The hairstylist on "What not to Wear" gets on my nerves

All he does is tell the girls how bad their hair currently looks and how they ABSOLUTELY NEED to get it cut b/c it looks sooooo bad currently, then he proceeds to cut and color their hair, and then 90% of the time, they walk out with the same hairstyle, it is just 4 inches shorter :rolleyes:. If you say you don't want your hair cut, he will insult you and tell you how bad it look, and how your ends are damaged, etc. I have never seen this man do up-dos, or set anyone's hair on rollers. Those are different styles too! Nope. If you have curly hair, he tells you how it needs to be cut and just drys it w/a diffuser and you go out the door w/shorter curly hair. If you had a long bob w/bangs, he cuts it, and you leave w/ a short bob w/bangs. And IMO the resulting styles are just bland and boring. It is not often I see a cut where I'm like "wow! What a makeover!"

I guess he irriates me b/c he is like that typical hairstylist who just wants to cut and when you resist, proceeds to insulting your hair to get his way :ohwell:
OMG! I thought I was the only one who hated Nick. He is the absolute worse. Your description was completely accurate. All he does is cut the person's hair into the same exact style.

The show is too good to have such an awful hair stylist.
Blasphemy :lol: I *heart* Nick. I am a die hard fan of What Not to Wear, and I have yet to see any women come on that show with hair that looked healthy and appropriate. For example, the show yesterday with the lady with the orange hair. It was entirely too long for her face and those bangs were just hideous. He toned down the orange because she insisted on keeping it, and softened the bangs, and cut her hair to a length that complimented her face. He also makes styles that are more realistic in every day life. I mean, and updo would be pretty, but if you wear your hair down everyday... I saw two episodes with black women. One lady had long hair, but her ends were chewed up! She insisted that he not cut it, and he showed her the uneven and damaged ends. I mean, I'd rather have shorter healthy hair, than long damaged uneven hair, but that's just me. The other lady's hair was - words can't describe it. When we was finished, the cut he gave her made her face pop, and it was something that she could actually wear day to day. I like him as a stylist mainly because he looks at what'll make you more beautiful, while keeping in mind what you like.
I guess I'm in the minority because I like his work. I'm want my hair to be blunt until I get where I'm going, but I intend to get it cut into a nice long layered style that frames my face. :yep: Now I know I can go from SL to a couple inches below APL in 10 months I've lost all fear of scissors.
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It seems thats the premise of ALL makeover shows. I think 90% of the hairstylists want to start chopping off peoples hair. The only time I don't see a big cut is if the person getting the makeover threatens the hairstylists life if they cut their hair (with a smile of course)
vsantina said:
Blasphemy :lol: I *heart* Nick. I am a die hard fan of What Not to Wear, and I have yet to see any women come on that show with hair that looked healthy and appropriate. For example, the show yesterday with the lady with the orange hair. It was entirely too long for her face and those bangs were just hideous. He toned down the orange because she insisted on keeping it, and softened the bangs, and cut her hair to a length that complimented her face. He also makes styles that are more realistic in every day life. I mean, and updo would be pretty, but if you wear your hair down everyday... I saw two episodes with black women. One lady had long hair, but her ends were chewed up! She insisted that he not cut it, and he showed her the uneven and damaged ends. I mean, I'd rather have shorter healthy hair, than long damaged uneven hair, but that's just me. The other lady's hair was - words can't describe it. When we was finished, the cut he gave her made her face pop, and it was something that she could actually wear day to day. I like him as a stylist mainly because he looks at what'll make you more beautiful, while keeping in mind what you like.

Oh thank goodness! I thought I was going to have to represent by myself. :)

ETA: I saw the episode w/ the orange hair lady. My opinion most of the time is their hair needs to be updated AS much as their wardrobe. I also saw one where he styled a black chick's weave. It looked ok before, but hot afterwards. Once he saw her real hair he didn't even fight her about keeping the weave. Her real hair was tow up. It was really sad.

