It look a long time for my hair to grow. And I've experienced a lot of setbacks where I had to trim a few inches here and there, even though I was stretching relaxers and doing protective styles 99% of the time. But I do have a very long torso. That could be why the brastrap hangs down so low. I tried several other bras in my arsenal and they ALL hang down low. I do notice and have been told that I have a long back. The last time I did a trim was may in May but I wasn't using MT/OCT regularly. Look at my ends in June. Notice how bad they look. I didn't trim again, hoping that if I work on them enough, they catch up (see the gap on the right).
I did a touch up two weeks ago and didn't trim. Part of me wants to do a light dusting just to stave off some splits, but my ends don't look bad even now. I attribute it to the OCT because that's the only thing I've done differently and consistently since June. I'm using WEN but only once a week. I just started using WEN, too, so I can't safely contribute the progress to that alone. By deductive reasoning, then, it has to be the MT/OCT.
Thank you so very much. I do hope that I'm getting an inch a month. Again I relaxed two weeks ago and it already feels like I'm getting some waves. My hair never grows fast and has never been this long.
Henna is great as well!!!