The Look on the Indian lady's face


Well-Known Member
Was priceless. A friend and I had lunch at an Indian restaurant and there was a flyer for a networking event for singles . I picked the flyer up and showed it to him. Her face was

all rolled into one expression. It was hilarious.
Was priceless. A friend and I had lunch at an Indian restaurant and there was a flyer for a networking event for singles . I picked the flyer up and showed it to him. Her face was

all rolled into one expression. It was hilarious.

so.. the event was for indian ppl and when she saw a blk chick pick up the flyer she felt a certain way about it? grasping for straws here, im not getting it. can you elaborate?
Was priceless. A friend and I had lunch at an Indian restaurant and there was a flyer for a networking event for singles . I picked the flyer up and showed it to him. Her face was

all rolled into one expression. It was hilarious.

I think what the poster is saying that the Indian Lady is probably thinking, *looking at OP* "What is SHE doing picking this up?":lachen:
It was an event Indian singles, she was Indian and I am African American. It seemed that she felt a certain kind of way.
^^^ Um ok, maybe she had too much curry. Unless there is something more, IMHO you are really, REALLY stretching it or it is one of those things that ya have to be there.
It was an event Indian singles, she was Indian and I am African American. It seemed that she felt a certain kind of way.
So basically it was advertised to Indians, she saw you, a black woman looking at it, and kinda gave screw face like 'I know this woman isn't going to go try and take one of our men?"
Wait, the indian lady didn't think you should be dating at all because you're black? :huh: Is that it? Or was the event meant for desi people? :look: I'm confused.
I had an Indian/Middle-eastern lady act like she was about to attack me when I with my husband at a store. We were in line waiting to get checked out with our newborn in tow. I look up and I see this angry glare beaming my way. At first it startled me because she was pacing back and forth like she wanted to pounce on me. It took me a minute to register what was going on. I figured she was upset because black and fat (unattractive in her eyes) and that I should not have anyone especially a fair skinned man.

When I realized what the problem was I got angry and then it all became hilarious. People really think they can dictate your life and tell you what to do with yourself and with whom. After she saw me laughing she chilled out, hubby was like what is happening here.
^^^ How do you know she just wasn't having a bad day? All because she was glaring at you, she may have just been looking through you. I have caught people giving me the stink face and I will either smile or just look away, it isn't always personal.

For example every morning for about 2 months this woman would just stare at me on the bus. I thought maybe she was just a little "touched" since I didn't know her from Adam. One day seating was limited when she got on and she sat next to me. She told me that she had been admiring my hair for many months and just wanted to tell me how beautiful it was. We started tallking and I found out she went to church with my sister. I went to school with her nephew, etc. So when people stare or thing they are looking at your funny it isn't always negative.

Contray to belief everyone is on out to be angry at the black woman.
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I agree that it is not always negative, but this wasn't one of those situations when a person could be mistaken. This lady was actually pacing back and forth behind me with her mother and both had this sneer on their faces. She started speaking in her language, there was indignation in her tone and her face as she looked at her mother then looked at me repeatedly. They wanted me to know they had a problem with me. I wouldn't have noticed them if it weren't for the pacing, I wasn't paranoid or looking for someone to have a problem with me.

Also, I don't usually become flustered, annoyed or upset when someone is glaring at me. The only reason I paid attention to that Indian lady is because it seemed as though her hostility may have turned into violence.

If she was having a bad day, well, I don't see what that has to do with me.
Well I don't think I was reading too much into the situation because the flyer said " Join us for a chance to meet dynamic Telugu singles."

I guess she figured that I didn't speak Telugu. I don't. Matter of fact I had to google what the heck Telugu meant.