The Asian beauty supply lady said...


New Member
...So I went to the beauty supply today to get a color rinse to tone down my highlights (I get bored easily), and the owner of the beauty supply started offering all this advice. I was half way listening to her beacause I already have access to the best advice (LHCF) right? But then she started saying things that sounded absolutely correct. She said she was really into hair care opposed to just styling...that I should use a leave-in after washing as well as an oil, use distilled water beacause faucet water was to harsh...yada yada. So then I started paying attention to her. Then she said that washing my hair everyday was to harsh :eek: She said that I should mist everyday with distilled water to re-activate the moisturizing products in my hair. She said that I should wash only once a week maybe twice since my hair is oily :look: She then said that I should not air dry :confused: :eek: She said that air drying leaves the cuticle rough and that I should at a minimum sit under a hooded dryer because the heat seals the cuticle. I mean it sounded like it makes sense. What do ypo all think about this?
Sorry, but I wouldn't take the word of an Asian concerning my hair. She's really not in a position to advise you:nono:
She may be speaking the truth, but I feel that I get solid advise from the ladies here with hair types similar to my own:up:
Sometimes people with less kinky hair types take care of their hair excellently and their tips aren't bad at all.

People with less curly hair do similar things that we do. Like conditioner washes/using oils and leave ins/braidouts... basically hair is hair, and if someone knows proper hair care in general, they have something to offer.

About the heat thing, I've heard the same thing mentioned here.

I don't agree with it because:

1) How can applying direct heat to your hair make it healthier? When people say that it's softer and in better condition when they use heat, I think it's because the texture is straigthened out and their hair is softer/straighter because of the heat. So it's easier to manage.

2) Heat RAISES cuticles. So it can't seal anything.
I agree with most of what she said but thats b/c those things works for me(minimum washing and using the dryer for rollersets), but everyones hair is different. If your doing the complete opposite and your hair is thriving then don't change it.
tthreat08 said:
...So I went to the beauty supply today to get a color rinse to tone down my highlights (I get bored easily), and the owner of the beauty supply started offering all this advice. I was half way listening to her beacause I already have access to the best advice (LHCF) right? But then she started saying things that sounded absolutely correct. She said she was really into hair care opposed to just styling...that I should use a leave-in after washing as well as an oil, use distilled water beacause faucet water was to harsh...yada yada. So then I started paying attention to her. Then she said that washing my hair everyday was to harsh :eek: She said that I should mist everyday with distilled water to re-activate the moisturizing products in my hair. She said that I should wash only once a week maybe twice since my hair is oily :look: She then said that I should not air dry :confused: :eek: She said that air drying leaves the cuticle rough and that I should at a minimum sit under a hooded dryer because the heat seals the cuticle. I mean it sounded like it makes sense. What do ypo all think about this?

I agree with her about alot of stuff she said. The advice isn't all inclusive though. The thing about airdrying though really solves itself. If you are using a leave in and oil after washing (like she suggests) then those products will smooth your cuticle and should allow you to airdry without the issue of raised, rough cuticles. You can also smooth the cuticle with a cold water final rinse before you airdry.

Some of us can take a daily washing-- some of us can't. It would depend on your products too. If you were using a harsh shampoo and trying to wash daily then yeah- it would be too much. It might be different for a daily conditioner washer or someone using a moisturizing poo. For me, I can't wash more often than every 2-3 days- its just too much manipulation for me.
I got advice from an asian lady in her BSS and she recommended some products that did work very well on me. I just wanted to keep trying other things. I think, hair is hair is hair but if someone has been doing hair for years and years and have experience working with other ethnicities I would consider their advice valid.

I know several hispanics with different textures than kinky but can HOOK KINKY HAIR UP! And considering some of the bad habits we as AAs have picked up over the years (touch ups every 4 to 6 weeks) it may not hurt to get another perspective.
Yeah, I agree that ethnicity doesn't dictate knowledge. I could tell that she was knowledgeable. SHe suggested that less manipulation and fewer washes would get me an even thicker head of hair along with length. The heat part had me curious, as I wah daily and have good results. However, it would make sense that doing it less often would equal less hair loss. I guess ultimately the key is to keep it moisturized, especially the ends.
Dialy washing is a no no for my hair. Dries me out faster than anything! I think she is right about the air drying thing. Rlaxers open the hair up and air drying just allows all the moisture to escape. I moisturize and then follow with a light oil to seal in the moisture with a medium heat hood dryer (rollerset, twist set, etc) I also agree with Sista with the cold final rinse. Makes a helluva difference in my case...
i always thought that heat opens up the cuticle and washing with cold water seals the cuticle. when i airdry my hair comes out softer. when i sit under a dryer to dry my hair it comes out very hard. but my hair is natural. i guess everyone's hair is different.
Roller setting then drying under the dryer seals my cuticle(to me!)
I think the advice is worth giving a whorl, why not?

I realized by accident, that for me that my hair looks best(when I do it myself) when I put a conditioner for 15 minutes ONLY(no heat).. When my domincan stylist does it, it still looks nice despite the heat..