BTW, someone just complimented my Stacy and Clinton rules-inspired outfit (moments ago).
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Nick is nice but I hate him as a stylist. All he wants to do is cut, cut. Even my husband hates that.
If he didn't charge $400 for a hair cut, I'd be all over that. It's nice to see a stylist look at you and KNOW what works. I hate going into a salon and them asking me what I want to have done, and me explaining to them step by step on how to cut and style my hair. That man is a genius!

On a side note: Carmindy does AMAZING make up as well, very natural and sensible. I also adore Stacy and Clinton and live by every word they say. Stacy was on Oprah earlier this week too ;)
I know a girl (white) who went to him. He has his own salon off the show.

That little sucker charges $400 for a haircut. And it doesn't include a style.

I wanted to ask if he used golden scissors or something. Who the hell charges $400 for a damn haircut?

She wanted to know what to tip him. :lol:
I love love love Nick. He goes on the road with members of his team, and they are amaaaazing. I saw a show he did, and it was wonderful. His wife was there and, she does great work too. Her hair is so fab. It seems like the majority of the people he employs have curly hair. They did the most awesome cuts and colors I have every seen. There were 2 Black women who were his models, and they styled the crap out of their hair. The show was for a room full of professional stylist and you should have seen all the hands fly up to ask questions about what they did to the Black girls' hair to make it look so good. The cool thing about his crew is that they usually use only one styling product per person (including the black girl). I think they are all so creative. I think they tone it down for the show.
The majority of the women on that show do have damaged-looking hair and/or dye jobs with colors that don't suit them. That's my opinion. I've seen him keep quite a bit of length of some of the show participants. Sometimes shorter hair suits the face better, especially in older women. We as LHCF members need to admit some inherent bias.

@ danimani.. the guy that sells that $200 serum charges $950 to touch your head.. otherwise the cuts are around $100 and are performed by his other stylists. You get what you pay for, I suppose though I haven't seen his work.
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He bothers me too, always cutting peoples hair. Stop being lazy!!!

It does seem that he gives everyone the standard corporate bob:( no I mean:mad:
I'm definitely a huge What Not to Wear fan, and while I like Nick (he's fun :cool: ), I do feel like all he wants to do is chop everybody's hair off. I agree, some of the ppl on the show have raggedy hair and they need work to repait bad dye jobs and shaggy hair. But sometimes, he gets on my nerves...I'm definitely one for healthy hair, and I think full, thick hair is healthy. I've seen him tell too many women that he needed to 'thin' their hair out with that freakin razor. I'm not sure thin, short hair looks nice at all.

Also, does anyone remember when they had the women who won the $50,000 shopping spree in Paris? She was African American and natural, and I absolutely hated what he did with her hair, which was basically chopping it off.
I don't know -- I like Nick! I love how he actually looks at the person's bone structure, inquires about their lifestyle and picks a style that suits them. I would love to have a consulation on hair and makeup to find out what would take me to the next level. His coloring jobs are always great as well.

The one thing I don't like about Nick is the fact that he uses a razor. Isn't that supposed to produce more damage?
You should only really use a razor on very thick hair to reduce volume and add movement.

I don't know if anyone is watching WNTW tonight but I think Nick did a GREAT job on this woman's hair.
Woah, I'm surprised this thread is 2 pages. I thought it'd be on page 10 by now! :grin:
That's cool for the ladies who like Nick. I just don't. I was just watching an episode right now and there was a Latina girl with medium length curly hair and he cut about 3 inches off, and sent her out with the same hairstyle she came in with. I mean, he sends them off w/a neater style, but it is the same style. Where is the makeover? The most dramatic things I've seen him do (and keep in mind I haven't seen every epiode) was when he cut the girl w/the dreads hair off. And he did a poor job on that. He just cut her dreads and washed her hair and she had mostly short hair on top, two longer pieces on each side in the front which made no sense. He could've given her a cute pixie cut, but no, he just cut her dreads off.

And the "coloring"? And I put it in quotes, b/c I never see a difference. But if their hair is so damaged, like some posters said, then why put more damaging color to it? How does that help?

