The Best MSM/Clinic study includes side effects


Well-Known Member
Regular MSM works to detoxify the body. The food that we eat, the water that we drink, and air that we breathe is filled with elements that weaken our immune system and cause a wide variety of ailments. When these elements are removed from our body, we can halt the spiral of degeneration and replace it with a vortex of regeneration. MSM Max pushes your body to a further cleansing by using the original formula of MSM, which can only be found in the raw crystal form. Raw MSM crystals contain two things that the MSM powder has lost over the years.

(1) Raw MSM crystals have a 40% higher oxygenation reaction to the bloodstream. Higher Oxygen content promotes clearer mental thinking.
(2) Raw MSM crystals have 80% more surface moisture, which we call MSM Oil. MSM Oil provides fast immune system building and response.

When MSM was first created at the Oregon Health Sciences University (1980), all testing results were produced from the only samples of MSM that had been produced (MSM crystals). Only positive results were observed when taking Pure MSM in the research studies, such as a greatly improved immune system, increased hair / fingernail growth, and skin tone improvements. In this research MSM crystals did not deprive the body of any minerals that the human body needs each day.

Even today you will find the original results regularly quoted when someone is trying to sell you MSM, but these results were actually obtained using the Raw crystals. When MSM was produced for human consumption, turning these crystals into a powder, and even mixing them with flow agents such as magnesium stearate or sylox commercialised it. The MSM has been crushed and blown through air chambers, so that MSM can be purchased in an easily usable powder form. This crushing and drying process has drastically reduced the higher oxygen content (that was contained by the Pure MSM crystals), and all but removed the MSM oil from the MSM powder that can be purchased today.

Two years of research has put us back to the originally tested form of MSM (crystals), which not only gives you the same health benefits that the regular MSM has given you over the years but with the added bonus of clearer thinking and faster immune system regeneration. MSM Max is made of only the biggest, ugliest crystals to ensure that these results are maximized in this tablet. Freeze dry pressed into a tablet form, this process helps MSM Max retain 100% of the original MSM oil and beneficial properties that the original testing showed to work with the human body. It would be difficult to take MSM crystals orally in the raw form because of their large size and the sharp surface of raw MSM crystals. MSM Max tablets are the only way to easily take and receive the maximum benefits that were documented in the original testing. Likewise they cannot be produced in a capsule form, without again crushing/drying the MSM first. Which would of course put MSM back to square one.

Cheaper MSM products DO work but MSM max is more powerful.

One in five may experience negative detoxification symptoms in the first 1-10 days during which toxins are flushed from the system. Symptoms may include diarrhoea, skin rash and/or possible headache along with several days of fatigue. In general the more intense the symptoms, the more toxins there are in the body, and the more MSM is needed for detoxification. To reduce toxic symptoms (if you suspect candida or metals) start with a lower amount of 1000 mg, two times a day and build up to 6,000 mg. twice a day.
Otherwise for a maximum benefit, it's recommended to use an initial "load" amount of 3,000 mg twice a day (Note: this amount can be safely continued indefinitely for maximum results). After initial use, physical energy levels should increase.


What MSM Does:

MSM makes cell walls permeable, allowing water and nutrients to freely flow into cells and allowing wastes and toxins to properly flow out. The building blocks of the body, amino acids, are all sulfur binders and play a major role in the production of hormones and enzymes that regulate the body's activities.
The body uses MSM and vitamin C together to build healthy new cells. MSM provides the flexible bond between the cells. Without MSM, the new cell is not permeable, and osmosis is hampered. These cells lose their flexibility, like scar tissue, wrinkles, vericose veins, hardened arteries or the damaged lung tissues of a person with emphysema.

