The Dangers of Hair "Trims" At Hair Salons - BE WARNED, This Is Not Pretty!!


Well-Known Member
I know there is nothing we can do about the damage and carnage that has been posted in the past about hair dressers cutting waaaaay too much hair and calling it a trim or removing split ends, but maybe, just may, we can save at least ONE person from this same hair trauma drama.

If you would, please post your stories as well as before and after pics of the wrongful death of hair ends by stylists that victimized you in the past.

Also to be fair, anyone who is a stylist and have tips that will help others who just feel compelled to get their hair trimmed at a salon what are the warning signs and advice you would give in order to deal with this mind field of hair trimming aka HAIRCUTS?

I am hoping that if we have enough horror stories this thread will become a sticky as well as save some one, I pray this will save many people the pain and agony too many of us have endured from scissor happy stylists.

Please all come in and share your experiences so that we can educate others.

Here is my contribution: You have the right to tell the stylist NO do not cut, trim, dust, look at my ends, if you truly don't want scissors in your hair and you don't see the split ends the stylist is talking about.

Here is what you can say, Thank you, but no thank you, I do not want you to use scissors on my hair today, just the services I have asked for. Be sure to turn around, look them straight in the face and smile when you say this, trust me that will make an impact like you won't believe.

When I learned my lesson and decided I would never let another person "trim" my hair that is what I would do and I had only one stylist fight me or try to convince me otherwise. That was before I came up with the phrase above and I did not turn around and look at her when I told her NO, I don't want my ends trim.

I would have this same fight about the back of my neck, I have like three peaks in the back it looks like an upside down "W". Every stylist I go to says let me give you an edge up. :wallbash:

Again, Thank you but no thank you, I do not want an edge up, just the services I have requested.

Ladies, I think we are going to really help some people both ways, sharing your experience which it is good to get this stuff off of your chest and educating so that they won't be victimized by these seemingly innocent but dangers statement, "You need a trim or I need to trim your ends they are split".

Let the healing and education begin....
I think hairdressers mistake, dry ends or fuzzy ends for split ends. I mean how would they know its split unles they pick it up and literally go thru ur ends? When i was firs tnatural and would get blowouts the hairdresser always wanted to cut my ends after the blowdrying and im like my hair is natural!!!!!:wallbash: Once he flat irond it out and they were smotth he could see they were in good shape:rolleyes: I jus straighten my hair myself now!:look:
I know there is nothing we can do about the damage and carnage that has been posted in the past about hair dressers cutting waaaaay too much hair and calling it a trim or removing split ends, but maybe, just may, we can save at least ONE person from this same hair trauma drama.

If you would, please post your stories as well as before and after pics of the wrongful death of hair ends by stylists that victimized you in the past.

Also to be fair, anyone who is a stylist and have tips that will help others who just feel compelled to get their hair trimmed at a salon what are the warning signs and advice you would give in order to deal with this mind field of hair trimming aka HAIRCUTS?

I am hoping that if we have enough horror stories this thread will become a sticky as well as save some one, I pray this will save many people the pain and agony too many of us have endured from scissor happy stylists.

Please all come in and share your experiences so that we can educate others.

Here is my contribution: You have the right to tell the stylist NO do not cut, trim, dust, look at my ends, if you truly don't want scissors in your hair and you don't see the split ends the stylist is talking about.

Here is what you can say, Thank you, but no thank you, I do not want you to use scissors on my hair today, just the services I have asked for. Be sure to turn around, look them straight in the face and smile when you say this, trust me that will make an impact like you won't believe.

When I learned my lesson and decided I would never let another person "trim" my hair that is what I would do and I had only one stylist fight me or try to convince me otherwise. That was before I came up with the phrase above and I did not turn around and look at her when I told her NO, I don't want my ends trim.

I would have this same fight about the back of my neck, I have like three peaks in the back it looks like an upside down "W". Every stylist I go to says let me give you an edge up. :wallbash:

Again, Thank you but no thank you, I do not want an edge up, just the services I have requested.

Ladies, I think we are going to really help some people both ways, sharing your experience which it is good to get this stuff off of your chest and educating so that they won't be victimized by these seemingly innocent but dangers statement, "You need a trim or I need to trim your ends they are split".

