The Baptism in the Holy Spirit???


New Member
Do Christian receive the Holy Spirit when they are saved? If so, how is this experience different rom the baptism in the Holy Spirit?
AfriPrincess411;8804244[B said:
]I thought once you are saved you are baptized with the Holy Spirit.
There is a difference between receiving the Holy Spirit and being baptize in the Holy Spirit. Once you are saved you are baptized with water so that you will change the way you think and act. Matthew 3:11
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Being filled with the Holy Ghost and receiving the Holy Spirit (by becoming saved) are two different things. When a person gets saved, they "receive" the Holy Spirit but they may or may not yield to the Spirit completely. It is when we yield/submit to the Holy Spirit that we are filled. A person become baptized with the Holy Ghost the day they completely submit to Him, then after that, they are under the anointing at any given time.

Jesus was a good example for us. He came void of his heaveny powers to earth and later was filled with the Holy Spirit..this is when he started to do miracles, etc.. One has to be filled or under the anointing of the Holy Ghost to do miracles, to heal the sick and cast out evil spirits..those things CANNOT be done if a person isn't under the anointing to do so. IOW, being saved isn't enough to do those miracles.
Baptism of Water:

A person, adult or infant, receives the Holy Spirit at the moment of baptism in water. Baptism. Baptism itself is as celebration of G-d's love that already existed for us and it frees us from original sin. The reason some groups baptize infants is that parents are that model of the Church to teach their children the concepts of faith. It is a family affair and it's assumed that parents are going to be faithful to that role to bring the child up in Christ.
I understand that in order to be baptised you must believe in the teachings of the bible and repent of you sins, stop smoking cursing and so on and so on. You must be fully aware of your covenant with the Father. Then when you feel you are ready to publicly announce your committment to God you get baptised. ( its is like a wedding) You are already saved prior to getting baptised, just by your confessions of your sins and your desire to change your life to be in accordance with the scriptures. The holy spirit is already with you at that point because the holy Spirit is what guides us to the Father, the indwelling of the holy spirit comes after baptism, but this portion I believe comes from your studying. As Laela was saying. Jesus said go ye therefore and teach, baptizing them, and teaching them again.

The bible is our example. I would look at all the baptism in the bible and see how it was done and why and the effect on the people. As you read some were bapitzed the same day after they were taught you will read that they were all taught and all repented and all made a public confession. They were all baptized by one an authority and they were immersed in the water, not sprinkled or had water poured on them. They were fully immerged. We have to be careful about some teachings. If its not in the word. Its not from God. This is very important we get baptised to confess that we want our sins forgiven, Washed Away. to be remember no more. we must repent (change) in order for that to happen as well and to declare before the world that Jesus is lord of our lives forever more. The holy Spirit is guiding us into all truths if we listen.
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ITA.. not everyone recognizes or believes in their Covenant with God or that it is a lifetime commitment (life changing).

There's also the baptism by water and the baptism by fire.... not everyone believes the Holy Spirit can consume anyone physically (aka.. "convulsing" shaking..."carrying on" and what not.)

I understand that in order to be baptised you must believe in the teachings of the bible and repent of you sins, stop smoking cursing and so on and so on. You must be fully aware of your covenant with the Father. Then when you feel you are ready to publicly announce your committment to God you get baptised. ( its is like a wedding) You are already saved prior to getting baptised, just by your confessions of your sins and your desire to change your life to be in accordance with the scriptures. The holy spirit is already with you at that point because the holy Spirit is what guides us to the Father, the indwelling of the holy spirit comes after baptism, but this portion I believe comes from your studying. As Laela was saying. Jesus said go ye therefore and teach, baptizing them, and teaching them again.

The bible is our example.
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In my studies, baptism of the Holy Spirit is an experience where the followers would recieve power after that the Holy Spirit would come upon them. The baptism of the Holy Spirit involved the believer receiving the Holy Spirit after they were baptised with fire.
Acts 2:1-4 say, When Pentecost, the fiftieth day after Passover came all the believer were together in one place. Suddenly a sound came from the sky and filled the whole house where they were staying. Tongues that look liked fire appeared to them. The tongues arranged themselves so that one came to rest on each believer. All of the believers were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit gave the ability to speak.
Once receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit you will have the ability to speak in tongue because scripture say that both condition have to be made.
My original question:Do Christian receive the Holy Spirit when they are saved? If so, how is this experience different from the baptism in the Holy Spirit?
To add on to that How can you receive the Holy Spirit before you are saved? What is salvation? I do believe from me to answer this questions. I think I know what the baptism of the Holy Spirit is, now I must ask other questions.
I agree with what you quoted about pentecost, but since being saved is being born of the water AND spirit, you cannot be saved BEFORE you are born of the Spirit, which is when you are filled with the Holy Ghost, and then you become as a babe and must grow with it. But knowing the Truth you MUST be baptised in the water first. You repent, you go in the water your sins are washed away you start changing your ways, your faith makes your fruits become right! and then your heart meets a certain condition and He fills you with the Holy Ghost. only then are you SAVED
repeating a verse or just saying i believe doesn't make you saved, it makes you someone with a voice and sin in you. Water Baptism is not just a symbol, God is against symbols, idolatry, imagery... Jesus was the exemple, he went down in the water saying that's what we have to do, so that's what we have to do.
When they talked about "if you believe you're saved" that was each time directed at the Jews who as the bible says were already "ZEALOUS OF GOD", not to the gentile who had several Gods and needed to be cleansed from sin.
You have to be very careful who the texts were meant for, you had the jews and the gentiles, very different characteristics, behaviors, faiths and ways.

As for your question is it different? if i understand your question correctly, it is the same. only thing is the order, you BECOME saved ONCE you receive the Holy Ghost, and not you become saved and then you receive the Holy Ghost
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