The Instyler: what do you think about it?


Well-Known Member
OK this may work, I haven't tried it yet, or it could just be another so-so hairtool. I saw the infomercial late one night and Kim Locke from AI was on there, 1st all her lucious long brown curly hair is gone, it's this red short frizzy mess now, they ajcked her up. Back on topic it looks good in the ads and it promises bouncy straight hair in with little time and effort but I'm worried about the rotating iron part. What do you ladies think, is it worth a try or will this break hair off? TIA
I just saw the show about this for the first time today. This iron seems to mimic the chase the flat iron with the comb or brush technique that we have discussed here, which helps to separate the strands as they are exposed to the heat giving a straighter result with one pass.

I'm intrested in what the barrell is made out of, I want a ceramic heating element. I am also a little concerned with the rotating nature of this iron since I'm a natural, it seems that it may catch some kinks which could cause breakage. The best way to deal with this is to do small sections of hair that have been completely detangled before using the iron...

Just my inital take on the iron.