Let the healing and education begin....

I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY FOR IT.. If the say they won't charge you for it then maybe you do need it??
IA with Kurlee, however, some naturals do not think that they need trims EVER!:nono: This is not try. Damage can occur for naturals to the ends of hair the same way that it does for women with relaxed hair. I'm a natural and I KNOW for certain that I need a trim right now! Anyone with suggestions for a natural stylist in Atlanta or NYC hit me up!

My stylist just cut my ends again. I lose most of the hair that I grow while I'm not making visits to the salon.

HATE This. I was just thinking that I have to tell him not to cut my ends anymore.

I like neat ends, but who cares if every end is super neat and straight.
I recently got my ends trimmed at a salon, I asked because I could see the ragedy damaged ends. Anyway she trimmed the bare minimum, when I looked in the mirrior, I was surprised. She said she was just going to do a mini trim and that i could come back in another month, because she did not like to cut off so much hair. My hair still had some damaged ends, but they didn't look really bad anymore. Sometimes ends need to go when they don't look good, in my opinion.
When i was first strarting my hair journey i felt compelled to go to a stylist for my hair washings and stylings, i knew alot about hair from books, but not that much about what split ends actually meant, i for some reason thought split ends were just dry/poofy hair that couldnt get better, or hair that looked like healthy hair but wasnt, and that stylist were skilled to tell them apart.

I went to one, she trimmed my hair about an inch
Went to another one the next week (first one was too rough), she kept insisting and insisting non-stop that i trim my hair, it was so annoying, i mut have told her 10 times. Then i finally said okay ( maybe the first woman didnt get them all), i said only alittle bit, because i just had one last week, she didnt even really respond to that, and cut my hair about another inch.

Then i went to yet another one, and she wanted to trim, i didnt get one this time, it was just too ridicoulous

The main thing was these women didnt even know or care what was split and what wanst, it just seems to be a part of the whole wash routine and a way to get extra money.

About a year later a relative with shorter length hair than mine had a upper neck length bob sew-in, she was paying for me to get my hair done as a gift, and told them before hand i wanted my hair just like hers, but when i got into the chair, i told her how i wanted my hair ( didnt know my relative had told them what i was "supposed" to want already.) At the end of the service i disocvered the stylist instead gave me a short upper neck length bob just like my relative said instead of what i said, and cut MY hair that was longer than the sew-in to the actuall length of it just for a style. The was the final draw right there, it was about 4-6 months progress gone down the drain. I had almost made it to shoulderlength and she cut me right back to neck length for a style. I thought she was cutting the weave. I called my relative after i got home and starting looking through my hair and disovered not only did they give me the wrong style, but also cut my hair, and she said " i know, i told them to cut your hair like mine"

Im still kind of upset about that right now:nono:
I just got twists done in the salon. After she was done twisting she was finger styling my hair and I could hear something that sounded like "snip, snip." I'm thinking "I KNOW she is not cutting my hair." Lo and behold I turn around and she is CUTTING off the ends of my twists, talking about "dead ends." I almost had a heart attack. I get a precision cut by my stylist every 3 months and she was about to jack it up! I said "don't cut my hair, you know how funny I am about my hair" with a smile. She said "ok, I'll just leave the dead ends." Never again.
My last relaxer in July the stylist asked to clip my ends. I said NO will pass! She said your ends really need to be clipped. I said again " No thank you". She further explain each time your hair is relaxed ends should be clipped. For the third final time "No thank you please." I had to say NO three times for stylist to understand the English language. I look forward to dusting myself in near future.
My last trip to the salon the stylist said I needed a trim. After pressing my hair I asked her to tell me how much in length she felt needed to be trimmed BEFORE she did any cutting.

She said about three inches!! Mind you, I had a few splits here and there, but nothing major. She was like "three inches is not that much hair". I was like...."Actually I'm growing my hair out and trying to avoid taking off any hair at all. So I'd prefer we keep it to an inch." Then I showed her how much I felt an inch was and asked she turned me around in the mirror so I could watch as she cut it. She was like "Ok. We can do an inch today, an inch next month, and an inch the month after that."

I agreed to it just to get her to cut that ONE inch off that day. They hadn't seen me since!!!

