The Attack on Women

Yes Shimmie Pastor Andy got jokes because Bryant was sure up their. SMH....


What bothers me is that the Pastors who deserve to be there are not being asked. The wrong message is being given in the sense where people think they can sin and take advantage of God's forgiveness and go right back to the pulpits as if all is fine and dandy.

When instead, it should be Pastors who have chosen to stay faithful, to not divorce, to not dabble in gay sin, to not curse in the pulpit, and all of the rest of the mess. There are indeed faithful, honest and true men and women of God who have stayed the course, maintained the faith, and have integrity and yet, they are not being brought forth.

There is truly a conspiracy to display a negative image of our faith and our Churches and the Ministers who teach of Jesus. And this is what I have had enough of.
I have trouble listening to preachers who have disrespected their wife, family and church. I can't listen to in-depth teaching when you publicly abuse your wife. Rev Sheffield is a local pastor running for congress. He is in the middle of a divorce and accused of domestic violence. Sigh. I do not think I can vote for him. they lose me with this stuff.