
Bent. Not Broken.
I realize I have a problem:ohwell:. I can't be the only one :nono:. Hair laziness in regards to styling is a disease.

You buy stuff to do with your hair and you realize it takes too dang much time. Or maybe you plan a nice 'do and well, the time comes and it's like...whatever. Heres a sampling of my hair-lazy:

-Curlformers--1.5hrs install? I did it 3 times. Cant be bothered (CBB)
-Flexi-rods--Got them too. CBB
-Buns? Wrestling this kinky mess into one place on my head? Seriously CBB :look:
-mini-braids, mini-twists--I got through the nape. No thanks. CBB.
-magnetic rollers--wow. Still in the package 6 months later. CBB

All I got time for is to keep up M/S, protein-moisture, and 7 fat twists for the night. Admittedly, my Ayurvedic wash days are the only elaborate thing in the reggi. Crochet braids every so often. That's it.

I get so jealous of the elaborate styles on LHCF or YT, think about it, plan it, even spend the money on the tools...and poof, the idea dies because of the effort involved so all I end up doing is a WNG or a high puff. :rolleyes:

Any other hair-lazy ladies? C'mon and admit it. Don't be 'shame!:drunk:
I tend to only style my hair in two ways; a ponytail or a rolletwrap. I swore when my hair got longer I would try new things but the only change I've made is moving my ponytail up higher. The saddest part is I keep my bffs hair fly but won't bother with mine.
:hiya: That's me. I do absolutely nothing to my hair and I'm perfectly okay with it. I wash and deep condition 1x weekly slap in a bun. Repeat 7 days later.
*the Ponytail Queen glances over at the huge chest full of various sized rollers, pins and hair tools that's topped with an assortment of hair sticks, barrettes, headbands and clips that's situated next to the unused hair steamer*
Checking IN!!!! :lol:

If it takes me more than an hour a week to style my hair, I can't be bothered. My wash, conditioning, and detangling process takes 15-25 mins, and that's exactly where I want it to stay. That's why I love doing wash n'gos or 2 braids. That's why I also love Aphogee Keratin 2 Min. . . because I only need to leave it on 2 min to get my DC on :lachen:. Sometimes I just wet my hair, add oil and go. Laziness can go to far sometimes :lol:.
Checking IN!!!! :lol:

If it takes me more than an hour a week to style my hair, I can't be bothered. My wash, conditioning, and detangling process takes 15-25 mins, and that's exactly where I want it to stay. That's why I love doing wash n'gos or 2 braids. That's why I also love Aphogee Keratin 2 Min. . . because I only need to leave it on 2 min to get my DC on :lachen:. Sometimes I just wet my hair, add oil and go. Laziness can go to far sometimes :lol:.
Dang @ckisland! I love 2min condish! Unfortunately my current reconstructor is 15min:nono: it works well though so i gotta stick to it. pffttt. then after that is a 15min moisture DC. that's 30 whole dang minutes just on that. we wont even talk about detangling!:yawn: Ugh!

OOO @PJaye! I'm going on 2 drawers stuffed with hair candy, rollers and other nonsense, IDK what. I just move the stuff around every now and then thinking I'm gone do somethin :look:. Then close the drawer :ohwell::lol:

Wait until you have to pack those things up for a move. You will waste time reminiscing and making false promises with every item.:lol:
Forgot to say I'm kissing BSL. I'd be pretty close to MBL by now but some thangs happened :look:
Were them thangs due to your hair-lazy @SuchaLady? :look:

ETA: Actually, Lady, your pride in your lazy is admirable! You are a positive example to the rest of us...setback aside :look::look:
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Such a hilarious thread :lol:
Ayurvedics is the most I do these days too. I do 6 pin curls and go to bed. A lot of overnight DCs and treatments too. IDK if its laziness or just too tired :yawn!!:

Too tired to mix up a fresh henna tonight so I used so thats been in the freezer for over 3 months! Prob doesn't even have any dye left in it. But I got it on my head and about to go to sleep. Will try to brew a tea concoction before I crash for the night...sooo tired

I LOVE this HHJ!!
Me too. Lazy and easily frustrated.:lachen:

I tend to only style my hair in two ways; a ponytail or a rolletwrap. I swore when my hair got longer I would try new things but the only change I've made is moving my ponytail up higher. The saddest part is I keep my bffs hair fly but won't bother with mine.
JazzyOleBabe is it the frustration that keeps you lazy? For me it is. If 2mins in I can tell the style aint going where I want, well... CBB!

irisak--see, you just dashed hope on this hair-lazy. Cuz my fantasy was things would change at full CBL... but now you make me insecure :look: And funny how we can care for others' hair and not our own! My DD's hair is always whipped! CBB with the mess on my head.
Such a hilarious thread :lol:
Ayurvedics is the most I do these days too. I do 6 pin curls and go to bed. A lot of overnight DCs and treatments too. IDK if its laziness or just too tired :yawn!!:

Too tired to mix up a fresh henna tonight so I used so thats been in the freezer for over 3 months! Prob doesn't even have any dye left in it. But I got it on my head and about to go to sleep. Will try to brew a tea concoction before I crash for the night...sooo tired

I LOVE this HHJ!!
6 WHOLE pin curls mshoneyfly? Dang... :nono: You are very wise to be sleeping in DCs and henna. Leaves time in the day to do other stuff. Love henna, but it's a pain... all that mixin' and rinsin'. :yawn: Ugh! I've been known to use months old frozen henna too. CBB with waiting for 6hr dye release all the time. :spinning:

Wait until you have to pack those things up for a move. You will waste time reminiscing and making false promises with every item.:lol:

I moved and have a bag and a box full of rods and rollers. I thought about doing a rollerset. I even thought about doing a braid n'curl. I can't muster up the will to do either :lol:. Those rollers are going to stay there for a minute!! I am considering straightening my hair because I could be exponentially lazier :look:. When my hair was straightened it lasted for 2 weeks, and all I did was put in a bun or a ponytail. I didn't have to wash it or wet it every 4 days or once a week. I didn't have to braid or pineapple it at night. I didn't need to moisturize. Now that was living the good life :lachen:. But what stops me is the time it'll take to learn how to blowdry and flatiron my hair :look:.
I'm sure that my hair's current shenanigans are connected to my hair laziness. I no curr.

