** The Church of Oprah **


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this was posted before.

But here is a video footage of Oprahs belief and she's now sharing it with over 2 million Americans across the world.

Oprah claims to be a Christian but I just see her as a buffet Christian.. meaning she accepts some and leaves out others when it comes to the Christian walk and believing in God.

Anyways, you be the judge.

Here is the link: http://youtube.com/watch?v=JW4LLwkgmqA&feature=bz301

All I have to say is that this woman needs prayer, with such leadership and being on t.v and radio -- I feel that a real woman of God should have this type of exposure rather than someone that speaks from the way the feel and their own opinions.

What do you guys think about this video and what Oprah has to say about being Christian.

As Jesus said, "You'll know a tree by its fruit." If we know the fruit that Oprah bears doesn't look too much like Christ, then don't eat it. It's possible to enjoy her show or read a book she recommends without worshipping at the altar of all things Oprah. Isn't this where discernment comes into play.