The Mini Twist / Mini Braid Thread

I have been doing mini twist for several years now. When I first started, they were skinny because my hair is fine textured. Now that I no longer dye my hair and transitioning to grey, I love them even more because the frizz for my grey adds a fullness look to my twists. At first I would try to keep them neat by trying my hair up in a scarf and only moisturizing my ends every few days. These days, I twist and leave it for two weeks, oiling my scalp with Camille Rose growth serum once a week. I blow dry and twist my hair with hair grease and the second week I retwist with a Tajib Waliah curl cream, wash and repeat, sometimes I use a light gel. The fullness of my hair has really come through, I have moments I wished I had start doing mini twists regularly earlier in life. Once my twist gets old, I braid it them and loosen each day for a curly look, it seems to revive them and keep the moisture locked in. I steam treat my hair with Queen Helene, alternating with doing a little protein treatment of Aphogee 2 min protein treatment, along with greasing my scalp and hair, my hair stays moisturized for days. I only use sulfate shampoo (VO5 or Paul Mitchell Tea tree mint) to get the grease out and start again. I am a mini twist girlie for life!!! I get stopped asked how I do my hair often and plenty of compliments from men and women, I just smile because for me its the easiest style I do with my hair.
Oh no!

OK, this is gonna sound counter-intuitive but it sounds like maybe a good clarifying or maybe even just a sulfate shampoo is in order to get rid of any residue from your sealants. I would clarify and do a very moisturizing DC. And since it's cooler weather, I'd add some honey and EVOO to it to kick up the moisture a bit. DC with a plastic cap or grocery bag, with heat for sure! Yes, in the braids! Please don't take them down to do that.

Do you wet your hair daily? How often do you cowash? My rule is that my hair gets wet everyday! I've been using the same old school hair board tips that I learned back in '09. I M&S morning and night. I have never gone without a spray bottle filled with water, condish and a squirt of carrier oil. If my hair isn't wet in the shower, I use that to moisturize and then seal it in w an EVOO mix. I do the same at night before bed. Sometimes I just slightly dampen my hair and sometimes, I drench it with the spray bottle, depending on what my hair needs.

And when I'm home, my hair stays under satin/silk. I rock a satin cap and bandana or satin scarf over my hair. It keeps my hands out of it. It protects it from rubbing on stuff and from drying out due to exposure.

Also, back in 2018 or so, I started bun baggying my hair 2-3 nights a week and wow, what a difference! I spray my roots only w my spray bottle. And then just rub in a condish into the length of my braids and seal w my EVOO mix. And then I pull my braids up into a cinnamon bun or bantu knot bun at the top of my head. I cover it with a snack size bag and secure it with a ponytail holder and then cover my whole head with a satin scarf. In the morning, my hair is still moisturized and my braids fall as if they've been curled under.

These past two years, I've been incorporating whole head baggying or GHEing and I've seen some really good results in the moisture levels of my hair as well as (I believe) some extra growth.

These are the tips I could think of at the moment. I hope there's a helpful tidbit in there! :)

Oh, isn't Hawaiian Silky 14-n-1 a glycerin based product? Do you live where it is humid at this time of year? Otherwise, isn't the humectant pulling moisture FROM your hair into the drier atmosphere instead of pulling moisture from the atmosphere INTO your hair?
I do not wet my hair daily. I tried daily co-washing a couple years ago & suffered from moisture overload & hair loss. I just finished a 26 month transition to grow out the damage. But that was washing loose hair & not braids. I think my hair will ok with wetting the braids daily. Maybe I’ll start with every other day and slowly add more days.

I wash with diluted Morrocco Method clay wash 1-2x/wk and co-wash 1-2x/wk. I moisturize & seal my braids 2-3x/week. I usually use my cheaper conditioners that I’m trying to use up diluted with water & oil added to it when I’m in braids. I will use one of my deep conditioners under the steamer.

I’ve only tried the Hawaiian Silky on my braids once and it didn’t do much. I live in VA and we’ve still been getting temps in the 70s & 80s lately. Before using the Hawaiian Silky I wet my hair with liquid so it would have moisture to draw from.

I’m gonna mix up a spray bottle of conditioner, oil, & aloe Vera juice to use as my braid spray. I’m gonna add more oil to my shea buttter mix to give it a looser texture that spread easily on my braids. Or I’ll try using liquid shea since it is a thick consistency.

I have baggyed the ends of my braids before and they did feel very moisturized.

I do keep my braids under my bonnet a lot.

Thanks for the tips.
@MzSwift When you baggy your whole head at night, do you let your hair down in the morning?

I will admit, the daily moisturizing worked well for me (and sometimes twice in winter), but I bought into this "foolishness" that these people out here on socials were pedalling saying that they only moisturize their hair once or twice per week because their hair is so healthy. So while my hair does pretty well now with being moisturized once a week -- the health and moisture retention has improved tremendously -- I think that I need to go back to my old school routine of daily moisturizing. Something tells me my roots and the very ends of my hair would benefit most from this change.

