The Baggie Technique


New Member
Question! What in the world is the Baggie Technique? I've heard people talking/writing about it. Can someone please describe to me in detail what it is and the positive attributes that come along with it? Thanks! Vanessa
You know I was wondering the same thing. I still believe that this site should have a topic with definitions posted up permanently to avoid having to ask the same questions over and over.

From what I can gather. The baggie technique is used when you use a fake ponytail. You cover your real ponytail with a baggie and then wrap the holder around that then put on the fake ponytail. It is supposed to protect your hair from breakage of the band and fake hair.

If I am wrong or there is something additional to this someone please let me know.
I see that you are both new to the board. let me say a bigh LHCF welcome to the both of you. The baggie technique has been discussed here before to find out the exact wat its done, I would suggest you do a search. this should pull up the info you're looking for. I've never tried the baggie technique, but I believe it is when you put your hair in a pony tail, then put some oil in a baggie (I think they used extra virgin olive oil hereafter known as EVOO) then the bag is placed over your pony tail and held in place by a band or something and the phony pony placed over all this. If I'm wrong, some of you more seasoned members of the LHCF help these sista's out. I'll do a search and try to bump it for you.
I never knew what EVOO was thanks for that one too. I REALLY wish a moderator would post up these abbreviations and definitions it would save SOOO much time
You can also do the Baggie Technique using Scurl instead of oil.Just completely saturate your pony with SCurl and then put on a non-zip sandwich bag over the pony and secure with a scrunchie.
Yes, you use some type of moisturizer before putting the bag on - some use s-curl, EVOO, vaseline, Healthy Ends... whatever works for your hair.