The Baggie Method and Drawstring Ponytail

Hi ladies! I've been a braid wearer for quite some time, but I have strong interest to try this baggie method and wearing a drawstring ponytail. For those that do either one can you give me some helpful tips? Thanks in advance!
When I wore a drawstring ponytail, I always had a baggie underneath. I would wash my hair throw it in a ponytail and usually allow it to air dry. I would put a creamy leave in on my hair, put a little extra in the baggie and then throw it on my hair. Then of course the drawstring over the baggie. HTH
My ends have been dry lately so I took it back to the baggie/phony bun this week. I do like Cincy - Wash my hair and airdry. To slick down my hair, I use whatever my hair feels like, usually a leave in or oil moisturizer (NTM, Elasta Recovery), shea butter, and sometimes grease. For my baggie, I dampen my hair with distilled water, put more shea butter and/or grease, and baggie it up. I have a nice phony bun I wear on top.
Mermaid0684 said:
Hi ladies! I've been a braid wearer for quite some time, but I have strong interest to try this baggie method and wearing a drawstring ponytail. For those that do either one can you give me some helpful tips? Thanks in advance!
I never did the baggie with the drawstring, but I would just heavily moisturize my bunned up hair & place my drawstring on!
-HTH :look:
I do the same, just wash and moisturize, air dry, then put the baggie on with extra moisturizer and put on the ponytail. I switch ever so often for change, but the baggie is a good choice if you want to give your hair a rest.
Mermaid0684 said:
Hi ladies! I've been a braid wearer for quite some time, but I have strong interest to try this baggie method and wearing a drawstring ponytail. For those that do either one can you give me some helpful tips? Thanks in advance!

[size=+1]Well this is how I wear mine. Except I twist my pony into a bun.Adrienne's Baggie Method works well. Instead of activator...I use QP recovery moisturizer. I retained 8" in a year.....minus a 1" trim.

I highly recommend this method of protective styling.
I have been wearing baggie and draw-string ponytail for about 6 months now. Its so convenient cos it hides my baggie and it's quick and easy for work in the morning.

When I get home I just take the hair off, re-moisturise and put my baggie right back wrap my hair with a scarf and go to bed, so actually I wear a baggie 99.9% of the time. The only time I don't is if I'm going out for the evening at the weekend and I want to wear my hair out.
Please tell me where can I get a drawstring ponytail? I use a bun cover with my baggie now and it takes a lot of pins to secure it in place.
xippy said:
Please tell me where can I get a drawstring ponytail? I use a bun cover with my baggie now and it takes a lot of pins to secure it in place.

Any BSS should have them...
baglady215 said:
Any BSS should have them...

Thanks for the response, Baglady. I have a Sally's in my city. I did not see any early in the year, but maybe they've updated their inventory.
i just bought my vaseline and will be getting a drawstring ponytail and scrunchie tomorrow when i get paid :D