But while Nick is doing all of his coloring, he needs to hook Stacy up. I'm tired of seeing her skunk stripes, though I saw an episode today and her hair was shorter and black all over so maybe she finally colored it (though I dont know the sequence of the shows)
I think Nick is an excellent stylist because he works with what the ladies come in with. He's obviously not someone who advocates weave because I've never seen him add hair.

Sure, WNTW is about the makeover but I think the best look of all is enhancing what the client comes in with. The woman tonight clearly said that she liked her color and her length. Her ends DID look damaged so he took a couple inches off, spruced up her color and made her curls more defined. I think it looked great.

Also, the young lady with the dreads had CURLY hair.. a pixie cut would not work. I think considering the amount of hair he had to work with, he made the best of it.
anatomicallycorrect said:
Woah, I'm surprised this thread is 2 pages. I thought it'd be on page 10 by now! :grin:
That's cool for the ladies who like Nick. I just don't. I was just watching an episode right now and there was a Latina girl with medium length curly hair and he cut about 3 inches off, and sent her out with the same hairstyle she came in with. I mean, he sends them off w/a neater style, but it is the same style. Where is the makeover? The most dramatic things I've seen him do (and keep in mind I haven't seen every epiode) was when he cut the girl w/the dreads hair off. And he did a poor job on that. He just cut her dreads and washed her hair and she had mostly short hair on top, two longer pieces on each side in the front which made no sense. He could've given her a cute pixie cut, but no, he just cut her dreads off.

And the "coloring"? And I put it in quotes, b/c I never see a difference. But if their hair is so damaged, like some posters said, then why put more damaging color to it? How does that help?

But while Nick is doing all of his coloring, he needs to hook Stacy up. I'm tired of seeing her skunk stripes, though I saw an episode today and her hair was shorter and black all over so maybe she finally colored it (though I dont know the sequence of the shows)

I think the thing is, most ppl go in not wanting to make any changes and already REALLY like themselves the way they are (messed up hair and funny clothes and all) So I think, just like the stylists, he tries to give them something that still looks like what they had BEFORE, but BETTER, basically polishing things instead of taking it to a whole new thing. Most people on the show are quite conservative, it seems (even though some wear crazy stuff) I don't know what they'd do with a crazy asymmetrical cut with high and lowlights and all. I think he tries to keep it simple but "polished" (which he says in his posh accent... he always says that's the goal) nothing extreme.

I think if i were to go to him, he'd give me a cut (that i'm not too happy about. If Stacy and Carmindy keep their long hair, why can't some of the people on the show?:confused: ) and he'd use one product, blowdry it, give me some bangs, and have it look extra smooth and flowy and I'd be one happy girl.

I think the Latina girl on the show today, he did a great job on her hair. She said she liked what she had before, but he removed the frizzled ends and made it look like she was before, but the curls are more defined and the different colors made it look thicker. I liked it.
On WNTW tonight, when he was doing the Latina girl's hair, he said that she should comb out tiny sections of the hair and quickly twirl them to promote the curl. Is this the shingling method that he was demonstrating? If so, it produces beautiful results.
I think Nick's work is ok. Most of the women that come on there do have messed up un-cared for hair that does need to be cut so I can kinda see why he is always cutting. His styles are quite plain but I think they look nice and practical for the majority of working mothers or ladies with busy career's that are frequently on that show. I think he tries to give people styles they can replicate on their own and don't take a lot of time to do.
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IvyHair said:
On WNTW tonight, when he was doing the Latina girl's hair, he said that she should comb out tiny sections of the hair and quickly twirl them to promote the curl. Is this the shingling method that he was demonstrating? If so, it produces beautiful results.

