The Jheri Juice Challengeeeeee!!! Lets get our retention on point!!

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Sign me up! :grin:
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I need to get in on this one, so pls add me. Had to go buy the biggest bottle of wave nouveau I could find. Just got a D-blow out so this is a good time for me to take pics for my start point. Just have to learn how to post pics, I'll have it all worked out in 3 months LOL. HHG all

What wave noveau are you using? is the daily humectant the same as the juice??????
Yes, if you are co-washing that may be the reason. It helps to let the product build up. When people had a jheri curl and washed their hair, it took a lot of time to get re-moisturized. For me, at least 5 days of saturating my hair. During the challenge I will co-wash and shampoo only as I feel my scalp needs it. HTH

This is a really good point. Thank you.
How do you ladies use your Care Free Curl? Do you put it in a spray bottle, or massage it in using your hands?

I realized that my homemade moisture spray (aloe vera juice, glycerine, rosewater & protein) was modifed jheri curl juice. :lachen:

So far I've purchased Care Free Curl & S-Curl but the S-Curl is working much better for me. The CFC dried my hair out, so I'm wondering if maybe I'm using it wrong...:ohwell:

As for the oils...nobody betta TOUCH my dang oil. y'all. I'm serious! :boxing::grin:

ETA: I've found that my glycerine based moisturizers only work with I apply them to dry hair. If I put it on soaking wet hair or freshly washed hair my hair will come out dry. But if I dampen my hair with it (like day 2 hair) it dries soft, shiny, and moisturized....Anyone else experienced this?
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Hey ya'll I'm new to Long Hair Care Forum, but I think this challenge is just what I need. I recently did my big chop (in Dec.) and I'm having a hard time finding a good and simple regimen. Right now I'm wearing braids, but the braids are to heavy for my hair, and the braids are breaking my edges off. Anyway I think this would be great for me to try. Also my sister just moved here to Omaha, NE with me and her hair is breaking off alot so I looking for something to grow and keep our hair. Well I'm in!!
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I want in; please include me. I plan to use Hawaiian Silky and once that's gone I'll try Carefree Gold Activator. Let's RETAIN, RETAIN, RETAIN!!!

One question though, do you saturate the hair until it's completely wet, and if so, will all the moisture cause the hair to break?:rolleyes:
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Doesn't CFC have protein in it? That may be why some are experiencing dryness with it (you could possibly be protein sensitive). I am trying to research and verify it its true or not. Be back later
SO how are you ladies styling your actual hair throughout the day? I know yall aren't walking around dripping all day :lol:

Well the s-curl is a "no drip" formula..:lachen:

I don't saturate my hair with it, just re-dampen it enough to get my sleeping flatness out. Then I shake, fluff, and go.

It give my hair a sliiiiightly coated feeling, but other than that it's so soft and luscious I don't even care. Peeps shouldn't be sticking their hands in my hair uninvited ANYWAY. :grin:
:woohoo:Adora for starting the juice challenge!
:help3: I put the CFC in my hair yesterday after my cowash and this morning my hair was very dry, brittle and there were some broken of hairs too.:cry: I don't think my hair likes something in it as my hair is never like this...I don't know what I did wrong:cry: I diluted it with water and everything...please advise cause I've really been looking forward to doing this challenge.:cry:

hummm:scratchch.......... you know what jozze, care free curl might not be for you, if i dilute mine with water, my hair comes out dry too. there are so many other juices to use, such as the righton, or hawiian silky 14 in 1. i know theres more, i just cant think of all of them...... im going to find some more jheri juice and post them, (if i can):yep:
Thanks AdoraAdora for taking this on. I never knew that my simple question as OP would lead to this.:yawn:

It was simply a question I had for many years but never fully put it to the test long term.

I'm definitely IN this challenge will force me to stick with it for 3 months.

and i want to thank youu and the other ladies for the shout out!!! and nominating me to start this challenge :yep:
Well the s-curl is a "no drip" formula..:lachen:

I don't saturate my hair with it, just re-dampen it enough to get my sleeping flatness out. Then I shake, fluff, and go.

