The big puff

Caramel Jewel

Well-Known Member
I've been looking at the few videos on You Tube that explains how to do an afro puff... They are helpful but my probelm is getting my hair smooth (on dry hair)...mine is always poofy... today, I even tried gel, but it was still poofy...:ohwell:

I do have thick hair...Are there any naturals here with solutions or advice for me?
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I always need to wet my hair and use a scarf to smooth it down. My hair is always frizzy and puffy when I manipulate it dry.
I always need to wet my hair and use a scarf to smooth it down. My hair is always frizzy and puffy when I manipulate it dry.

Yeah someone on you tube used aloe and wrapped her hair in a scarf but I think she did if to get a I think my hair was thicker than hers....
I don't rewet my hair, but I do mist it with water before manipulating it for anything. To do my roots for a puff I just add more water than usual to the front (not to soaking, b/c that just makes it curl more and it will take forever to dry)

With my hair I start shaping my hair into a puff - pushing it back. Then I add my gel, and I focus on the baby hair edges area b/c they curl up the most. Once that's on I use a soft brush (it feels like a baby brush) and start smoothing my edges. You should be able to get to a point between the water and gel where they will 'stick' and lay totally flat for a moment before they wave up. When you get to that point keep working the brush back until you hit about the crown of your head, and then fasten your puff (if you use pantyhose, fabric, whatever). Now smooth your edges back down, and tie a scarf over them to set. It helps to tie it a little further forward than you need, and then then push it back.

Keep the scarf on for at least 20 mins (I do it while I'm getting dressed). If you're in a hurry or your hair is very wet, you can hit it with the blowdryer for a min or two (with the scarf on) and then remove the scarf after it's cooled.

Some products that can help lay the edges down: Wax Stick, Gel ( I use Eco Styler), Castor Oil, Pomade or good 'ol grease, Elasta QP Glaze. HTH.
I have to really soak the edges and top for mine to smooth down and even then it's not always a guarantee.
If combing my hair out, I always use S Curl as my moisturizer and it makes my hair wet. I plait it and baggy every night which stretches the hair and keeps it from tangling. When I take the cap off in the AM and comb my hair, it's still damp from cap so it's very easy to smooth back. I am not one of those who insists on gelling hair down so this works for me.

I comb my hair backward and get a look that looks like the Heat Miser in a wind tunnel. Next I put the elastic over my head like you'd wear necklace, then raise the front of the elastic to my hairline with more length of it in the back. I then cross the elastic at my nape to make the front of it firm against my head at the front. I then try to keep the tension in the "cross" but start to slide the elastic back to smooth my hair. As I do so, the elastic in the back beyond the cross gets longer. When I am happy with the position of the front part of the elastic, I open up the section beyond the cross and take it over the puff to overlap the elastic at the front.

A pick comb easily combs out the puff into the dome I like: