The Hair Regimen Reference


Well-Known Member
I've never actually had a solid hair regimen. :look: Not one that I have stuck with for any long period of time anyway...and being that I have recently chopped off my relaxed ends, I am finding myself in unfamiliar territory once again since joining the board. :drowning:

I know that I'm not the only one without a regimen, so I thought that it would be nice if we all had a place to go to compare notes. :bookworm: I know we have the FOTM and individual Fotkis and everything, but this can expand on that and include everyone who has not been a feature or those who don't have hair albums. Besides, it's far more convenient to have all of this information in one place. :wink2:

That said, let's get this started. Please start posting your regimens! We can use the same format to keep things simple and more easily readable at a glance. Let's try this one for starters:

My Hair Regimen

2.)Length of Hair: EL, CL, NL, SL, APL, BSB/BSL, MBL, WL, and beyond...
3.)Hair Type: 1, 2a/b, 3a/b/c, 4a/b, Don't Know (Controversial, so you may skip this if you do not believe in it)
4.)Deep Condition? How Often? Protein/Moisturizing?
5.)Shampoo/Cleaning Product or Herb? How Often?
6.)Clarify? How often? What method? (i.e. Shampoo, Baking Soda/ACV, etc.) or "I do not clarify"
7.)Technique/Routine during and after washing
8.)Additional Info. (i.e. henna, bentonite clay, ayurveda, etc.)

So for example, my sloppy regimen is like so:

1.) Natural
2.) SL
3.) 3c "ish"
4.) Deep Condition once a week with/without heat cap; heavy protein once a month
5.) Clarifying shampoo biweekly or monthly, Sulfate-free shampoo 2-3 times per week
6.) Co-Wash: Yes, 2-3 times per week in addition to shampooing
7.) I wet my hair in the shower and proceed to section it into 4. I then shampoo or co-wash each section, followed by additional conditioner if shampooing.

If I am doing a wash n go, I gently detangle with my fingers, smooth my hair a little, and squeeze out the excess water, but leave the conditioner in and let it airdry. If wearing a ponytail/bun, I again squeeze the water out of my hair, apply a leave-in conditioner and a moisturizer (for example Kinky Curly Knot Today and Oyin Whipped Pudding) and put my hair in it's style.

In between washings, I apply a creamy moisturizer as needed. :egypt:

8.) Henna once a month if I get around to it, detangle with a comb/Denman once per week. Flat iron no more than 6 times per year.

I realize that some of this may be extremely subjective since our hair varies so widely from one person to another, but my hopes in doing this is to help us all find new ways of doing things, or even just to find something that works for us that we may not have thought/heard/tried on our own. :think: If you think of something to add/suggest or additional formats, let me know and I will edit my post. :yep: Also feel free to add to and edit your own post as your regimen changes. :prettyplease:

To keep things simple and easy, I will add a second post with the format below this one for easy quoting purposes if you so choose :)

2.)Length of Hair: EL, CL, NL, SL, APL, BSB/BSL, MBL, WL, and beyond...
3.)Hair Type: 1, 2a/b, 3a/b/c, 4a/b, Don't Know (Controversial, so you may skip this if you do not believe in it)
4.)Deep Condition? How Often? Protein/Moisturizing?
5.)Shampoo/Cleaning Product or Herb? How Often?
6.)Clarify? How often? What method? (i.e. Shampoo, Baking Soda/ACV, etc.) or "I do not clarify"
7.)Technique/Routine during and after washing
8.)Additional Info. (i.e. henna, bentonite clay, ayurveda, etc.)
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There's a very recent thread called "regimens only" or something like that. You should check it out. A lot of ppl posted their regimens in there. And if you search there are countless threads where ppl posted their regimens, though some are old.
My Sloppy Hair Regimen

1.)Texlaxed - No touch up since March & potentially transitioning
4.)Deep Condition? I haven't dc'd regularly all year. I have probably pre-poo'd twice this year with conditioner or oil and did some sort of natural treatment beside henna a handful of time.
5.)Shampoo/Cleaning Product or Herb? How Often? I use a moisturizing soap (shea butter based, no sulfates) when I need to get something out of my hair which isn't very often. Maybe once every 6 weeks if I had to average it.
6.)Clarify? I don't clarify
7.)Technique/Routine during and after washing - I cowash, leave in (usually use a rinse out conditioner as a leave in), apply coconut/evoo oil. I will then air dry and then apply gel, apply gel and blow dry, or just airdry depending on how I want to wear my hair. I rarely style very wet hair and 9.5/10 I wear my hair up.
8.)Additional Info. (i.e. henna, bentonite clay, ayurveda, etc.) I have been using henna since May and I do it whenever I get the chance. I have done a full henna 4 times and a gloss twice.
I like this thread also and I'm slowly trimming my relaxed ends off too. Will return with my regimen (which is TRULY NOT set in stone YET).
There's a very recent thread called "regimens only" or something like that. You should check it out. A lot of ppl posted their regimens in there. And if you search there are countless threads where ppl posted their regimens, though some are old.

Hm, ok. I did a search before I started this thread and didn't come across any titles that looked like what I was looking for on the first couple pages, so I started one. Oh well :look:
Ok, I see it now. Thanks Kusare. Maybe people wouldn't mind re-posting so we can get things a bit more organized.
1.)Natural/Relaxed/Transitioning/BKT/Other Natural
2.)Length of Hair: EL, CL, NL, SL, APL, BSB/BSL, MBL, WL, and beyond... SL-Collarbone length
3.)Hair Type: 1, 2a/b, 3a/b/c, 4a/b, Don't Know (Controversial, so you may skip this if you do not believe in it)
3c(mostly)/4a at crown
4.)Deep Condition? How Often? Protein/Moisturizing? Moisturizing DC 1x/week. Protein DC as needed
5.)Shampoo/Cleaning Product or Herb? How Often? Cleanse with shikakai soap 1x/week, co-wash 2x/week
6.)Clarify? How often? What method? (i.e. Shampoo, Baking Soda/ACV, etc.) or "I do not clarify" Clarify with ACV only when my scalp and hair needs it
7.)Technique/Routine during and after washing Now that I have some length, I pre-poo overnight, detangle, braid, wash, unbraid, finger comb, apply leave-in, massage scalp, oil and rebraid or twist (in that order)

8.)Additional Info. (i.e. henna, bentonite clay, ayurveda, etc.)I have been applying full henna treatments 1x/week and sleeping with it on my hair. After another few weeks, I will cut back to 1x/,month. I add brahmi and henna to my conditioner for glosses (once so far, will increase as full henna treatments decrease) Have not tried bentonite or rhassoul clay YET, but am looking forward to it. I have started baggying with HairVeda Whipped Cream and CoCasta a few nights per week. Also, I apply Dabur Vatika/ amla/various leave-ins daily.
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1.)Natural/Relaxed/Texlaxed/Transitioning/BKT/Other - RELAXED
2.)Length of Hair: EL, CL, NL, SL, APL, BSB/BSL, MBL, WL, and beyond... NL (recently cut to bob)
3.)Hair Type: 1, 2a/b, 3a/b/c, 4a/b, Don't Know (Controversial, so you may skip this if you do not believe in it) 4B FO SHO!
6.)Clarify? How often? What method? (i.e. Shampoo, Baking Soda/ACV, etc.) or "I do not clarify" I DO NOT CLARIFY
7.)Technique/Routine during and after washing JCS LEAVE-IN, MIZANI THERMA STRENGTH LEAVE-IN, FANTASIA HEAT PROTECTANT AFTER DC, PARTIAL AIR DRY THEN BLOW DRY, CURL, WRAP NIGHTLY, JCS NOURISH AND SHINE 2X DAILY. also experimenting with Aphogee 2 minute followed by moisturizing DC first wash after relaxer (which is every 6 weeks).
8.)Additional Info. (i.e. henna, bentonite clay, ayurveda, etc.) CLAIROL AGS COLOR EVERY 3 WEEKS