The best perm I've used!


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
Oh goodness, I just permed my hair today and it was GREAT! I think it's new, it's called Optimum Care Bodifying Relaxer (it's in an orange box and I got it at Walgreens) It didn't burn my head at all, it felt very gentle. Usually when I rinse out a perm (before poo and conditioner) my hair feels dry and hard. With this perm, it felt soft and moisturized! Then I followed SouthernGirl's tips. I put the con on my hair for 5 minutes, spent a lot of time neutrolizing, DC'd with NTM Moisture Mask, an egg and honey. Then I poo'd and condition with NTM. Afterwards, I put on NTM leave in, BB oil moisturizer and castor oil... My hair is SOOO soft and shiny! Even DH noticed!
Oh, I have 4a hair, if that matters. And I hardly had any hair loss. Usually with perms, I lose clumps of hair that clog the drain, but this time, I probably lost about 200 hairs AND I combed it while it was wet! WOO HOO!
Thanks for the replies, ladies! determined_to_grow, I want to post pics, but I have no clue how to work my digital camera! WesternEyes, yes it was a mild relaxer. You used it already?
Tiffers, Im so proud of you girl. I know you just joined a little while ago and look at you already self-relaxing.:) You are doing the dang thang.:lol:
Thanks for the review we discussed this relaxer some time ago, I'm glad somebody finally used it.
Congrats on your success! I'm going to recommend this to a friend of mine who has fine hair and is looking for a very mild relaxer.