That was excellent and beyond needed at this moment!

You will be blessed for posting this..I'm printing this out to read to myself numerous times...thank you!
That was excellent and beyond needed at this moment!

You will be blessed for posting this..I'm printing this out to read to myself numerous times...thank you!

I have found since I read the original version and then wrote my added version I have done ALOT of healing and growing! So glad it is blessing you ladies!!!!
There are many powerful statements here. I can identify well with the process. I'm chewing on it.

Thanks for sharing!
IR: I love it :clap::clap:
And I remember a couple years back, one of my aunts told me, "One'll just get it. You'll just get it and it won't even matter". And she left it at that. You really don't know what that "it" is until you get it. And about fresh air. And I find that alot of it has to do with this quotation here:

In alot of situations, not just romantic ones, this is the answer. Very recently my motto has been "Don't get disappointed; just detach" Perhaps an even more appropriate view is "just redirect or detach"...........and call it a damn day; a damn day and lovely life :yep:

What an inspiring reply!
Thank you for sharing this.. As I was reading it, I found myself tearing up a little bit, but I know that it’s OK, cause tears soothe the soul. There was a lot of thing said that really hit home, but I know that I will be fine as long as I continue to love myself and keep my faith.

Thanks again…
Thank you for sharing this.. As I was reading it, I found myself tearing up a little bit, but I know that it’s OK, cause tears soothe the soul. There was a lot of thing said that really hit home, but I know that I will be fine as long as I continue to love myself and keep my faith.

Thanks again…
:bighug: no thanks needed girl
Great post! And a good reminder for me not to worry about what others think about me. :yep: The only person that I should worry about and how they think about me is God. :up:
Thank you for posting this :yep:.

This is exactly what I am going thru, an awakening and these words describe how I feel and what i am going thru.

It's an incredible process and I'm thankful to God that it finally came. :yep:
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I love this!!! I am at the place where enough is enough and I don't care what others perception is of me. I had to get tired to come to a place of healing and growth. My mom passed in '04 and she came to me in a dream. She said that her soul went thru a regeneration after death. I believe that we all should go thru a renewal, rebirth and regeneration at some point in our lives. It is necessary for our mental and spiritual health. This world can really pull you down if you don't look out for SELF first.

I am going to print this out and place it in a special place - MY BIBLE! Thanks for bumping and sharing again Irresistible. :bighug:
Thank you so much You have Blessed me with this Today! Oh My GOODNESS! Girl you just do not know you blessed me with this!
Thats so awesome! It blessed me to read it again too! so much!

I love this!!! I am at the place where enough is enough and I don't care what others perception is of me. I had to get tired to come to a place of healing and growth. My mom passed in '04 and she came to me in a dream. She said that her soul went thru a regeneration after death. I believe that we all should go thru a renewal, rebirth and regeneration at some point in our lives. It is necessary for our mental and spiritual health. This world can really pull you down if you don't look out for SELF first.

I am going to print this out and place it in a special place - MY BIBLE! Thanks for bumping and sharing again Irresistible. :bighug:
I do agree that we need rebirth and regeneration for our souls, I am at that same place with you and am so thankful I am here now, rebirthing me and loving me! :yep: I'm so blessed that it blessed you ladies!

Thank you for posting this :yep:.

This is exactly what I am going thru, an awakening and these words describe how I feel and what i am going thru.

It's an incredible process and I'm thankful to God that it finally came. :yep:
Kia, I am thanking God with you and for you! :yep: This really is a beautiful place to be, so much peace!

Great post! And a good reminder for me not to worry about what others think about me. :yep: The only person that I should worry about and how they think about me is God. :up:

So glad it blessed all of you! That means alot to me!
Great post! It resonates with me. I'm experiencing some of the changes you'd mentioned. I've printed a copy. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for posting this and bumping it..I did not see it the first time it was posted. I haven't read it but I will print it and read it.
Wow. This is destined. I wasn't even planning on being in the forum at all today. It was to be my Internet sabbath. I read the post. Thank you so much Irresistible.

I feel like I am in a transition stage in my life. I went through it with my job, my body, my spirit, and now in my relationships. I am starting see who my true friends are, and who they are not. I may or may not have a SO come 1/1/09. I feel like 2009 will be a better year for me on all fronts, and this post was right on time to let me know that...

I feel that I am learning more about myself, learning to truly love myself and honor myself. I know I am going through a process right now, could be akin to a labor. I feel like I am in an oven right now. When the Divine is done with me, I'll be let out. I am learning that it is not my season for some things.

I need to exercise patience more, and not ask as many questions as I used to.
I played by my own rules in a lot of ways, and I feel that the Divine is telling me that my way is NOT working, and now it is time for Him to take control. So, I will let him.

I know I will not be given more than I can handle. I know I will be tested, but I will persevere and be better for it. I know that when the season is right, I will be shown the man that will be my lifemate. I know that I am beautifully and wonderfully made, and that the opinion that none. However, compliments are gladly accepted...

So, thank you Irresistible for putting this positive energy out there. It has been long overdue for some, and right on time for others.
Thank you...
Wow. This is destined. I wasn't even planning on being in the forum at all today. It was to be my Internet sabbath. I read the post. Thank you so much Irresistible.

I feel like I am in a transition stage in my life. I went through it with my job, my body, my spirit, and now in my relationships. I am starting see who my true friends are, and who they are not. I may or may not have a SO come 1/1/09. I feel like 2009 will be a better year for me on all fronts, and this post was right on time to let me know that...

I feel that I am learning more about myself, learning to truly love myself and honor myself. I know I am going through a process right now, could be akin to a labor. I feel like I am in an oven right now. When the Divine is done with me, I'll be let out. I am learning that it is not my season for some things.

I need to exercise patience more, and not ask as many questions as I used to.
I played by my own rules in a lot of ways, and I feel that the Divine is telling me that my way is NOT working, and now it is time for Him to take control. So, I will let him.

I know I will not be given more than I can handle. I know I will be tested, but I will persevere and be better for it. I know that when the season is right, I will be shown the man that will be my lifemate. I know that I am beautifully and wonderfully made, and that the opinion that none. However, compliments are gladly accepted...

So, thank you Irresistible for putting this positive energy out there. It has been long overdue for some, and right on time for others.
Thank you...

I totally feel you on the labor thing

it is a 'birthing' :yep: the birthing of the higher/greater you and me

its a birthing of not letting people or circumstances control your inner peace and self love and serenity

its a panful process with its bumps! but its so worth it to simply 'allow' yourself such freedom:yep:

I feel you girl
:bump: :bump: :bump:

reading these threads on here tonight just saddened me

men can suck! They are not really built with the inner workings generally for LOVE , doesnt mean they dont LOVE, just that they usually love CONTROL more than LOVE

love yourselves ladies! when they are there, when they are gone, when they do what they do and dont do!

I am coming more and more and more and more into this undying love for ME


its our only hope
OH. MY. GOSH!!!! This is EXACTLY what I am going through right now!!! Thank you soooooooo much Irresistible!! :kiss:
Wow!! Just Wow!!
You learn to be thankful and to take care of many of the simple things we take for granted, things that millions of people upon the earth can only dream about.

My favorite part of the post. My minister speaks to this all of the time.
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