It give my hair a sliiiiightly coated feeling, but other than that it's so soft and luscious I don't even care. Peeps shouldn't be sticking their hands in my hair uninvited ANYWAY. :grin:

:lachen: :lachen::lachen:

That sounds good because I was thinking about using it to spray the braids underneath my weave every night. I just didn't want to have it leaking on the hair and looking a HAM. Hmm...:scratchch I don't know if I'm going to join this challenge but I definitely will lurk...thanks!
:lachen: :lachen::lachen:

That sounds good because I was thinking about using it to spray the braids underneath my weave every night. I just didn't want to have it leaking on the hair and looking a HAM. Hmm...:scratchch I don't know if I'm going to join this challenge but I definitely will lurk...thanks!

this is not the 80's. you wont come out looking like this--
my hair is not greasy or wet, it actually has no shine. its just moisturized
dang you ain't playin ... i see you already signed me up. :lachen::lachen::lachen: i haven't even posted yet, i've just been thanking people. :lachen::lachen::lachen: seems like i've been doing this forever. my homemade moisture mix is basically a modified juice. i used to use straight wave nouveau finishing mist & lotion, but got into making my own spray.

the basic recipe is:

get a 16 oz spray bottle, fill 1/4 (of the bottle) with wave nouveau finishing lotion, 1/8 veg. glycerin, 1/8 aloe vera juice or gel, 1/2 or rest of bottle with distilled water. shake & go. you can play with the amounts of ingredients if this mix doesn't work for you. drop in some essential oils, castor or jojoba, flax seed gel or fragrance.

store bought moisture spray recommendations:

african pride braid sheen spray, care free gold, wave nouveau finishing lotion or mist
I want in; please include me. I plan to use Hawaiian Silky and once that's gone I'll try Carefree Gold Activator. Let's RETAIN, RETAIN, RETAIN!!!

One question though, do you saturate the hair until it's completely wet, and if so, will all the moisture cause the hair to break?:rolleyes:

no, not wet, but moisturized.

dang you ain't playin ... i see you already signed me up. :lachen::lachen::lachen: i haven't even posted yet, i've just been thanking people. :lachen::lachen::lachen: seems like i've been doing this forever. my homemade moisture mix is basically a modified juice. i used to use straight wave nouveau finishing mist & lotion, but got into making my own spray.

the basic recipe is:

get a 16 oz spray bottle, fill 1/4 (of the bottle) with wave nouveau finishing lotion, 1/8 veg. glycerin, 1/8 aloe vera juice or gel, 1/2 or rest of bottle with distilled water. shake & go. you can play with the amounts of ingredients if this mix doesn't work for you. drop in some essential oils, castor or jojoba, flax seed gel or fragrance.

store bought moisture spray recommendations:

african pride braid sheen spray, care free gold, wave nouveau finishing lotion or mist

you know i gotchuu @ bolded :grin::grin::yep:.

yup, you have already been juicing girl :yep:. anything with a whole bunch of glycerin in it is a juice in my book :yep:
hummm:scratchch.......... you know what jozze, care free curl might not be for you, if i dilute mine with water, my hair comes out dry too. there are so many other juices to use, such as the righton, or hawiian silky 14 in 1. i know theres more, i just cant think of all of them...... im going to find some more jheri juice and post them, (if i can):yep:
Awww thank you so much sweetie! I'm sorry that I'm such a big :crybaby: about my hair. I'm just so ignorant about the juice. I just rang my Mom and asked if she every used any kind of jheri juice in my hair. She said my Nana once used Stay-Soft-Fro in my hair when I was about ten. She sprayed it in before we went to church and by the time we got home my hair had turned into a sticky fuzzy matted ball!
And I quote:
"It took a half a jar of Queen Helene {Cholesterol}, an hour under a heated cap and two hours of combing to detangle that mess! And to make it go from bad to worst, you were screaming the whole time!:lachen:

So, I don't know what's going on with my hair and juice. I'm gutted because I really want to find a way to incorporated into my regimen but if I can't I'll just have to accept that this is just the way my hair response to juice for some weird reason.:ohwell:
Awww thank you so much sweetie! I'm sorry that I'm such a big :crybaby: about my hair. I'm just so ignorant about the juice. I just rang my Mom and asked if she every used any kind of jheri juice in my hair. She said my Nana once used Stay-Soft-Fro in my hair when I was about ten. She sprayed it in before we went to church and by the time we got home my hair had turned into a sticky fuzzy matted ball!
And I quote:
"It took a half a jar of Queen Helene {Cholesterol}, an hour under a heated cap and two hours of combing to detangle that mess! And to make it go from bad to worst, you were screaming the whole time!:lachen:

So, I don't know what's going on with my hair and juice. I'm gutted because I really want to find a way to incorporated into my regimen but if I can't I'll just have to accept that this is just the way my hair response to juice for some weird reason.:ohwell:

:grin::grin:lol thinking about a little girl screaming from the juice :lachen:.

what are the juices that you have tried?
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