I ordered curlformers in January 2010 that are still in the box they were shipped in sitting in the trunk of my car for the past 3 years...I never even opened it to check it was the right order :/ I also have a hooded dryer still in the box it was shipped in , never opened that I ordered even further back.

I was at a point this year where I stopped wearing my hair out because it was "too much work", I had to redo it during the week and just didn't have the time or patience with everything going on. Unfortunately, my BF got tired of seeing me in a bun all the time, he hated it and he missed my curls, after all as he reminded me that's how he met me lol. I found a product line that allowed me to wash and go once and it last a whole week, sleep with a loc soc, spritz with moisture spray in the morning, shake and go. Even wash day has been simplified, I now oil overnight, and wash the next morning and don't even follow with a rinse out or deep conditioner. Too lazy to jump in and out the shower! Fortunately I think I've come up with a formula that allows me to be lazy with my hair but at the same time I'm not neglecting it.
In the middle of flat ironing my hair. Whatever isn't done in the next half hour just ain't gettin' done. Any kind of roller set is out of the question.
Fall and winter is coming. Best time for weave. More hair laziness. :yawn:

Yes weave and wigs! I am going under the wig for the winter. I hav been hair lazy since forever. Only now since i came out of lurkdom, now i am treatg my hair bettr but styles? Nothing! Buns. Celie braids. Its awful
My name is Tenderheaded, and I'm hair lazy! I do a single braid or a braided bun for work. I love Wen - wash, condition all in one!

I've got 45 rollers, 2 flatirons, 2 curling irons, numerous cute clips and they're all growing cobwebs!
:blush::blush: @SuchaLady! You will be our poster child that lazy hurr makes healthy hurr! lazy is actually a GOOD thing:look:. Well then in 6 months my short little hair should be all down my back! :lol: Tho I think @faithVA might disagree! She say she cant be lazy. But when there is a will to do nothing, there is a way :rolleyes:!

GreenBloodyShoe you are extremely...uh...minimalist. :lachen: No condish?! How you keep your hair from the dry snappies?! Yipes! You might be taking this minimalism:look: too far:ohwell: :lol:!

You are right. The way for me to be lazy with my hair is to shave it off :ohwell: That is the only time in life where I was able to spend less than 2 hours on my hair and keep it healthy. If we take health out of the picture, yeah I could do it.
I found a product line that allowed me to wash and go once and it last a whole week, sleep with a loc soc, spritz with moisture spray in the morning, shake and go. Even wash day has been simplified, I now oil overnight, and wash the next morning and don't even follow with a rinse out or deep conditioner. Too lazy to jump in and out the shower! Fortunately I think I've come up with a formula that allows me to be lazy with my hair but at the same time I'm not neglecting it.

Hi so1913 :wave:! Would you mind sharing which product line?

BTW, I remember you from wayyyyyy back in the day rocking the WNG before any of these folks were thinking about natural hair! Giving props to one of the early LHCF soldiers! :yep:
:blush::blush: @SuchaLady! You will be our poster child that lazy hurr makes healthy hurr! lazy is actually a GOOD thing:look:. Well then in 6 months my short little hair should be all down my back! :lol: Tho I think @faithVA might disagree! She say she cant be lazy. But when there is a will to do nothing, there is a way :rolleyes:!

[MENTION=348847]GreenBloodyShoe[/USER] you are extremely...uh...minimalist. :lachen: No condish?! How you keep your hair from the dry snappies?! Yipes! You might be taking this minimalism:look: too far:ohwell: :lol:!

Lol I do a hot oil pre shampoo treatment. Conditioner makes my hair too hard and greasy. I use a leave in conditioner on damp hair before I bun. My hair is thick but fine so it gets greasy and too soft to work with if I use too much product.
Shampoo every other day :blush:. Why, girl, why?! LOL

I use oil in my hair. I'm in the pre poo challenge and I can never wash the oil completely out of my hair. I use a shampoo bar so that could be why but it is usually so greasy by the second night, I have to wash it or it starts to get matted and smell. I use hazelnut oil and its supposed to be a light oil but it makes my hair very greasy.
I spend ample time on Wash Days, but throughout the week I'm totally under a Wig.:look:

I moisturize & seal in the a.m. & at night, but the only 'style' I have is whatever wig I'm wearing at the time = ultimate in Hair Laziness.:blush:
I use oil in my hair. I'm in the pre poo challenge and I can never wash the oil completely out of my hair. I use a shampoo bar so that could be why but it is usually so greasy by the second night, I have to wash it or it starts to get matted and smell. I use hazelnut oil and its supposed to be a light oil but it makes my hair very greasy.

