
Well-Known Member
Y'all got me curious now with all these male signs. My Fh is a libra.

He's generous, charming, can melt me with his beautiful smile, responsible, loving, a does as he says kind of guy who always thinks fairly looking at the big picture or even playing the devil's advocate for a spicier view of things. He's also a loyal friend and extremely family oriented.

Bad traits, well...he can go IN when he believes his view is the best one. He analyzes everything, he can dominate a conversation, most times it's captivating but other times it's nerve wrecking.

Anyone dated a Libra... What was your experience. Yep I just jumped on the zodiac male train :lol:
Y'all got me curious now with all these male signs. My Fh is a libra.

He's generous, charming, can melt me with his beautiful smile, responsible, loving, a does as he says kind of guy who always thinks fairly looking at the big picture or even playing the devil's advocate for a spicier view of things. He's also a loyal friend and extremely family oriented.

Bad traits, well...he can go IN when he believes his view is the best one. He analyzes everything, he can dominate a conversation, most times it's captivating but other times it's nerve wrecking.

Anyone dated a Libra... What was your experience. Yep I just jumped on the zodiac male train :lol:

I'm a Libra and once dated (was a engaged) to a Libra.

These are universal traits of a Libra. I know my husband (Cancer) would be like "Amen".

One of the other down falls is the incisiveness that goes along with seeing both sides and the big picture.

Do he talk a lot? :look::lol:
There's a thread around here somewhere it isn't specifically titled about Libra men but the topic veered off track and there were a lot of similar stories about dating Libra men.

Libra men are very charming, sweet, caring and awesome lovers. It's hard to stay mad at them b/c they are so good natured and calm.

They’re hard to trust, always searching for the perfect love. If your Libra isn't head over heels for you then their sincerity is unpredictable.

Their love is so sweet and it pulls u in...but a Libra man is not the one to deal with if he's not FULLY 100% committed to u...they'll cheat on u quick:look:
My BF is a Libra - not going to lie, he drives me up a wall. UP A FRIGGIN WALL.

On the good side, he is charming, a chatterbox*, he weighs everything verrrrry well and loving in his own way.

On the bad side, - I am not sure if this is HIM or Libra's on a whole, though I have seen this with many other male and female Libra's dude is selfish as all get out. Seriously makes me want to punch him in the face. My bro and BFF are selfish too. He weighs things but cannot make a decision to save his life. He talks so much. I am like dang, STFFU. For reals, be quiet for a minute. He likes to chat when I am trying to watch my shows - part of it goes back to being selfish he seems to hate when he doesn't have my attention.

Sometimes he frustrates me SO much, but I am a Scorpio and there isn't supposed to be any love lost betwixt the 2 signs.
There's a thread around here somewhere it isn't specifically titled about Libra men but the topic veered off track and there were a lot of similar stories about dating Libra men.

Libra men are very charming, sweet, caring and awesome lovers. It's hard to stay mad at them b/c they are so good natured and calm.

They’re hard to trust, always searching for the perfect love. If your Libra isn't head over heels for you then their sincerity is unpredictable.

Their love is so sweet and it pulls u in...but a Libra man is not the one to deal with if he's not FULLY 100% committed to u...they'll cheat on u quick:look:

The bolded is my ex. He at least had the decency to disappear before he cheated - something about being scared of what I would do...good move.
There's a thread around here somewhere it isn't specifically titled about Libra men but the topic veered off track and there were a lot of similar stories about dating Libra men.

Libra men are very charming, sweet, caring and awesome lovers. It's hard to stay mad at them b/c they are so good natured and calm.

They’re hard to trust, always searching for the perfect love. If your Libra isn't head over heels for you then their sincerity is unpredictable.

Their love is so sweet and it pulls u in...but a Libra man is not the one to deal with if he's not FULLY 100% committed to u...they'll cheat on u quick:look:

Interesting. I'm glad, he behaves in every way like he is 100%. He seems to have this thing with loyalty and faithfulness in a relationship.

My BF is a Libra - not going to lie, he drives me up a wall. UP A FRIGGIN WALL.

On the good side, he is charming, a chatterbox*, he weighs everything verrrrry well and loving in his own way.