*Mind you, she did an EXCELLENT job on my hair, but I do not need someone to tell me what a trim is and how often to get one. It's MY hair. I'll get what *I* feel is a trim when *I* want to get it done!

I know there is nothing we can do about the damage and carnage that has been posted in the past about hair dressers cutting waaaaay too much hair and calling it a trim or removing split ends, but maybe, just may, we can save at least ONE person from this same hair trauma drama.

If you would, please post your stories as well as before and after pics of the wrongful death of hair ends by stylists that victimized you in the past.

Also to be fair, anyone who is a stylist and have tips that will help others who just feel compelled to get their hair trimmed at a salon what are the warning signs and advice you would give in order to deal with this mind field of hair trimming aka HAIRCUTS?

I am hoping that if we have enough horror stories this thread will become a sticky as well as save some one, I pray this will save many people the pain and agony too many of us have endured from scissor happy stylists.

Please all come in and share your experiences so that we can educate others.

Here is my contribution: You have the right to tell the stylist NO do not cut, trim, dust, look at my ends, if you truly don't want scissors in your hair and you don't see the split ends the stylist is talking about.

Here is what you can say, Thank you, but no thank you, I do not want you to use scissors on my hair today, just the services I have asked for. Be sure to turn around, look them straight in the face and smile when you say this, trust me that will make an impact like you won't believe.

When I learned my lesson and decided I would never let another person "trim" my hair that is what I would do and I had only one stylist fight me or try to convince me otherwise. That was before I came up with the phrase above and I did not turn around and look at her when I told her NO, I don't want my ends trim.

I would have this same fight about the back of my neck, I have like three peaks in the back it looks like an upside down "W". Every stylist I go to says let me give you an edge up. :wallbash:

Again, Thank you but no thank you, I do not want an edge up, just the services I have requested.

Ladies, I think we are going to really help some people both ways, sharing your experience which it is good to get this stuff off of your chest and educating so that they won't be victimized by these seemingly innocent but dangers statement, "You need a trim or I need to trim your ends they are split".

Let the healing and education begin....

I have no problem telling my stylist, "No. Thank you". (I dust my own ends when I feel it is necessary).

I just got my mom on board with saying "no" to the stylist. She's from the old thinking and hangs on to the stylist's every word and suggestion (yet was wondering why her hair was not retaining length). I guess she thinks it is rude or something to say "no" (I do not want you to put scissors to my hair and take off more than I asked and then charge me extra for it) :look:.

I tell her, Ok then, each time she hints towards a trim just say, "Maybe next time. Thank you." This has worked for her.

(I think the stylist is on to her :grin:)

My mom has retained more length doing so. Not to mention she is faithful with her protective styles. (Go mom!)
I had a stylist insist on cutting off my hair because they were frizzy after she flat ironed. Too bad I didn't know enough to say no at the time because she wanted to cut inches off of my hair. I had her cut off one inch only. Next time I see her my supposed "dead ends" are fine and don't need to be cut. :look:
My last trip to the salon the stylist said I needed a trim. After pressing my hair I asked her to tell me how much in length she felt needed to be trimmed BEFORE she did any cutting.

She said about three inches!! Mind you, I had a few splits here and there, but nothing major. She was like "three inches is not that much hair". I was like...."Actually I'm growing my hair out and trying to avoid taking off any hair at all. So I'd prefer we keep it to an inch." Then I showed her how much I felt an inch was and asked she turned me around in the mirror so I could watch as she cut it. She was like "Ok. We can do an inch today, an inch next month, and an inch the month after that."

I agreed to it just to get her to cut that ONE inch off that day. They hadn't seen me since!!!

*Mind you, she did an EXCELLENT job on my hair, but I do not need someone to tell me what a trim is and how often to get one. It's MY hair. I'll get what *I* feel is a trim when *I* want to get it done!


3 inches is enough to take me back a step ( shoulder to nape, BSL to APL)

How long was her hair?

I wonder if she knows that hair grows 1/2 inch a month, because offering to cute an inch a month isnt that good of a suggestion, might as well take it all off at that moment.
ITA with everyone. I'm a stylist now (part time-I'm in pharmacy school), but when I do other peoples hair i keep in mind how I feel when I'm in the chair. Making an extra 10 dollars isn't worth losing a client over.

