The Dangers of Hair "Trims" At Hair Salons - BE WARNED, This Is Not Pretty!!

I agree. There is a stylist in my area who has gotten rave reviews on this board. I am coming out of a 4 month stretch & might be willing to consider having some1 else relax my hair. However, I know that I have some issue areas & I don't want to even HEAR it about what else I may need in terms of trims. The other stuff, I can do myself.

I don't feel like dealing w/ it though, so I'll probably end up doing my own relaxer.
its ok lol. i grew it out a little since then and then had it cut into a bob (shorter in the back longer in the front) to hide the messed up cut and now im letting it grow out

I'm sorry that happened. I don't know what she was thinking but I am glad you are letting it grow out.:yep:
My last relaxer in July the stylist asked to clip my ends. I said NO will pass! She said your ends really need to be clipped. I said again " No thank you". She further explain each time your hair is relaxed ends should be clipped. For the third final time "No thank you please." I had to say NO three times for stylist to understand the English language. I look forward to dusting myself in near future.

Too Funny...that they don't understand the English languague:lachen::lachen:
I used to go to a stylist faithfully for years, before I found LHCF and started caring for my hair. Now I was always picky about ppl in my hair and she knew it. I would let her do her thing when it came to relaxing my hair 'cause she did a great job:yep:, but she KNEW I didn't like to get my hair trimmed and only once in a while I will allow it:ohwell:.
I went to get my hair done on day and brought a friend with my only to have my friend told me after that she trimmed my hair I was like *wha...*:perplexed
when I asked her about it she was like yea...I ALWAYS trim your hair when I rollerset it because it needs to get trimmed and I know how you don't like that :wallbash:
I never went back to her since I only see her when my sis goes to get her weave done. When the stylist ask when I'm gonna come to get my hair done I simple tell her that I'm taking care of my own hair:rolleyes:
My beloved former stylist and I had to part ways over this very issue. I always liked to stretch my relaxers and she didn't pressure me to come in sooner. She also didn't seem irritated when I wanted to ask what she was using on my hair, or brought in my own heat protectant, because I didn't like her oil sheen/hot stove iron combo. ( never liked smoking hair).

We had a really good client/stylist relationship ( friendship), but when it came time to " trim", it was always uncomfortable and at times a battle of wills. Prior to LHCF, I was a little too timid to tell her no," I'm growing my hair out", and would not like a trim today, but after frequently chopping my progress, I got more assertive and spoke up. On my final visit, she made such a big deal about me not wanting a trim, that I decided right then and there I am not going back to her or anyone else for that matter. This is MY hair! How dare anyone tell ME what I am going to do when I am paying them. They can make educated suggestions, but my word should be the final say on what grows from my damn scalp ( sorry, just heated over this).

So, fast forward to now..I do my own relaxer ( now texlaxed), dust myself, and thanks to the knowledge from this board, my hair has never looked better or healthier! I know she's wondering where I am, and would be shocked at my progress and healthy ends with no drastic chops.

I truly respect stylists and do not think they are all scissor-happy, but taking care of my hair myself is empowering. I was so afraid to self-relax or dust, but I like my texlax results better than my former stylists relaxer technique (she used Affirm and my hair was dry, flat, bone straight, and limp ( I didn't know better).