The Official Hair Transplant Thread

I have had 2 consultations with Dr. John Frank over the phone. I had a biopsy by Dr. Ose Tutu today. Dr. Frank said the biopsy wasn't necessary but Dr. Tutu said its a must. Go figure. Anyway, the purpose is to determine if I have CCCA. She stated that 90% of her patients do have CCCA and its best to know up front. I told Dr. Frank I was getting the biopsy and he seemed kind of annoyed and basically told me to call back when I'm ready. I have stitches which will be removed in 2 weeks when I get the biopsy results. I'm glad I found this thread and I will be sure to keep posting my journey. I have no edges and I'm gonna get them via this procedure. The million dollar question is "who" will be performing it for me.
@nycutiepie - ... her statement "...90% of her patients do have CCCA and its best to know up front"... I believe includes traction alopecia and AGA hair loss patients also. Given that some doctors believe CCCA may result from these hair loss conditions.
I do agree a biopsy should be performed if CCCA is highly suspected, so meds can be applied to stop the inflammation and further destruction of hair follicles.

Susan Taylor briefly talks about CCCA in Part 2 of her 3 part blog series on hair loss:

If you aren't sure with either doctor, don't rule out traveling to see another doctor. As mentioned earlier some hair transplant recipients have traveled as far as Turkey for the procedure, so it is not uncommon. A HT is a big investment and you want to choose the person whose hands you put your precious "hair grafts" into very carefully.

Thanks for sharing!
I'm so sorry that I missed your mention. I've been on vacations and in the ET forum mostly but I got my biopsy results. I do not have CCCA and have traction alopecia on my edges. I was very happy to hear that. I'm still undecided with regards to a doctor. I've had quotes from the 2 docs I mentioned and a Dr. Epstein who wants to do it in his Miami office. Dr. Tutu is black so I want to give her a play but she has only performed a handful of procedures. She's also in the same price bracket as the others. Any insight or feedback will be appreciated because I want it done in the fall.
:toocool::yay:Congratulations - @nycutiepie.

Are you going to get a FUE or FUT? Did he tell you what type of density (number of grafts per square centimeter) you can expect?
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:toocool::yay:Congratulations - @nycutiepie.

Are you going to get a FUE or FUT? Did he tell you what type of density (number of grafts per square centimeter) you can expect?
Thank you. I'm getting the strip method which his practice refers to as FUG. He estimates 1600 grafts. The FUE is usually used for cases where the individual keeps their hair in a low cut (I.e., men, women with short cuts). I pray that I will have my edges back by next summer.
I'm having second thoughts now. Partly because my sister has talked me out of it. And she's right. It honestly doesn't even look all that horrible. It's just that my right is Okay and my left side is struggling a bit. So I just want them to match lol. And I'm never consistent with massaging them every night so I'm totally gonna commit to it now and see where I am by the end of the year.
Thank you. I'm getting the strip method which his practice refers to as FUG. He estimates 1600 grafts. The FUE is usually used for cases where the individual keeps their hair in a low cut (I.e., men, women with short cuts). I pray that I will have my edges back by next summer.

LOL - yes you are right he refers to the strip method as Follicular Unit Grafting (FUG) instead of the industry standard term FUT. While, FUE has a lower graft take rate, especially for AA curly hair, it isn't just for individuals who wear low cuts.

Be sure to ask him about your projected density with the number of estimated grafts and placement. Density is very important . If it's low then the recipient area will look thin.
Sorry I couldn't find a pic with AA hair but this is a good representation of density.
@NaturallyBri87 - I think it's all about how you feel about the area.
Has a doctor confirmed that the follicles on your left side are dead? If they are that is the only reason you should consider a HT. If the follicles are dead, massaging, oils, etc. will not help as there isn't anything there to grow.
@NaturallyBri87 - I think it's all about how you feel about the area.
Has a doctor confirmed that the follicles on your left side are dead? If they are that is the only reason you should consider a HT. If the follicles are dead, massaging, oils, etc. will not help as there isn't anything there to grow.

No I haven't been to the doctor. I guess I was just assuming they were dead because with my hair vitamins my hair has grown so much. And my left side is still meh. Like there are hairs there...they just stay short and raggedy. I should probably just see a doctor.

I'm honestly not that embarrassed by it. Because it isn't horrible. I've surely seen worse. I just want them to match. Especially since my right side is okay.
@NaturallyBri87 - Most often a biopsy is required to confirm if the follicles are dead. But if you go to a doctor who is also a hair specialist they have high power lens and able to determine follicle state with visual inspection. Also, if you are concerned about the incision from a FUT, FUE (no incision) is an option. Some doctors are doing a NO SHAVE technique now - but I think that is primarily for the recipient area. Price of course is higher.
Hey @ilong - I'm booked for my procedure in October with Dr. Jeffrey Epstein. He's a world leader in the field and his credentials are excellent. You can look up his work on Realself.
I had my procedure with Dr. Epstein 7 years ago. I was extremely pleased with the results although I didn't get all the grafts I wanted due to finances. I'm considering going back for another round of grafts. If you don't mind how many grafts are you getting and what's the price point.
LOL - yes you are right he refers to the strip method as Follicular Unit Grafting (FUG) instead of the industry standard term FUT. While, FUE has a lower graft take rate, especially for AA curly hair, it isn't just for individuals who wear low cuts.

Be sure to ask him about your projected density with the number of estimated grafts and placement. Density is very important . If it's low then the recipient area will look thin.
Sorry I couldn't find a pic with AA hair but this is a good representation of density.
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Thanks @ilong. You have a wealth of information and I appreciate it.
I had my procedure with Dr. Epstein 7 years ago. I was extremely pleased with the results although I didn't get all the grafts I wanted due to finances. I'm considering going back for another round of grafts. If you don't mind how many grafts are you getting and what's the price point.
This is very good to hear. He estimates 1600 grafts at $7900 in the Miami office. What areas did you have transplanted (i.e., edges, top, etc.)? I'm assuming you would get a repeat customer discount.
This is very good to hear. He estimates 1600 grafts at $7900 in the Miami office. What areas did you have transplanted (i.e., edges, top, etc.)? I'm assuming you would get a repeat customer discount.
I received 1400 grafts on my edges. I had male pattern baldness; hair is now filled in but I have low density so I'd like to address that.
He's allegedly done over 750 AA procedures. He's a leader in the field with all the credentials but I'm glad to hear from an actual patient.
@nycutiepie - wow- 750! That is AMAZING! His biography says he "Has performed more than 11,000 hair procedures since 1993".

I think use of the word "procedures" instead of Hair Transplant - embodies different treatments. Which is still impressive.

Regardless, this is all good stuff. :yay: As more and more reviews are posted for doctors, this thread becomes a valuable resource for anyone looking for a Hair Specialist.

:thankyou: and @pjthom001 for bringing awareness of Dr. Epstein to the forum.
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San Francisco: Sept 7-9, 2016
Dallas: Sept. 9-11, 2016
New York : Sept 27-30, 2016 .

Call 1-800-859-2266 to schedule an appointment and for additional info.

Check out their section on Female Pattern Hair Loss:
thank you so much for this thread! I've been considering the transplant for a few years. Will be my gift to myself for my 30 bday.