You and I both have cottony texture hair. I think our hair benefits a lot from daily M&Sing. I honestly think it's worth a try to see how you feel about it. There isn't much damage that can happen from adding moisture to your routine. It's easy to give it a small shot of protein if you need it. But I have my thoughts that cottony textures benefit from the extra moisture.

Yes, whenever I baggy, I take if off and leave it out afterwards. So if I baggy overnight, I take it off for the day and let it dry. And if I baggy during the day, I take it off a few hours before bedtime to allow it to dry. Also, I tend not to baggy consecutive days. I tried that earlier this year and didn't like the way my hair felt.

HTH! :)
I have been doing mini twist for several years now. When I first started, they were skinny because my hair is fine textured. Now that I no longer dye my hair and transitioning to grey, I love them even more because the frizz for my grey adds a fullness look to my twists. At first I would try to keep them neat by trying my hair up in a scarf and only moisturizing my ends every few days. These days, I twist and leave it for two weeks, oiling my scalp with Camille Rose growth serum once a week. I blow dry and twist my hair with hair grease and the second week I retwist with a Tajib Waliah curl cream, wash and repeat, sometimes I use a light gel. The fullness of my hair has really come through, I have moments I wished I had start doing mini twists regularly earlier in life. Once my twist gets old, I braid it them and loosen each day for a curly look, it seems to revive them and keep the moisture locked in. I steam treat my hair with Queen Helene, alternating with doing a little protein treatment of Aphogee 2 min protein treatment, along with greasing my scalp and hair, my hair stays moisturized for days. I only use sulfate shampoo (VO5 or Paul Mitchell Tea tree mint) to get the grease out and start again. I am a mini twist girlie for life!!! I get stopped asked how I do my hair often and plenty of compliments from men and women, I just smile because for me its the easiest style I do with my hair.

Yay, a lady after my own heart!
I despise when my hair is freshly done and it's so neat. I prefer it better when my little fine hairs are flying away and the ends are curly and the parts are harder to discern. :supergrin:

Your hair sounds so lovely, BTW!
I do not wet my hair daily. I tried daily co-washing a couple years ago & suffered from moisture overload & hair loss. I just finished a 26 month transition to grow out the damage. But that was washing loose hair & not braids. I think my hair will ok with wetting the braids daily. Maybe I’ll start with every other day and slowly add more days.

I wash with diluted Morrocco Method clay wash 1-2x/wk and co-wash 1-2x/wk. I moisturize & seal my braids 2-3x/week. I usually use my cheaper conditioners that I’m trying to use up diluted with water & oil added to it when I’m in braids. I will use one of my deep conditioners under the steamer.

I’ve only tried the Hawaiian Silky on my braids once and it didn’t do much. I live in VA and we’ve still been getting temps in the 70s & 80s lately. Before using the Hawaiian Silky I wet my hair with liquid so it would have moisture to draw from.

I’m gonna mix up a spray bottle of conditioner, oil, & aloe Vera juice to use as my braid spray. I’m gonna add more oil to my shea buttter mix to give it a looser texture that spread easily on my braids. Or I’ll try using liquid shea since it is a thick consistency.

I have baggyed the ends of my braids before and they did feel very moisturized.

I do keep my braids under my bonnet a lot.

Thanks for the tips.

One of the things I like to do is just water rinse my braids/twist in the shower. I scrub my scalp with my finger tips as if I'm washing but just use clear water. I probably do that at least half of the days where I wet my hair in the shower. And then slather on my condish and ponytail my hair in the shower. I think it helps to keep my hair from drying out.

If you do increase your cowashing, you could alternate using moisturizing and protein condishes to help combat moisture overload. I also really like using cheapie condishes. I find that they're very easy to beef up with Ayurveda powders and oils. Do you remember V05 moisture milks? That was a really accessible and cheap protein condish with no cones.

With the humectant, I thought you would want to put the water OVER the 14-n-1 so that it can pull the moisture into your hair. Doesn't the humectant pull from the side with the moisture to the drier side? Maybe that's why it didn't work too well? If you put the water on first then the humectant was pulling the water from your hair into the drier environment. But if you put another moisturizer over the 14-n-1, perhaps it would work better?

Either way, I hope you find something to help soon bc having dry hair is frustrating! ((BIG HUG))
One of the things I like to do is just water rinse my braids/twist in the shower. I scrub my scalp with my finger tips as if I'm washing but just use clear water. I probably do that at least half of the days where I wet my hair in the shower. And then slather on my condish and ponytail my hair in the shower. I think it helps to keep my hair from drying out.

If you do increase your cowashing, you could alternate using moisturizing and protein condishes to help combat moisture overload. I also really like using cheapie condishes. I find that they're very easy to beef up with Ayurveda powders and oils. Do you remember V05 moisture milks? That was a really accessible and cheap protein condish with no cones.