Check it:

  • I just detangled my hair for the first time in a more than a month of Sundays.
  • I put it in a bun and leave it for days at a time.
  • I've gotten real good at tying scarves on bad hair days and every other day is a bad hair day. Beanies are my new homies.
  • When I two strand twist these days they need to be medium to large. I'm no longer about that 4-6 hour twisting session life.

Why am I trying to grow more hair again?:lol:
Ladies I really need a personal no frumping Challenge!!

Im so lazy that despite having all day to wash and style or go a salon in preparation for a special event tomorrow, I opted for aloe spritzing my scalp & hair & making a few chunky braids which will be converted to old maid high bun.

Considering I'm scheduled to leave at 730 in the morning & it will 80+ degrees & humid I can't be bothered with my hair. I even decided to dress down a smidge to match my outfit to my hair.
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Sigh, I wish I could be hair lazy. But if I were to be hair lazy my hair would turn into a large dread :sad: It must be styled no matter how long it takes so it doesn't shrink down to within an inch of my scalp.
*Raises hand*. I have to wear a bun during the weekdays for work and EVERY Friday I stare at my flexirods, curling wand, or rollers with an evil eye. Doesn't help that I'm not really a good self-styler yet. I want to look cute, I really do...but darn it sometimes I don't have the time or energy for disappointment. Lol

So back to a bun it usually goes....
Were them thangs due to your hair-lazy @SuchaLady? :look: ETA: Actually, Lady, your pride in your lazy is admirable! You are a positive example to the rest of us...setback aside :look::look:

DarkJoy :lachen: No, actually being hair lazy helped my hair! I stretched for about 44 weeks and got awesome growth. But being that I had so much new and stronger hair I hated how the older hair looked so I trimmed it significantly. I don't really consider it a setback.
Sigh, I wish I could be hair lazy. But if I were to be hair lazy my hair would turn into a large dread :sad: It must be styled no matter how long it takes so it doesn't shrink down to within an inch of my scalp.

This is meeeee, all meeeeee. Do you know how long
i dreamed of my hair simply being long enough to bun? Then when Id bun, the center of my hair/crown would matt up. Matting = detangling = breakage.

Then there's wigs, which have seemed to wreak havoc on my edges. So right now I'm sporting some kinky twists that took years to do. I can't win for losing.
Definitely hair lazy. I must admit I would love to wear a long mane of voluminous curls and have it blow in the wind, A la Farrah Fawcett, but I find myself in a bun or twist with a clip most of the time...most of the time being 99%. I used to take the time to rollerset and "Doobie" wrap my then BSL-MBL hair every week. That was 2.5 hr of dry time, and that was BEFORE 2 children!

With nearing TBL hair now and a lot more thickness, I shudder to think of the work involved. LOL hair lazy is all she wrote with my responsibilities competing with my hair hobby time. As long as I wash and thoroughly detangle weekly, we're good. I air dry, bun it up and keep it moving. :yep:
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I just do a pre poo with oil and shampoo every other day. I don't even use a conditioner. I just towel dry, comb leave in conditioner through with a wide tooth comb and bun and I sometimes get too lazy to even do that.
I'm lazy too. I can't bother to jump in and out of the shower so I do a dry DC before I wash. I wear buns 99.9% of the time even though I keep saying I'm going to roller set. But setting takes too long and drying takes forever. I'm glad I didn't waste my money on a fancy dryer because it would just collect dust.
I just purchased a set of curlformers dupe and I have never used the one I bought almost two years ago :lol:. But, I have it on the schedule this week. This weekend is the weekend I will finally use curlformers. I have cleared my Sunday evening so nothing distracts me from that plan.
I just purchased a set of curlformers dupe and I have never used the one I bought almost two years ago :lol:. But, I have it on the schedule this week. This weekend is the weekend I will finally use curlformers. I have cleared my Sunday evening so nothing distracts me from that plan.
well Ogoma...let us know how the 'formers go...that is if the lazy-bug dont catch you before you get to them :look: 2 years is an awfully long time. :lol:

Well another day planned to do a phony bun since my hair is still short. Well, I stretched my hair in twists last night.

And that's it. Again.

It's looking pretty wild too and I no curr! :drunk:
@DarkJoy :lachen: No, actually being hair lazy helped my hair! I stretched for about 44 weeks and got awesome growth. But being that I had so much new and stronger hair I hated how the older hair looked so I trimmed it significantly. I don't really consider it a setback.
:blush::blush: @SuchaLady! You will be our poster child that lazy hurr makes healthy hurr! lazy is actually a GOOD thing:look:. Well then in 6 months my short little hair should be all down my back! :lol: Tho I think @faithVA might disagree! She say she cant be lazy. But when there is a will to do nothing, there is a way :rolleyes:!

GreenBloodyShoe you are extremely...uh...minimalist. :lachen: No condish?! How you keep your hair from the dry snappies?! Yipes! You might be taking this minimalism:look: too far:ohwell: :lol:!
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I just do a pre poo with oil and shampoo every other day. I don't even use a conditioner. I just towel dry, comb leave in conditioner through with a wide tooth comb and bun and I sometimes get too lazy to even do that.

Shampoo every other day :blush:. Why, girl, why?! LOL