The Multi-Dating Mambo..I can't do this..can I? Or will I get in trouble?


Well-Known Member
I went to this FANTASTIC place last Friday for a date...
so-so ambiance..but the food was amazing and I had a Real Live Margarita :blush:
that made all other maragaritas in my life obsolete
...faux m'ritas.

So here's the thing..I already went to the Wine bar last week with one date and I liked it soooo much..
that then this week..this past Monday night..I went back BUT
with a different date..the prob..different waitress one remembered me

by the way the Monday night waitress kept trying to flirt with the Writer ..he did NOT even notice her..he was too busy staring..concentrating on me...flirting w/ ME
and my wild hair which he loves..
but I noticed the lanky clear girl lingering at our table..each time she came
and speaking sly looking at him..trying to be extra femme,and trying to make cute conversation..he just brushed her off.. HAH!

ooooooo:perplexed I wanted to break her long giraffe neck:blush:
okay..back to topic...but Wine bar prob
so I've a date on Saturday night

my date says I can choose where for dinner and I am supposed to email him three or four choices when reaaaallly I just want to go back to the awesome Friday date night restaurant's EXPENSIVE..& it's not a Kayte-go-there-for-dinner...
it's definitely a Kayte-go-there-for-A-DATE DINNER..
lissen I'm no gold digger! I'm the GOLD

but here's the thing
At that restaurant ..the waitress,my date and I struck up a very friendly conversation all through the date! and she was the one who recommended the marg'ts and we all introduced ourselves was
fun to chat with her...she made it seem like she worked therre all the time cas she said she only has her margt's there.

So if I came back.with a different guy....would that be .....weird?
I mean..I got away with it Monday night...
Is that breaking multi dating rules of keeping stories straight?
I'm pretty sure the waitress'd recognize was just last week!
What if she said something? or I signaled ..shhh don't say I was here before or am I inviting trouble:grin:
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If that's where you want to go I say go for it! Or if your a bit leery, email him 3 places you like( like he requested!) and let him choose. But there's nothing wrong with saying "hey I went here and it was a really great place!"

As for the waitress....she'd better mind her business! She doesn't know what kind of relationship you have with the last guy she saw you with !(LMAO!)

BTW- As a Black woman I'm glad to see you dating and pursuing different guys! I think as a whole Black women shy away from doing this because there's a stigma to it. Meanwhile the "Beckys" do it all the time and have their calenders full . No one bats an eye. Let a Black woman date multiple men at the same time folks say she's a "ho".
This is what DATING is all about! Seeing multiple people until you find the perfect one for YOU! Kudos!
If that's where you want to go I say go for it! Or if your a bit leery, email him 3 places you like( like he requested!) and let him choose. But there's nothing wrong with saying "hey I went here and it was a really great place!"

As for the waitress....she'd better mind her business! She doesn't know what kind of relationship you have with the last guy she saw you with !(LMAO!)

BTW- As a Black woman I'm glad to see you dating and pursuing different guys! I think as a whole Black women shy away from doing this because there's a stigma to it. Meanwhile the "Beckys" do it all the time and have their calenders full . No one bats an eye. Let a Black woman date multiple men at the same time folks say she's a "ho".
This is what DATING is all about! Seeing multiple people until you find the perfect one for YOU! Kudos!

Amen to that! I'm happy to see black women get out there and date. There is nothing wrong with dating around. The perfect man is not going to fall in your lap. You have to get out there and find him. I do not understand how dating around makes a woman a ho.
As for the waitress....she'd better mind her business! She doesn't know what kind of relationship you have with the last guy she saw you with !(LMAO!)

I think at one point I was sitting on his lap..those margaritas!!!!
so it was kind of obvious it was romantic
but you nailed it....I feel like people will think ..stuff.
and sure wouldn't want my date to feel like ..hmmmm other men
..I mean they already know I see other people
lol...I am already stuttering....

BTW- As a Black woman I'm glad to see you dating and pursuing different guys! I think as a whole Black women shy away from doing this because there's a stigma to it. Meanwhile the "Beckys" do it all the time and have their calenders full . No one bats an eye. Let a Black woman date multiple men at the same time folks say she's a "ho".
This is what DATING is all about! Seeing multiple people until you find the perfect one for YOU! Kudos!
thank you :)

it can be fun..sometimes dizzying..I blew off a concert date tonight
the guy was really nice about it and I hate to do that...but I was exhausted from Mon AND Tuesday w/Writer..I would have crashed during the date..
have to learn to pace things better....

The perfect man is not going to fall in your lap.
how I wish he would
Amen to that! I'm happy to see black women get out there and date. There is nothing wrong with dating around. The perfect man is not going to fall in your lap. You have to get out there and find him. I do not understand how dating around makes a woman a ho.

People seem to think that dating has to be synonymous with sex.

Which boggles my mind!!!
People seem to think that dating has to be synonymous with sex.

Which boggles my mind!!! was the first thing I was concerned about...
which I should not is none of her business who I am with...

at dinner I ordered two of which was a salad along
with an entree and she said oh you mean the two appetizers instead of the entree..knowing full well I was ordering everything..& not caring about cost....I said
she looked at my date and said that's a LOT of food
I was like...yeah,well... and who asked ..YOU?

I just looked up at her and said I'm a growing girl..and dismissed her.
my date chuckled ..she doesn't know you

y'know I think I am suggesting that place:grin:
If you love the place I say why not? There's no reason to avoid a restaurant just because you've been there. I doubt the waitress would be clueless enough to ask where Bill is if she sees Bob sitting at the least I hope she wouldn't.

You could always be sly & call the restaurant raving about her service & ask if she's working that evening because if so you're definitely coming in for dinner. Some businesses won't provide such info, but you could try.

Good luck :)
If you love the place I say why not? There's no reason to avoid a restaurant just because you've been there. I doubt the waitress would be clueless enough to ask where Bill is if she sees Bob sitting at the least I hope she wouldn't.

You could always be sly & call the restaurant raving about her service & ask if she's working that evening because if so you're definitely coming in for dinner. Some businesses won't provide such info, but you could try.

Good luck

some waitresses believe or not ARE that clueless..but dont get me started~~~
that date,btw, got cancelled..
universe's payback for my cancelling on someone else last week:grin:

but you know
I LOVE that place and when the cancelled date gets
rescheduled...guess where we goin

and if it comes know is a favorite place of mine
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Maybe you should switch it up and go somewhere else. Afterall, how akward would it be if you went there for a 3rd time and saw date #1 or #2 there with someone else.
Afterall, how akward would it be if you went there for a 3rd time and saw date #1 or #2 there with someone else
taken in consideration...I'd sure HATE that
I wouldn't do it. Don't sh!t where you sleep

I'm thinkin I learned my lesson with that last post
about finding date X at one of my favorite places with
that put the hurt on me

so no-no-no -no

no can do... :blush:
Girl, your story had me cracking up!! :rofl::rofl:

You go out on that date, girl. Go wherever you want. You are a queen and you deserve it! If that's the place you really like---I LOVE WINE BARS--then that's where you should go.

BTW, I'll be in NYC soon. Where is this particular wine bar? (You can PM me if more appropriate. Thanks! :kiss:)