Conditions Possibly Associated with or made worse by MSM Deficiency:

1. Allergies - Dust Mites
2. Arthritis
3. Chronic Fatigue
4. Elevated Cholesterol
5. Candida 'Yeast' Infections
6. Soft & Chipping Nails, Hair Loss
7. Wrinkles
8. Scar Tissue
9. Lung Dysfunction
10. Diabetes
11. Ulcers
12. Migraine Headaches
13. Alzheimer’s
14. Diverticulosis

Scar Tissue:

Burn victim, Bill Rich, discovered MSM for himself when a veterinarian friend had him try MSM. Bill's explains that his skin was flat, purple and leathery, up and down a majority of the right side of his body. After only a few days of taking MSM, Bill noticed an increase of stamina and energy, and over time an astonishing effect on his scarred skin as it started to turn pink and fill in. Now Bill has little more than a small section of skin that is still barely detectable after having more than 60 feet of skin graft scars. After years of using MSM and helping others, Bill Rich lectures in the benefits of MSM.


When the body replaces old skin cells, if there is a deficiency of MSM, the new cells can be stiff and contribute to wrinkling. MSM supplementation can help the body replace bad cells with good, healthy, elastic cells. Over time, wrinkles can go away, and brown and black spots and skin tumors can flow away as new cells replace the bad.

Damaged Skin:

It is the MSM in Aloe Vera leaves that sooths and repairs skin that has been cut, scraped, burned or damaged. The body then is able to repair the skin with the proper raw materials.

Lung Dysfunction:

Bill Rich says that smoking does not cause emphysema. Horses and dogs get emphysema, and they don't smoke! It is a deficiency of MSM that causes this condition, and supplementation of MSM can reverse it.


Even diabetics that have been 'on the needle' for years can benefit from MSM supplementation. Bill Rich sites several examples of his friends that are now self-regulating since they have discovered MSM.

Sore Joints and Muscles:

Testimonials of many athletes attest to the ability of MSM to increase athletic stamina and eliminate sore muscles! MSM increases the ability of the body to eliminate wastes and toxins from the cells.


Ulcers, caused by too much stomach acids can be reversed by MSM supplementation. Tagament covers up the symptoms, doing nothing to relieve the problem. MSM corrects the problem.

Migraine Headaches:

Women don't have the headaches, hot flashes, cramps and nausea associated with the monthly cycle when they use MSM. Even migraine headaches can melt away.


Bill Rich theorizes that aluminum and lithium salts that are trapped in the brain causing the electrical impulses to be ‘shorted’ out, so they aren’t going on the right path cause Alzheimer’s. Without proper circulation and the detoxification of MSM, this condition robs millions of their golden years. MSM facilitates the body's ability to clean out these toxins.

Allergic Reactions:

MSM is an Anti-Venom that can quickly bind up foreign proteins such as snakebites, flea bites, black widow bites, bee stings and mosquito bites. MSM is also an anti-oxidant that detoxifies the body.

Candida Infections, Chronic Fatigue:

Candida is yeast that normally lives in the colon. If body pH gets out of whack, Candida can spread to other areas in the body. If the body pH is right, Candida cannot live outside the colon. Women sometimes get Candida yeast infections. When the doctor prescribes an antibiotic, that can send the body pH further off kilter and the Candida can spread. The white coating on the tongue is Candida. It can even get into the brain, where it is called epilepsy. In the blood, Candida will rob the nutrition and energy away from the body, causing a so-called 'incurable' disease called Chronic Fatigue. When the body burns energy it produces toxins, if toxins aren't properly removed, this is the result. Bill Rich explains how MSM can take care of this disease of the 90's.


Bill exclaims that if your body is functioning like it should, cholesterol will not be a problem. Your body will regulate it naturally. By taking MSM as a supplement, Bill can eat what he pleases and his cholesterol count is always normal.


Diverticulosis is where the large intestine gets sluggish, clogged, and quits pulsing properly. The feces stop moving properly, and nutrition is not passed through the intestine walls. MSM smoothes the coating of the intestine with a Teflon like coating, and the feces start moving properly. Diverticulosis is an MSM and Vitamin C deficiency.