Before I got my cosmetology license I went to a salon close to my school because I didn't have a car and needed to be ready for an event that night. At the time I was going to the salon about once a month but I got a bad color from my regular stylist and wanted a change anyway. I wil admit that a small piece of my hair was broken towards the nape, but I wasn't ready to cut my hair to match that one small piece and I specifically told the stylist this and she kept insisting that I let her "trim" it to the same length and how much "better" it would look(even though my hair is thick and nobody knew about the patch unless they were all up in my hair) needless to say she made the first cut and I turned to look and she had cut my hair to my ears from mid-neck, so about 3 inches from the side and 2 from the back, and then decided to layer the rest cutting off 2+ inches all over. Needless to say I never went back.
I just got twists done in the salon. After she was done twisting she was finger styling my hair and I could hear something that sounded like "snip, snip." I'm thinking "I KNOW she is not cutting my hair." Lo and behold I turn around and she is CUTTING off the ends of my twists, talking about "dead ends." I almost had a heart attack. I get a precision cut by my stylist every 3 months and she was about to jack it up! I said "don't cut my hair, you know how funny I am about my hair" with a smile. She said "ok, I'll just leave the dead ends." Never again.
I H A T E how some stylists try to terrorize you about your ends with statements like these!!:angry2: It's almost like they're deliberately trying to humiliate you infront of the whole shop, simply because you do not want your hair cut. Now granted, I've seen some ladies where I'll be like, "Ooh wee, babygirl needs to clip them ends.":nono: But I've also seen women get waaaaay too much hair cut off unnecessarily and it's just not right.

There's only one person I let cut my hair and she always cuts the same amount which is usually about an inch. She’s quick to whip out the scissors though (and won’t charge me), so I have to make sure to tell her in advance, “I don’t want my haircut this time.” She might say, “Why not?” I just tell her that I’m not ready to trim yet.” She’s usually pretty good about leaving it alone after that, or she might tease me with little jokes here and there, but it’s all in fun. She knows I like my hair to look fresh and healthy though, so the last time she said, “You really only need like, less than half an inch trimmed.” I was like :rolleyes:, guess that means I don’t need a trim then huh?!

I can’t lie though; I was tempted to let her do it. But I decided to stick to my guns. Since I’m doing the baggy method pretty faithfully, I really don’t see the need to rush the trim. Those same ends will be there when I’m ready for them to be clipped. I’d probably be waistlength or close to it by now if I hadn’t gotten so many trims last year. I won’t be making that mistake again.:nono:
My last relaxer I went to a girl I never go to (big mistake) anyway she relaxed first of all with a no lye relaxer (didn't find out until I looked up the name) after I told her I only use Lye, because no Lye is drting on my hair, and then on top of that she did a horrific trim. When she first parted my hair to trim, she pinned the rest up. She trimmed and I knew something was wrong. She then took the clip out and parted another piece to trim, because I felt uneasy I asked her to turn me around and show me everything she was cutting. She did just that until she finished, she only took off about a 1" to a 1.5 (so I thought) I knew I needed it, it was fine until I got look at this MESS ! The short piece is the section she parted before I asked to be turned around. So if I would have never said anything all of my hair would have been 3 to 4 inches shorter. My ends look thinner now because her first part was at the top of my ear, so all the hair from the top of my ear down is 3 inches shorter than the rest. I showed my mother, my husbands, and all of my friends and everybody says the same thing "what was she thinking". I'm dying to cut it off to even it out but my mother and husband said just wait it out. I'm trying, but it looks really thin at the ends, and it is not cute! Now the only people that I will allow to trim my ends is my mama and my man :grin:
The worst part is while she finished trimming, she said and I quote "Girl your ends look pretty good the only reason I'm trimming is because it's relaxer time" :perplexed I will NEVER, EVER, EVER EVER, go back there!!


