The dominicans told me I need to sit under the dryer for 2 hours!

This is what I think the problem is. There are times when it does not take long at all, and other times when it does. I've asked them time and time and time again to please put less hair on each roller but they look at me like I'm crazy. How hard is that. With as thick as my hair is, I'd imagine that they would not take big chunks of hair to wrap around each roller when I see some people w/ relaxed hair that they will use half as much hair around each roller. Well, whatever, I'm going to start doing this myself so that I don't have to keep getting upset with beauticians...if I get upset w/ anyone it will just be mysef.

albane said:
Two full hours under the dryer in the salon is not completely uncommmon
When I had waistlong hair, I had to stay more than one and half hour under the dryer in Mom's salon, with a lot of rollers over the head (I was barely entering under the hood) ....This was the weekly routine.
I have asked my mother regarding your question, she already had some clients with very long hair (at the butt) who required that time to fully dry .... as pointed out, the last half hour was a nightmare, but the girls did stand it.
But in your case, this is not normal:a possibility is that the hairdresser did not put a lot of rollers, so too much hair on some rollers did slow down the drying
So So Chic it is so coincidental you mentioned you had issues with Lilys...I went there just this Friday to get a roller set and blow out of my roots. Let me start by saying your hair is gorgeous!! I am completely natural as well, shoulder length, and I must say my experience with Lily was crazy. I was so outdone by the time I left. It was my day off, I arrived at 11:00 and sat until 1:00 before my hair was even washed. A coworker swears by them and she told me my hair would be gorgeous if done by them. She gave me a list of people to ask for , my first choice Luchi was off so I asked for Orqui my second choice. After getting my hair washed ( FINALLY ) and conditioned by a shampoo girl because Orqui was so busy I had to wait forever to be styled. When I got in the chair and rollers were taken out and she saw I was all natural she clearly did not want to do my hair!!! She kept asking WHY I DIDN"T GET A PERM!! Through her broken English we could not have a conversation so a guy in the shop translated which came down to she basically could not do my hair, did not want to do my hair. She blowed out the edges and nape area and sent me on my way basically and the owner .... Lily I was warned was a " character" to say the least was so uncustomer friendly. The same guy translated to her what was done and I asked him basically if he could tell me how much I owed since I really wasn't styled.. $25!!! I BROUGHT MY OWN PRODUCTS,AND MIND YOU IT WAS NOW 5:00 SO I SAT THERE FOR 6 HOURS!! I'll never go back... I came home and got a ceramic iron and just ran it over each curl, this morning my hair is silky and shiny so I know if she had just taken the time to blow ou my roots everything would have been wonderful... I hear there is another salon called Juanita's off Pleasant Hill and Langford. I think I'll try them. Do you or anyone else have any experience with them by any chance?
I honestly believe that naturals especially need to learn to do their hair at home. :( I'm not even natural, but I want to be able to do this b/c I am so anal when it comes to my hair and how it is handled. You have to be extra gentle when u do my hair and NO ONE is as gentle as me. Many people do not want to take the time to do natural hair the right way when u have very thick 4a/4b hair. :( My sister has gorgeous 4a/4b hair that is APL when stretched. I dont know how long it would be when blown out since it hasnt been blown out in months. No one (Dominican or AA) has been able to successfully style her hair w/o complaining or making a comment about how thick her hair is. :ohwell: I'm sure it is an arm workout for the stylists. :yep: Still, b/c it is more time consuming to do her hair than anyone else's stylists may rush through it and physically break it w/ a comb or brush. I suggested to her that she learns to style it at home. I'm learning to do the same. As soon as I learn to relax, I'm good to go.
So So Chic it is so coincidental you mentioned you had issues with Lilys...I went there just this Friday to get a roller set and blow out of my roots. Let me start by saying your hair is gorgeous!! I am completely natural as well, shoulder length, and I must say my experience with Lily was crazy. I was so outdone by the time I left. It was my day off, I arrived at 11:00 and sat until 1:00 before my hair was even washed. A coworker swears by them and she told me my hair would be gorgeous if done by them. She gave me a list of people to ask for , my first choice Luchi was off so I asked for Orqui my second choice. After getting my hair washed ( FINALLY ) and conditioned by a shampoo girl because Orqui was so busy I had to wait forever to be styled. When I got in the chair and rollers were taken out and she saw I was all natural she clearly did not want to do my hair!!! She kept asking WHY I DIDN"T GET A PERM!! Through her broken English we could not have a conversation so a guy in the shop translated which came down to she basically could not do my hair, did not want to do my hair. She blowed out the edges and nape area and sent me on my way basically and the owner .... Lily I was warned was a " character" to say the least was so uncustomer friendly. The same guy translated to her what was done and I asked him basically if he could tell me how much I owed since I really wasn't styled.. $25!!! I BROUGHT MY OWN PRODUCTS,AND MIND YOU IT WAS NOW 5:00 SO I SAT THERE FOR 6 HOURS!! I'll never go back... I came home and got a ceramic iron and just ran it over each curl, this morning my hair is silky and shiny so I know if she had just taken the time to blow ou my roots everything would have been wonderful... I hear there is another salon called Juanita's off Pleasant Hill and Langford. I think I'll try them. Do you or anyone else have any experience with them by any chance?
That's why I've only been to Lilly's twice. The first time, I was like 14 weeks post. Vanessa kept telling me that I needed a relaxer. The second time, I talked to Lilly's daughter and told her that I was transitioning and asked who to use. She told me to go to Vanessa, Luchy, or (forgot the other girl's name). Luchy was nice. The combing with the rattail comb and hair all over the floor was the bad part. after I had offered her my own comb to use. :ohwell: She cut my hair and everything. Since, I had a lot of natural hair, she cut after she blowdried. I thought she understood my goal, but at the end she told the girl beside her to tell me to get a relzxer the next time.

After that, I didn't feel comfortable going there. If they don't want to do my hair, I'm not going to force them to do it. It is extra work and more time for them that they can be doing someone else's hair. I started going to Too Groovy, and that place is great! It's more expensive, but the peace of mind I have about not being a burden on my stylist is worth it.
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