The Holiness Church: Too sanctified for TV


New Member
Was anyone here raised in/ or still attends a Holiness/Sanctified church?

Has anyone ever expressed their negtive opinions about it?

Did you see a change in understanding about the H/S church as you got older? (As a child I didn't know what the heck was going on, but as I got older, at one time I was more drawn to it than a regular Baptist chuch.)

Do you think that the "holy ghost beat" that is played has a role in putting people in a trance like state?
No I do not feel that the Holy Ghost Beat as you call it puts people in a trance like state. There was no music playing when God revealed His truth to me. I was on my knees pouring out and crying out my heart from the depth of my soul. God heard my cry and came to answer me. I know tht sometimes people get to jumping because of the music and this may play a big part in it for some, but for me, it wasnt the music. There is one song that puts me in a praise and worship frame of mind every time I hear it and its called "BECAUSE OF WHO YOU ARE" by Judy Jacobs & Juanita Bynum. As for understanding what its all about now that I'm older, yes I do see a change in the way I'm affected now as opposed to when I was younger. But even then, I felt a strange urge that I wanted some of what it seemed these people had.
ladydee36330 said:
No I do not feel that the Holy Ghost Beat as you call it puts people in a trance like state. There was no music playing when God revealed His truth to me. I was on my knees pouring out and crying out my heart from the depth of my soul. God heard my cry and came to answer me. I know tht sometimes people get to jumping because of the music and this may play a big part in it for some, but for me, it wasnt the music.

Amen! :yep:
ladydee36330 said:
No I do not feel that the Holy Ghost Beat as you call it puts people in a trance like state. There was no music playing when God revealed His truth to me. I was on my knees pouring out and crying out my heart from the depth of my soul. God heard my cry and came to answer me. I know tht sometimes people get to jumping because of the music and this may play a big part in it for some, but for me, it wasnt the music. There is one song that puts me in a praise and worship frame of mind every time I hear it and its called "BECAUSE OF WHO YOU ARE" by Judy Jacobs & Juanita Bynum. As for understanding what its all about now that I'm older, yes I do see a change in the way I'm affected now as opposed to when I was younger. But even then, I felt a strange urge that I wanted some of what it seemed these people had.

You better say it, girl! I was on my bed crying, in the deepest depression of my life, to the point of suicide, when the LORD heard my cry and answered me. But let me say THANK GOD for a praying mother! That woman never stopped lifting me up. The music is just praise and worship. Some people get carried away, but don't miss the point of it all, which is to worship the Father and usher us into His presence. :)
CatSuga said:
Was anyone here raised in/ or still attends a Holiness/Sanctified church?

Has anyone ever expressed their negtive opinions about it?

Did you see a change in understanding about the H/S church as you got older? (As a child I didn't know what the heck was going on, but as I got older, at one time I was more drawn to it than a regular Baptist chuch.)

Do you think that the "holy ghost beat" that is played has a role in putting people in a trance like state?

Is there any other church besides a holy church?? God's people are to be holy people. There is nothing holy on TV let me tell you that and even king David, a man after God's own heart, said he would place no unclean thing before his eyes.

Is there any other church besides a holy church?? God's people are to be holy people. There is nothing holy on TV let me tell you that and even king David, a man after God's own heart, said he would place no unclean thing before his eyes.

Except for Bathsheba. :hide:

David was like all of us, wishy-washy at times. But does this mean that television is evil? Some people rob banks then drive cars but those aren't evil in themselves. Is everything truly evil on t.v.? What about televangelism?
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