With the humectant, I thought you would want to put the water OVER the 14-n-1 so that it can pull the moisture into your hair. Doesn't the humectant pull from the side with the moisture to the drier side? Maybe that's why it didn't work too well? If you put the water on first then the humectant was pulling the water from your hair into the drier environment. But if you put another moisturizer over the 14-n-1, perhaps it would work better?

Either way, I hope you find something to help soon bc having dry hair is frustrating! ((BIG HUG))
So I washed with a diluted sulfate shampoo, did an oil rinse, then conditioned in the shower. I didn’t have time to get under the steamer. I used my DIY braid spray and sealed with my shea butter mix. I baggyed my whole head last night. My braids are feeling good today.
So I washed with a diluted sulfate shampoo, did an oil rinse, then conditioned in the shower. I didn’t have time to get under the steamer. I used my DIY braid spray and sealed with my shea butter mix. I baggyed my whole head last night. My braids are feeling good today.

Yay! Whohoo!

I first tried mini-twists years ago but it was a big fail, and I never dared to do it again until I researched, watched tons of YT videos, and realized that I failed because of a poor installation and a rushed takedown.

In October 2022, I did my research and gave it a try again and loved it. I started this year with braids but in February, I switched to mini twists. I kept my February twists in for 6 weeks, and with both the April & June twists, I kept them for 3 months. I co-washed February twists once, and was comfortable to shampoo April & June once, and co-washed once. I meant to do another install in September, but the takedown zapped all my energy, lol.

In 2024, my goal is to have my hair in mini-twists all year long which is a lofty goal because I love to get my hair braided and wear wigs as well, lol. But seeing my retention from last October to June is a boost and could be a motivating factor since my ultimate goal length is waist length.


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I first tried mini-twists years ago but it was a big fail, and I never dared to do it again until I researched, watched tons of YT videos, and realized that I failed because of a poor installation and a rushed takedown.

In October 2022, I did my research and gave it a try again and loved it. I started this year with braids but in February, I switched to mini twists. I kept my February twists in for 6 weeks, and with both the April & June twists, I kept them for 3 months. I co-washed February twists once, and was comfortable to shampoo April & June once, and co-washed once. I meant to do another install in September, but the takedown zapped all my energy, lol.

In 2024, my goal is to have my hair in mini-twists all year long which is a lofty goal because I love to get my hair braided and wear wigs as well, lol. But seeing my retention from last October to June is a boost and could be a motivating factor since my ultimate goal length is waist length.

OMG :drool::drool::droolingsleep:

Great job!!

And that's my hair goal next year as well, minitwists for 2024! I have to give myself a pass in Jan/Feb for a texlax and then again in October for my hair anniversary and texlax.

GL to you!! You can do it!
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I think I'm gonna do a combo of wigs and twists. The twists under the wig really help out when I'm exercising since I don't wear wigs then.

Yes! I used cornrows primarily this year for a hardcore grow out but I ran into issues during times when I needed to leave my hair exposed. Now that I've got a little length back, mini twists are my go-to for 2024! I hope you see a lot of retention too! :)
My next set of minis will be in late December / early Jan. I want to press my hair for a length check in December so it doesn't make sense to do an install right now. I am definitely itching for another set though. *sigh*. In the mean time I'm wearing medium/chunky twists.
I did my mini twists on damp hair with Aunt Jackie Don’t Shrink gel and I loved it. Due to fine texture of my hair it ended up looking like sister locks. I am happy to know I can reduce the blowing of my hair to once a month as I go between doing mini twists on damp hair and blow dried hair. The frizz created over time is the same and I love my frizz.
I need to come in to read all the posts now that I have my twists in and plan to keep it this way for months or until I get my wig and then can switch to cornrow. Point is I need to keep the hair protected for a while as I grow out the thinning ends and get an appt with the stylist I'm eyeing in NJ.
I usually style my twists in buns (low buns, mid buns, high buns, side buns, you name it, :drunk:). I tried the flexirods once and loved it so I will do more of that, :).


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A question for y'all:

Do you switch up your parts? If yes- how often? If no- are you not concerned about breakage at the parting area
I switch up my parts between middle, off-center, and sides.
As far as changing the size of the grid, not really. I haven’t noticed any breakage from parting my grid in the same spot.

Same as @keranikki ! I don't switch up my grid within the same set of minis.
To be honest, mine are so small that the parts don't cause any points of weakness for me. However, my parts do differ for each set that I install. I think alternating w cornrows also helps to refresh things so that I'm not using the same parts for too long.
Thanks for the replies ladies @keranikki @MzSwift @ItsMeLilLucky!

@keranikki @MzSwift whats the difference between an off centre and a side part? I always thought there were only two Parting options... centre and side :look:

I rarely do a center part on purpose. lol
To me, off-center is still in the middle of the head but slightly to the left or right of center about an inch or less. It's not as exaggerated as a side part, which to me is anywhere between mid-eyebrow to the end of my eyebrow.
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