Additional Benefits of MSM:

MSM has been found to improve athletic performance and is a tremendous energy booster. MSM will cause your nails to grow twice as fast, and you will find that your hair will be thicker and healthier. Fingernails have more sulfur in them than any other part of the body!

That is true about the scar tissue.

I've had a scar on my shoulder since childhood. It has softened noticeably since I have been taking MSM.

I have been taking MSM for about a month.
Absolutely wonderful post...I plan on starting MSM next month and wanted to do the biological I dont have too...I love knowing the microbiology behind taking vitamins and supplements!

THANKS SO MUCH FOR THIS POST!! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
I'll tell you what the clinical study doesn't tell you. MSM powder taste BAD. I mean gag a maggot, :barf:, bad. I just reordered and this time I'm going with pills. I don't care if I have to take 6/day. I just can't do the powder in warm water thing any anymore. Bleck!
Thanks for the info. I am going to try this after reading about all the things it can help with. How long did it take any ladies here to see any differences? :)
I did notice a difference in my keloid....

Where can I get this more potent form. But to me, the powder form is just fine....


Is "MSM Max" a gimmick...

can you give the link where you found this info? Thanks in advance! :)
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Bumping...where can we get the MSM max? I wanted to start and MSM regimen...where can we get this product? Thanks. C.
SoAnxious12 said:
is the powder supposed to be stronger than the pill?
I think the big advantage is it makes it easier to take higher doses. For example, one heaped teaspoon of MSM powder is 7,000mg. Each MSM pill is only 1,000mg. You'd have to take 7 pills to get 7,000mgs. That's a lot of pills. It's very easy to drop 1 tsp of powder into a 1/4 c of warm water and drink it. If you can keep it down. :barf:
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sareca said:
I'll tell you what the clinical study doesn't tell you. MSM powder taste BAD. I mean gag a maggot, :barf:, bad. I just reordered and this time I'm going with pills. I don't care if I have to take 6/day. I just can't do the powder in warm water thing any anymore. Bleck!
If you can drink orange juice (Vitamin C) or another juice, what about mixing the powder in there?
Mestiza said:
If you can drink orange juice (Vitamin C) or another juice, what about mixing the powder in there?

Yes someone please let us know. You guys are scaring me about the taste. I cannot take alkaseltzer cuz it taste horrid.
Mestiza said:
If you can drink orange juice (Vitamin C) or another juice, what about mixing the powder in there?

That is how I have been doing it based on a suggestion from Nonie.

I barely taste it now.

I just refill a small 10 oz minute maid bottle or orange juice and shake it up.

I guess I could use less, but I decided to just make room for the 140 calories. :D
Mestiza said:
If you can drink orange juice (Vitamin C) or another juice, what about mixing the powder in there?
Other people are satisfied by mixing it w/ OJ. I think it just makes more, slightly less bad tasting, stuff to drink. I was using OJ or grapefruit juice as a chaser, instead. OJ cuts the taste immediately, but I still had 2 seconds of tasting it. I really do dread it now. I'm not giving up my MSM, but after 5-6 months I'm done with tasting MSM powder.

I'm still not done with the powder I have now. I'm gonna keep taking it until it's gone but, man I'm not doing this again anytime soon.
Excellent thread!!!

I have to agree that MSM clears blemishes/scars.....ever since I started taking MSM I have noticed a healthy glow in my skin. I think it changed my hair texture a little bit also. It seems to be coming in a lil bit more wavy.

I origionally started taking MSM for hair but found that it did wonders for my skin and has so many other health benefits I am keeping it in my regimine.