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My last relaxer I went to a girl I never go to (big mistake) anyway she relaxed first of all with a no lye relaxer (didn't find out until I looked up the name) after I told her I only use Lye, because no Lye is drting on my hair, and then on top of that she did a horrific trim. When she first parted my hair to trim, she pinned the rest up. She trimmed and I knew something was wrong. She then took the clip out and parted another piece to trim, because I felt uneasy I asked her to turn me around and show me everything she was cutting. She did just that until she finished, she only took off about a 1" to a 1.5 (so I thought) I knew I needed it, it was fine until I got look at this MESS ! The short piece is the section she parted before I asked to be turned around. So if I would have never said anything all of my hair would have been 3 to 4 inches shorter. My ends look thinner now because her first part was at the top of my ear, so all the hair from the top of my ear down is 3 inches shorter than the rest. I showed my mother, my husbands, and all of my friends and everybody says the same thing "what was she thinking". I'm dying to cut it off to even it out but my mother and husband said just wait it out. I'm trying, but it looks really thin at the ends, and it is not cute! Now the only people that I will allow to trim my ends is my mama and my man :grin:
The worst part is while she finished trimming, she said and I quote "Girl your ends look pretty good the only reason I'm trimming is because it's relaxer time" :perplexed I will NEVER, EVER, EVER EVER, go back there!!

Oh my word. I am so sorry this happened to you. I appreciate you sharing your story and your picture. Thankfully you have a regimen that will help you out of this situation, although I am sure right now that does nothing to make you feel better about what that stylist did to your hair.
:eek: -that is so disheartening. She actually acknowledged that your ends looked good, and was only trimming because it was "time" And then she trimmed half of your head like that?!! She clearly was not the star student in her class.

My last trim was actually not a horror story. The stylist told me that my hair needed trimming. I won't argue that my ends looked crazy but it was because I'd rushed to blow dry my hair when I was prepping for braiding. Since I am trimming colored hair off, I agreed to a minor trim, after confirming how much she would be trimming. When I first said how much she thought I meant price and said oh I wouldn't charge you to trim your hair-She showed me how much she was trimming and stuck to her word.

Not every stylist is a nazi with scissors I guess is my point, although I have been to my fair share of those that are. I think we have to take more responsibility when searching for stylists and "interview" them before hand to see if it's a match or not. First of all by checking their hair out. If it's full thick and healthy looking, I'd say proceed to other questions to see if everybody is on the same page.

Trimming for the sake of having thick even ends when the hair is not otherwise damaged sounds like a personal decision and shouldn't be at the sole discretion of the stylist. Many people's hair grows into v's and they're fine with it. Trimming hair even that normally grows in that pattern will result in at least a 3-4 CUT.(I've seen this happen at least 2x)

I also think lumping all stylists as being scissor happy is not the answer. Being more discerning and paying attention to warning signs is on the customer as well.
My last relaxer I went to a girl I never go to (big mistake) anyway she relaxed first of all with a no lye relaxer (didn't find out until I looked up the name) after I told her I only use Lye, because no Lye is drting on my hair, and then on top of that she did a horrific trim. When she first parted my hair to trim, she pinned the rest up. She trimmed and I knew something was wrong. She then took the clip out and parted another piece to trim, because I felt uneasy I asked her to turn me around and show me everything she was cutting. She did just that until she finished, she only took off about a 1" to a 1.5 (so I thought) I knew I needed it, it was fine until I got look at this MESS ! The short piece is the section she parted before I asked to be turned around. So if I would have never said anything all of my hair would have been 3 to 4 inches shorter. My ends look thinner now because her first part was at the top of my ear, so all the hair from the top of my ear down is 3 inches shorter than the rest. I showed my mother, my husbands, and all of my friends and everybody says the same thing "what was she thinking". I'm dying to cut it off to even it out but my mother and husband said just wait it out. I'm trying, but it looks really thin at the ends, and it is not cute! Now the only people that I will allow to trim my ends is my mama and my man :grin:
The worst part is while she finished trimming, she said and I quote "Girl your ends look pretty good the only reason I'm trimming is because it's relaxer time" :perplexed I will NEVER, EVER, EVER EVER, go back there!!

I HATE when they take it upon themselves to make decisions about your hair for you. It all comes from them thinking they are the experts on hair, even though you know your hair the best, and know what you want.
Its even worse when they have no idea what they are talking about
"only trimming because its relaxer time" :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I'm proud of you for not being in jail right now.