I loved this method that he used. This is where I learned to do my chunky curls on wash n' go's. I think he called it a "curl set".
Nick does keep the same style/shape but its alway in a much healthier state when they leave.
Last night episode..the spanish lady (loved her) that was the best hair makeover I had seen on the show. It made me want to get a curly wig. :)
I like Nick. As someone else said, we are on a hair board that promotes LONG hair, so we may be a littel biased,

I have faithfully watched WNTW and I have seen him work wonders on people's hair. I am an advocate of healthy hair, and Nick seems to be that way. He seems to promote getting rid of the damage by cutting and going forward. I also commend him on his skill with curly hair textures. I have seen him work wonders on several clients of color with TORE UP HAIR (Anyone remember the girl with the glued in tracks that were all matted and nasty? She insisted on keeping her weave as bad as it was, and Nick simply worked out the tangles, put some product in it and let her go--this is a prime example of him going against his better judgement to please a client).

Scissor happy stylist? NO
Healthy Hair Advocate--YES

As for Carmandi--she could use a cut and some moisturizer herself. THe platinum blond just ain't cute.

Thanks Nick for getting rid of the Marsha Brady's of the world but it still ain't worth $400:eek:
InJesusName said:
I like Nick. As someone else said, we are on a hair board that promotes LONG hair, so we may be a littel biased,

I have seen him work wonders on several clients of color with TORE UP HAIR (Anyone remember the girl with the glued in tracks that were all matted and nasty? She insisted on keeping her weave as bad as it was, and Nick simply worked out the tangles, put some product in it and let her go--this is a prime example of him going against his better judgement to please a client).
I remember that episode. I loved what he did to that weave. I searched hi and low for that hair.... found it but it was too hundreds of dollars. No wonder she didn't want him to take it out.
Also, the young lady with the dreads had CURLY hair.. a pixie cut would not work. I think considering the amount of hair he had to work with, he made the best of it.
Maybe I'm using the wrong terminology when I say "pixie" cut, maybe that is not what the cut is called but I didn't feel he made the best of it b/c he left long strands in the front that served no purpose. But again, to each his own.
Soemone mentioned about the subjects having damaged hair, and I'm confused. How can you walk into a salon with damaged hair, get it colored and walk out and it not be damaged? :confused:
And as far as him trying to work with wht they already have being the reason that they walk out looking the same....I feel if he was working with them, why cut 4 inches off? Why not 2? He insists that their hair needs to be cut b/c it is damaged, insists that their look is so wrong and then sends them out w/the same look. Case in point: there was a woman who had bangs and long red hair on the show. He said her bangs looked bad, and pointed out that you could see through the bangs. Then of course tells her she needs a haircut. He cuts her hair much shorter, then leaves the bangs :confused: . I ust KNEW he was going to give her a nice layered cut. I understand the bangs will have to stay to some extent b/c they have to grow out if she doesn't want them, but why rag on the girl about her bangs, and send her out w/what she came in with except 4 inches shorter?

Also, some people's hair *is* damaged and needs to be cut by him, but not everyone's hair is. And if it *is* damaged, and colored and overprocessed, I'm scratching my head as to how the solution is to process it some more with *more* color, cut off 4 inches if 10 inches are damaged, and send them on their way.

And as for their hair looking healthier when they leave his chair, they were doing their hair themselves, and usually when a professional does your hair, it looks better. I really feel that a lot of them would look just as healthy whether he cut their hair too or not.

I guess my point is, I don't think it is necessary for him to rag on their current look if he is just going to send them out with the same thing in the end. That is fine if they leave with the same thing bc/ it *is* what they are used to, but it is like he is trying to be like Stacy and Clint with the digs, but they give the digs and give a completely new look to go along with it. He gives the digs and sends you away with the same thing, so what's the point of the digs? Also Stacy and Clint justify what they are doing--eg A line skirt slims the bottom, etc. But if he thinks your ends are damaged, hold them up and show the damage and also please explain to the viewers why you are further damaging hair you've labeled as damage with your coloring.
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I think most of the time Nick does a good job at doing people's hair. I think the main reason he cuts is either to give an updated look or to put some shape into their hair which helps make the hair easier to style. You have to remember not everyone is bothered by loosing a few inches of hair. Sometimes even the ones who originally didn't want their hair cut end up liking what he did. I think it makes sense for him to style the hair so that the clients can recreate it when their at home.

If he gives the same look all the time what type of style should he be doing then?