I've gotten away with shampooing and no condish, but I couldn't imagine doing that everyday. I used to just cowash and go everyday, but I think I spend less time on my hair now then back then. I think. . . I hope I do :look: :lol:,
Hi so1913 :wave:! Would you mind sharing which product line?

BTW, I remember you from wayyyyyy back in the day rocking the WNG before any of these folks were thinking about natural hair! Giving props to one of the early LHCF soldiers! :yep:

Hey there! Yeah you got me, I'm lhcf old school lol.

I'm using Obia Natural Hair Care products. The curl enhancing custard allows me to go a whole week without re-doing my hair.
Yes, hair lazy is truly me. As a relaxed head, the most I would do was keep my bun moisturized with scurl. Now that I'm natchal again, I have discovered wigs (which I never thought I would be into) and now all I wanna do is keep my hair in flat twists and m/s'd under the wigs. I hate dcing so I cheat and do the 3 min aussie dc,. I still expect to have bsl hair by next week tho, lol.
I spend ample time on Wash Days, but throughout the week I'm totally under a Wig.:look: I moisturize & seal in the a.m. & at night, but the only 'style' I have is whatever wig I'm wearing at the time = ultimate in Hair Laziness.:blush:

I want to see your hair IDareT'sHair! With all your product hauling I know it has to be amazing. Lol.
I decided to become lazy, I bought few wigs.
Washed and dc last night, threw 8 cornrows and hope to keep them for 6 weeks. I am fed up with dealing with my hair on a daily basis.
I think I'm style challenged too JazzyOleBabe. I KNOW I am.

Dang, and it's time for a length check in one of my challenges. I got every intention of copying Ogoma and putting in curlformers tomorrow night :look:...yeah... but before alladat, I gotta wash, reconstructor, DC...rinse. I might poop out before the DC is rinsed :yawn:
I am def hair lazy when it comes to styling. I normally wear a bun, ponytail or wig. The only thing that changes is if it's a wet pony/bun or dry...curly or straight. Every once in awhile I flat iron. Das it! ;)

I take time to deep condish twice a week and every month I do deep treatments that take more time. I love one of my deep conditioners the most because it works better without heat. That's even better. No dryer. No style. And my hair has been in a ponytail since 2007.....LOL!
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I am style challenged as well. My hair is either in a twistout that I'm still trying to perfect or a wig.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Oh this is definitely my thread. I am soooo hair lazy. I was supposed to be in the setting to success challenge, and I haven't set my hair once. It is so sad. But the good thing is now that I know how lazy I am, I make sure to remind myself before I go out and buy some other product or tool that I'm not going to use.
Lazy - here is (pathetically) lazy

The reason I have two very bad alopecia areas in my head now is because I wore weaves and braids for "***ty" years :ohwell: and didn't practice good hair care.

I'm still lazy - just not pathetically lazy -like I was ^^^^:yep:
This is me all day, every day. My hair is either open or in a ponytail. That's it.
People love to tell me that my hair would look so cute in this or that style or if they had my hair, they would do this or that. I'm like...that's nice. LOL.
I have postponed the curl formers to two weeks from now. I haven't even washed my hair yet. It is not going to happen today :lol:
Oh yes...seeing some lazy up in here! However, I'm seeing some lovely long-hairs too! MBL-TBL and lazy?! That cant be!

I should be offline doing my wash day but...shoot. At least I got the pre-poo oil in, right? It's a step in the right direction.

I would also love to see what IDareT'sHair has going on! All that lovely natural product PJing has got to be paying off! Speaking of, not too lazy to put some KeraVada in my cart. It's that time :lick:
Besides being style challenged, my hair is fine and I am afraid that I could be heavy handed and rough when trying to do some of these styles. My regimen is on point with the hair care process, but with the manipulation and styling, I fall off the fence. My hair just does not want to cooperate with excess styling and manipulation.
I have a fake ponytail that I use and wrap into a bun. I keep my hair slick during the week, until it's time for me to DC.
The sad part is that I didn't used to be hair lazy. Before school started, I used to DC twice a week and loved trying out new hairstyles. My mother-in-law thought I was just the poster child for natural hair!

Now I'm lucky to cowash once a week and I only redo my buns once they are absolutely tumbling out of my head. Every length check surprises me because I'm not watching my hair grow anymore. Lord help me, I just figured out how to do a WnG puff so its only down-hill from here I'm sure.