The benefits of Sealing your hair


The Generous Queen
I saw this shared of my FB and decided to extend the information over here:


Remember how important I told you it is to seal in moisture to your hair?
Have you seen this photo? This explains sealing in moisture (in this case water) perfectly. Notice how the water only jar has evaporated to well below the halfway mark... this is because there is no oil helping to seal it in.... I'm slapping myself cause I could have totally conducted this experiment... this is the PERFECT way to explain it -- If you're suffering from dry hair and scalp chances are you're NOT sealing in moisture! If so... run don't walk to Google and look up the LOC Method!

Here's the full article...


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It's a great visual. It doesn't take into account friction from head scarves and covers, pillow cases, styling and of course the thickness of the oils in the experiment as opposed to the microscopic layer that would be applied on real hair. All in all it is a good visual of the benefit of oils to our routine. Thanks for posting!!
Yeah, I mostly ignored this advice because oiling my hair seemed to dry it out before I found the right moisture /oil combination that worked for my different textures. Now I LOC + detangle at least twice a week (I would do it more, but I am avoiding excessive manipulation), and my hair has been much happier since. :grin:
Thank you for this info! There is nothing like visual examples!

By the looks of it it seems jojoba oil seals the least of these oils (altough it is better than not sealing at all)
I'm going to do this jar experiment with castor oil as that's what I seal my hair with, sealing is definitely the way to go it keeps the hair moist way longer than just moisturising alone.
I decided recently to give grapeseed oil another shot (I liked it in the past but never quite figured out what was missing). So far, so very good. It smooths my hair and does help a LOT with moisture retention.

Sorry for the duh question but how does this relate if u use a pomade like original moxie hair bling to seal over a water based moisturizer. My guess is that it does work the same.
Sorry for the duh question but how does this relate if u use a pomade like original moxie hair bling to seal over a water based moisturizer. My guess is that it does work the same.

It does. pomades and grease are much heavier and thicker than oils alone so depending on the amount you use it'll work better if not just as well at sealing in moisture. I like to use grease, because sometimes it seems like oil isnt enough.
I would've like to seen sunflower oil and or castor oil. I gues I will have to try the experiment myself.