I agree though, dont cut it. Its still healythy and beautiful.
My hair grows uneven. We don't need to trim at EVERY appointment. GAH. If I'm not pressured to relax I am pressured to trim. Maybe I like it like that.

And, amazing how *I* can get curls but you pretend you can't curl my hair because of my ends. Please just finish so I can get out of the chair.
:eek: -that is so disheartening. She actually acknowledged that your ends looked good, and was only trimming because it was "time" And then she trimmed half of your head like that?!! She clearly was not the star student in her class.

My last trim was actually not a horror story. The stylist told me that my hair needed trimming. I won't argue that my ends looked crazy but it was because I'd rushed to blow dry my hair when I was prepping for braiding. Since I am trimming colored hair off, I agreed to a minor trim, after confirming how much she would be trimming. When I first said how much she thought I meant price and said oh I wouldn't charge you to trim your hair-She showed me how much she was trimming and stuck to her word.

Not every stylist is a nazi with scissors I guess is my point, although I have been to my fair share of those that are. I think we have to take more responsibility when searching for stylists and "interview" them before hand to see if it's a match or not. First of all by checking their hair out. If it's full thick and healthy looking, I'd say proceed to other questions to see if everybody is on the same page.
Trimming for the sake of having thick even ends when the hair is not otherwise damaged sounds like a personal decision and shouldn't be at the sole discretion of the stylist. Many people's hair grows into v's and they're fine with it. Trimming hair even that normally grows in that pattern will result in at least a 3-4 CUT.(I've seen this happen at least 2x)

I also think lumping all stylists as being scissor happy is not the answer. Being more discerning and paying attention to warning signs is on the customer as well.
:clapping: Say it again please, especially the last paragraph.
I also think lumping all stylists as being scissor happy is not the answer. Being more discerning and paying attention to warning signs is on the customer as well.

I agree with you and hoped that in my OP I did not come across believing that which is why I truly would like to hear from some of our resident stylists in getting advice and words of wisdom, so that others will know how to deal with this issue who subscribes to this forum.

If I did not clarify myself regarding this, I truly apologize for that misunderstanding.:yep:
I went to a stylist for fifteen years. He gave you a great cut only if you begged him not to cut your hair off. Yes, I allowed myself to be held hostage by him and his attitude. If I stretched my relaxers for more than six weeks he gave me 'the look' while he examined my hair. He makes customers wait hours(!) past the time that their hair should have been done. There was never a time that I left there with under three inches of hair on the floor for a trim. Advice regarding hair care? Forget it. He wasn't interested. Showing respect to his employees? Impossible.Fortunately I picked myself up off of the chair and left his salon three years ago and have not been back. There have been many of his long-term customers (up to 25 years) who have left also. It's unfortunate that in NYC, it's as difficult to find someone to do what you ask as it is anywhere else in the US; but that's the truth. I don't think that I could have survived without the knowledge and support that I get from LHCF. Thanks everyone.
I agree with you and hoped that in my OP I did not come across believing that which is why I truly would like to hear from some of our resident stylists in getting advice and words of wisdom, so that others will know how to deal with this issue who subscribes to this forum.

If I did not clarify myself regarding this, I truly apologize for that misunderstanding.:yep:

No,Mscocoface you were clear and my post was not a subtle attack on it in any way:kiss:-I just feel like sometimes we go into attack mode in generalizing all stylists when a lot of us don't research, pick a stylist out of thin air, don't speak up in the chair and aren't more observant beforehand. There are bad, good and great workers in every profession. I haven't given up on finding a great stylist to help me care for my hair.
I agree with you and hoped that in my OP I did not come across believing that which is why I truly would like to hear from some of our resident stylists in getting advice and words of wisdom, so that others will know how to deal with this issue who subscribes to this forum.

If I did not clarify myself regarding this, I truly apologize for that misunderstanding.:yep:
Here ya go (see section on trims)...I hope this helps:
My current stylist whom I've grown to love...actually talked me out of a trim...I was thinking she would say the ends were bad but I guess what I thought was split ends may just be frizzy ends b/c she said it would be fine after it was straightened..which it was, but I still can't help but think I need another inch off.