I tried both the capsules and the tablets. I think I am going to try MSM in powder form. The study said that powder form is not as potent but I am going to try it because I hate popping so many pills. I was taking 3000/day and its time for a refill anyway so I may just go ahead and get the powder....Maybe I will try it with iced tea or something :ohwell:
RavenIvygurl said:
are ya'll taking 6,000 mg? I wondering if I should stick to 3,000mg for longer.
I take 4,000mg and will not increase I rather take it longer and wait for dramatic results then to take alot and deal with possible side effects of body detoxfying too fast. Been taking it since first week in May I think by September I should really see dramatic changes and yes I am already seeing results now. But I am aware that natural items take longer but have lasting results.:)
star said:
I take 4,000mg and will not increase I rather take it longer and wait for dramatic results then to take alot and deal with possible side effects of body detoxfying too fast. Been taking it since first week in May I think by September I should really see dramatic changes and yes I am already seeing results now. But I am aware that natural items take longer but have lasting results.:)

thanks girl! I will stick with the 3000. Besides I'm too broke to buy MSM more frequently anyway.
How long did it take for people to stop experiencing breakouts? I had to stop taking it because of the breakouts. I will start taking it again soon.
deejoy said:
How long did it take for people to stop experiencing breakouts? I had to stop taking it because of the breakouts. I will start taking it again soon.

About a week. Maybe a little longer depending on how much I was taking.
I've been taking msm probably for about 8 weeks now? My benefits were immediate and the side effects were as well.
Pros: After maybe 3 or 4 days i did notice a bit of mental clarity at work because at the time I was in a slump and basically lost my direction, and i immediately came out of a slump and got a few things accomplished. I think that is amazing. It was just easier for me to focus on work. I also noticed maybe after week 3 that the fine stretch marks I have around my thighs they have lightened up a bit. I can still see them but they aren't as noticeable as before. I had to look twice cause i have never heard anyone mention that particular benefit before. I noticed that I have vivid dreams (feel alot of emotions in a dream) every once in a while. It is also easier to remember a dream when previously 9 times out of 10 i dont remember what i dreamed about. I notice my roots are softer (i am not sure about growth). And the most amazing benefit is that I dont have sinus headaches as much as i used to. I'm an avid yard sale-er so every weekend when i'm out hunting, i end up with a sinus headache every single weekend. But i rarely get them now. I am so glad about that. My knees used to pop and then hurt every now and then, and that is not the case anymore. I can drop down and my knees do not ache at all.

Cons: another side effect is a mild case of sleeplessless. i tend to toss and wake up a few times during the nite...unless i am tired. So i either make sure i go to bed late when i'm tired, or i might take a sleeping pill. And unfortunately a side effect is i am still getting bumps on my face...i think they are too small to be technically called pimples. but they are just little bumps that immediately go away but they leave scars that take a while to go away. I did notice that the 3 days i didnt take MSM, that the bumps got worse. so i guess i'm darned if i do, and darned if i dont. My skin does feel softer but i am praying that MSM will eventually eliminate these breakouts on my face or unfortunately i will have to give it up cause i am very vain and i want my face to be cute.... Oh and i do notice that after the first few gulps, like 3minutes after, i feel slightly slighty drowsy for about 15mins. Or i wouldn't say drowsy, i'd just say relaxed. I enjoy it actually, i feel at peace and i guess its a benefit. this MSM is weird....:ohwell:

oh and I take the powder form. I take 1/4tsp and put it in my 30oz jug and i sip on it b4 lunch. in that much water, the taste is not noticeable.

I've been taking MSM powder since 9/1/05. Yes, It's nasty:eek: I take it in water every morning before I do anything else. Scar tissue from a cut and keloids from ear piercing have noticeable decreased. My joints feel better after a day of mowing my yard.

It's definitely a keeper! Thank you for posting info:)
Im guessing its the detox and thats why im broke out madly a couple weeks ago,, i broke out but had soft glowy skin:confused: ,about the taste,, its just BITTER but i have no prob with it .i've chewed ANTIBIOTIC pills! if u think anything is bitter u should try antibiotics ( i have a fear of swallowing pills), they are bitter times 10000000000000000:lol::lol:, its agony chewing those ,, just drink the MSM quick!,, i got off the MSM for a couple of days but after reading all this im starting again,, i better not break out!! :grin: