The Lord, A Friend, and I...


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies,
I think I may have the answer to what I am going to do about this already, but I would like some thoughts on this situation. I have a friend that is not saved, and possily having dounts about Christianity as a whole. Now she insists that she wants to find out on her own without my input (because yes, I WILL be biased) but in the meantime she doesn't like when I talk about it a lot I guess, things like abstinance (that's the only thing she's mentioned having a problem with so far, as she feels I talk about it a lot). Maybe she feels I am directing it at her, which I'm not really, but I'm not sure how to put this, God's matters are important ones. Now I am not about to change who I am for anyone, especially the person God made me to be, and I know we are not supposed to be unequally yoked with the non-believer, but I try not to follow the things she does and the interactions we do have are limited in certain ways (for example, I will not discuss spiritual matters with her, because she doesn't understand).I just want her to see the light of God without me having to mention much anymore which is the way it always should be... Jesus ate with tax collectors no?

I guess my question is to you, how do you be yourself and still hold the light for Christ, without shoving it down somebody's throat?
Personally, I believe that once the seed of planted, The Holy Spirit is good for the rest. I would just continue to use my everyday living/actions to be a testament to the only true Salvation found in Jesus Christ alone. The Bible says that the day of salvation is today, so pray that her heart is changed and softened before it is too late. However maybe in her "journey" she will see the truth in your testimony by the way you live compared to the void that seems to left in people who follow other doctrines off "spirituality" or thought.

And of course you can still be friends! Just uphold your values and don't conform to her ways.
Personally, I believe that once the seed of planted, The Holy Spirit is good for the rest. I would just continue to use my everyday living/actions to be a testament to the only true Salvation found in Jesus Christ alone. The Bible says that the day of salvation is today, so pray that her heart is changed and softened before it is too late. However maybe in her "journey" she will see the truth in your testimony by the way you live compared to the void that seems to left in people who follow other doctrines off "spirituality" or thought.

And of course you can still be friends! Just uphold your values and don't conform to her ways.

I completely agree with Donna. As long as your friend doesn't try to lead you astray, I think you can maintain your friendship.

A lot of times, we worry about things we shouldn't. God has placed you in this person's life for a reason. I'm not sure why. But remember, God is almighty and He uses us to act out His will. Trust God first and foremost, and know that prayer does change things. If you really want your friend to come to God, pray that God show you how to act and carry yourself. Pray that God work over time in your friends life. I know we live in the "tomorrow isn't promised" mindset. But know that He who created us knows the beginning and end, and ONLY HIM. So, don't worry about it. It may take time for your friend to see the light, but God already knows this, and He's prepared. Now, all you have to do is TRUST HIM and act out His will! I hope this helps!