn't long (I've never had long hair) but it stood up to my daily hot curling and blow drying with the comb attachment, and still grew past my shoulders. :yep:
I would like to join! I just purchased the Original Mane and Tail conditioner. I am using this strictly as my dc for the next six months to see if my hair responds well to it.

Hey Beans! I use it as my protein cowash. Can it be used as a dc and if so do you add anything in it?

Thanks Sheba1!!!! You ladies are so supportive on this thread. Oh and I love your hair!!!!! I am really considering going natural, my mother has been for about 10 years now and she never acheived any length until she cut the relaxer from her regimen. Plus, it's not so scary since I can kinda see it now b/c you have the same combo texture as I do.
Hey Beans! I use it as my protein cowash. Can it be used as a dc and if so do you add anything in it?


Hi SS, I used this as a DC just last weekend in fact. I mixed it with Cocasta Oil and one raw egg. I applied it to my cornrows and I allowed it to sit for an hour before I rinsed. Guuuurl, let me tell you. When I let my hair dry and proceeded to detangle and rebraid, my NG was ULTRA soft!! I could not believe it. After my whole head was rebraided, I couldn't keep my hands off my hair because it was so soft! This will be a keeper for a while- my hair responds well to it :yep:
Ladies, I have to say that the Detangler is the best! I used my bottle up and thought I would go out and find it after work tonight....I couldn't find it and liked to had a fit:nono::nono::nono: I went to 5 different stores and they had the shampoo, conditioner but no detangler. I did see a sample on the conditioner bottle that says they have a "2 n 1" shampoo and conditioner mix.

Tomorrow I'm off to Sally's and I will try the conditioner this time. I will make sure to purchase many bottles, if not all :sekret:

Does Sally's carry large sizes of the detangler? I hope so....
I just started using M&T Porducts!
I've love it so far!
I'm not a fan of the shampoo but I will give it a try for at least 30 days, but I love the conditoner.
okay i see there are all kinds of bottles, Which one is everyone using??? Can someone let me know??? Thanks i want the conditioner/detangler
I just started using M&T Porducts!
I've love it so far!
I'm not a fan of the shampoo but I will give it a try for at least 30 days, but I love the conditoner.
Now I love the shampoo! It has that stripped feeling but if you use the entire product line, the shampoo is ok! In the beginning, the conditioner left my hair a little hard but after the wet set, my hair was very soft!

I had to mix the conditioner with Motions CPR or Queen Helen’s Cholesterol…
FYI, I sleep in my conditioner for maximum protection from the ponytails & products…

I am now wearing a protective hairstyle, (braids & ponytails) but I saw a change within 2 weeks of use, less breakage, fuller hair, and new growth! In a few days I will be back in my micro braids, (Chicago winters a brutal)!

I will continue to use the M&T with my Micro Braids. Good Luck & Good Growth!
I am not sure if the Mane n Tail conditioner has enough protien for my 40 week post hair. I have been noticing increased breakage at my line of demarcation and the only change to my regimen was stopping my Aphogee 2 min and using the Mane N Tail Conditioner instead to get my protein.
The original conditioner isn't very protein rich IMO. It has hydrolyzed collagen in it but it's way down the ingredient list. The moisrture-strenthening leave-in spray has more protein in it so I would say use that instead.
The original conditioner isn't very protein rich IMO. It has hydrolyzed collagen in it but it's way down the ingredient list. The moisrture-strenthening leave-in spray has more protein in it so I would say use that instead.

Thank you MissAJ! :yep:
Just bought the original condish today. Can't wait to try it. Is using this as a daily co-wash condish gonna be too much protein? I would follow up with a moisturizing DC 3x/wk.
Wow! Okay, Mane n Tail condish was heavily on my heart yesterday. Not sure why. God was telling me something. I've had some condish (the original) in my stash for awhile. So, I'll be using the condish on wet and dry hair, without rinsing it out. If it does great things for horses, then its got to do something great for my hair.

I've never used a complete product line, but I plan on focusing on Mane and Tail for awhile.

Feel inspired. I was about to search Mane and Tail and here was this post. Gotta read thru the thread and see how you ladies are using these products.

I feel good about this one.
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