On the bad side, - I am not sure if this is HIM or Libra's on a whole, though I have seen this with many other male and female Libra's dude is selfish as all get out. Seriously makes me want to punch him in the face. My bro and BFF are selfish too. He weighs things but cannot make a decision to save his life. He talks so much. I am like dang, STFFU. For reals, be quiet for a minute. He likes to chat when I am trying to watch my shows - part of it goes back to being selfish he seems to hate when he doesn't have my attention.

Sometimes he frustrates me SO much, but I am a Scorpio and there isn't supposed to be any love lost betwixt the 2 signs.

I dunno know if selfishness is a trait or not. My Libra is quite generous with me. My mom is a generous Libra too. They're both chatter boxes am I. But that's a Gemini thing too.
I'm a Libra and once dated (was a engaged) to a Libra.

These are universal traits of a Libra. I know my husband (Cancer) would be like "Amen".

One of the other down falls is the incisiveness that goes along with seeing both sides and the big picture.

Do he talk a lot? :look::lol:

That is because we are considering EVERY aspect before we make a decision...decision making is so hard me...Im a libra!
Dating one now and I am a SAG and we are supposedly compatable but yes he is a chatter box but I love it because so am I we just take turns. We both analyze things and share our point of views and I like that...Communication is key. As far as being selfish I have for sure seen traits of that as far as time is concerned. The not being able to make a decision is SO true mine would much rather be indirectly told what to do, I think it's just so he can stop thinking so hard lol

Again, I don't mind I am just getting used to it :) So far so good!
I am a libra and can not make a decision to save my life either. Its how we are and I hate it. I can go in the store for a pizza. Okay I will get this one b/c it looks good. Oh, but this one is bigger and you get more for your money. But the other one may taste better. Oh those ones are 3 for $8. Okay Cool. But do I need 3 of them? Okay what toppings?...:wallbash:
I am a libra, also. I have no problem making decisions, really surprised this is deemed a libra trait. Actually, I cringe at indecisiveness.
YESSSS!! I'm a Libra. I definitely agree with the indecisiveness. I'm currently dating a Libra, and I agree with the charming, sweet, pulls you in aspects.

Is Libra woman & Libra man a good idea? Oh dear.. :lol:
Ok I learned that compatibility is mostly where your Venus (love) sign is. His in Virgo and mine is in Taurus. This puts an interesting spin on things.

Did any of you guys know this?
Yes, you described me almost perfectly, except I'm not chatty, like, at all. Having to engage in small talk at company functions or randomly during my day makes me cringe inside even if I'm smiling on the outside. The only exception is of course when I'm with close friends or if I'm around someone that has the ability to make me feel at ease.

Even though I'm not chatty, I have a lot to say when I believe in something. I will argue my point until I'm tired, LOL! But for the most part, I'm pretty calm, even tempered, warm, indecisive, friendly, generous etc etc. I'm more of an observer/listener than a talker and I'm extremely perceptive to the point where it's almost a psychic like ability. My other moons, are in virgo, taurus etc (pretty much all earth signs)...I'm more like a virgo than a libra and people don't typically peg me for being an air sign since I'm more firm on the ground, unlike my other libra and gemini friends.
My BF is a Libra - not going to lie, he drives me up a wall. UP A FRIGGIN WALL.

On the good side, he is charming, a chatterbox*, he weighs everything verrrrry well and loving in his own way.

On the bad side, - I am not sure if this is HIM or Libra's on a whole, though I have seen this with many other male and female Libra's dude is selfish as all get out. Seriously makes me want to punch him in the face. My bro and BFF are selfish too. He weighs things but cannot make a decision to save his life. He talks so much. I am like dang, STFFU. For reals, be quiet for a minute. He likes to chat when I am trying to watch my shows - part of it goes back to being selfish he seems to hate when he doesn't have my attention.

That's my BF too! He does NOT know how to make a decision. Will keep talking about and talking about it, but will not take action! That is annoying. He is also a Libra
Yeah sounds about right lol. I'm also a Libra and can admit to having a lot of these qualities. Maybe it's because we're the only sign that isn't an animal.