The Best Detangler That I've Used So Far


New Member
When my hair was natural, it matted almost every time I washed or manipulated it. By the time that I finally gave up on wearing it natural, my hair was a matted, tangled mess. I didn't know what to do.

Then, my mother saw this detangler (called Soft'n'free'n'pretty olive oil detangler) at the BSS and bought it for me.

Sofn'free n'pretty Olive Oil Detangler

Now that my hair is relaxed, it still mats though not as often (if you can believe that). I use a lye relaxer. Whenever the tangles get to be too much, I pull this product out. It literally melts tangles away, and it smells great. Best of all, it was less than $5 for a 12-ounce bottle.