Help me craft my diy detangler


Active Member
I tested out a mostly shea butter and castor oil mix as a detangler on a small section of hair. It was kind of good, the heaviness of the shea butter stretched out the hair and got rid of most of the tangles. comb glided through my hair better. With other detanglers, I have tried though the slip is great, too much moisture makes the hair ver coily, making it harder to comb, the slip makes up for it.

So how can I make a DIY shea butter detangler with the same heaviness, less gunk, and more slip? Reall heavy that it calms the coils and lots of slip so it glides better. It glides well but the gunkyness sometimes makes me hit a roadblock.
Thoughts would be welcome.
Are you trying to make an emulsified mix or something without water?

My latest shea mix has shea butter + almond and macadamia nut oils. I found that by using it in my LCO system, but heavy with the L and C before I get heavy with the O, my hair was easy/easier to detangle.