Go figure.
tthreat08 said:
...So I went to the beauty supply today to get a color rinse to tone down my highlights (I get bored easily), and the owner of the beauty supply started offering all this advice. I was half way listening to her beacause I already have access to the best advice (LHCF) right? But then she started saying things that sounded absolutely correct. She said she was really into hair care opposed to just styling...that I should use a leave-in after washing as well as an oil, use distilled water beacause faucet water was to harsh...yada yada. So then I started paying attention to her. Then she said that washing my hair everyday was to harsh :eek: She said that I should mist everyday with distilled water to re-activate the moisturizing products in my hair. She said that I should wash only once a week maybe twice since my hair is oily :look: She then said that I should not air dry :confused: :eek: She said that air drying leaves the cuticle rough and that I should at a minimum sit under a hooded dryer because the heat seals the cuticle. I mean it sounded like it makes sense. What do ypo all think about this?

or instead of using heat u can use a colour rinse every month or just use serum when u airdry - they also seal the cuticle. heat is not needed really at all.
beyondcute said:
Dialy washing is a no no for my hair. Dries me out faster than anything! I think she is right about the air drying thing. Rlaxers open the hair up and air drying just allows all the moisture to escape. I moisturize and then follow with a light oil to seal in the moisture with a medium heat hood dryer (rollerset, twist set, etc) I also agree with Sista with the cold final rinse. Makes a helluva difference in my case...

washing daily wud kill my hair right off lmao!!!!
I think her advice is good and worth a shot. The misting advice sounds good I think I'll give that a try to see if there is a big difference. She seems to know her stuff, and I don't think because she's Asian doesn't mean she doesn't understand AA hair or anyone else outside of her race, shoot I've seen some Asian ppl w/what looked like 4a/b hair, plus she proabably deals w/more AA on a daily basis than Asians when it comes to hair care, I don't see many of them going into my BSS to buy hair products, LOL.
ETA: I thought direct heat was when the flat iron or pressing comb meets directly w/your hair strands, a dryer just blows out air at your desired temperature, medium and cool are the best. But a Blow dryer w/comb attachment or bush is more like direct heat. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
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tthreat08 said:
...So I went to the beauty supply today to get a color rinse to tone down my highlights (I get bored easily), and the owner of the beauty supply started offering all this advice. I was half way listening to her beacause I already have access to the best advice (LHCF) right? But then she started saying things that sounded absolutely correct. She said she was really into hair care opposed to just styling...that I should use a leave-in after washing as well as an oil, use distilled water beacause faucet water was to harsh...yada yada. So then I started paying attention to her. Then she said that washing my hair everyday was to harsh :eek: She said that I should mist everyday with distilled water to re-activate the moisturizing products in my hair. She said that I should wash only once a week maybe twice since my hair is oily :look: She then said that I should not air dry :confused: :eek: She said that air drying leaves the cuticle rough and that I should at a minimum sit under a hooded dryer because the heat seals the cuticle. I mean it sounded like it makes sense. What do ypo all think about this?

All of what she said makes sense for my hair. I can't airdry, I've tried it multiple ways and it's just not for me. Perhaps she knows someone who's hair responds the same way and figured she'd offer the advice. In fact, I may try spritzing with distilled water during the week.
All of the advice she has given you have already been given here; we've had threads where people said that airdrying didn't work for them. She might be a regular lurker on LHCF. Hehe!!
tthreat08 said:
... Then she said that washing my hair everyday was to harsh :eek: She said that I should mist everyday with distilled water to re-activate the moisturizing products in my hair. She said that I should wash only once a week maybe twice since my hair is oily :look: She then said that I should not air dry :confused: :eek: She said that air drying leaves the cuticle rough and that I should at a minimum sit under a hooded dryer because the heat seals the cuticle.

Some of the things the woman said does make sense (like the washing once a week--wish I could do it twice but my days are just too busy). Just sort through the information and take out what is beneficial to you.
Interesting advice, grasshopper... :look: No, really. I think most of that advice was on point. But I am not buying the bit about airdrying. HELLO!... :think: it is the most natural way to dry your hair. What raises your hair cuticles is chemical treatments, certain products that are not right for your particular hair type, heat, and friction.

I agree with the cold water rinse advice. If you use the right cuticle smoothing conditioners, moisturizers, and oils when you airdry, then your cuticles should be fine. As for the frequency of washing, I honestly believe that depends on what you actually do when you wash. I used to be a daily washer when my hair was short and relaxed, and my hair stayed healthy and strong. Not only did I not see a lot of breakage, but my hair also grew like crazy. You have to be careful not to rub or scrub your hair shaft (no friction :naughty: ). Manipulate it as little as possible when you wash. I don't daily wash now because of my length. I've been laaaazzy :sleeping:

Most of all I would say don't knock a good thing. If you think your hair is fine with airdrying, stick with it.
nicki6 said:
Sorry, but I wouldn't take the word of an Asian concerning my hair. She's really not in a position to advise you:nono:
She may be speaking the truth, but I feel that I get solid advise from the ladies here with hair types similar to my own:up:

True, but much of what she said are true and things the ladies here have advised. It's not that hard to figure out what different hair types or races require, maybe she pays particular attention to hair or has had experience with AA hair.

The ladies on LHCF are my final say in tips for my hair, but knowledge is knowledge regardless. I use the techniques she mentioned and I would try it since they are not drastic, if they don't work then stop.
My ex blk hairdresser advised that I relax every 4wks, don't need daily moisturizer and a bunch of other stuff, my white haircutter told me to deep condition every weekend, not wash too often and wrap my hair, there are some (few) ppl that make themselves knowledgable about all hair in general sounds like the asian lady may be one of those ppl.

edited to add:
I tried airdrying after visiting the board and for me it broke my hair terribly, my hair was dry and brittle. I think it works for some but not others. When airdried my hair dries kinkly and is harder to comb, with rollersets my hair dries straight and doesn't snag when combed.
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tthreat08 said:
She said she was really into hair care opposed to just styling...that I should use a leave-in after washing as well as an oil, use distilled water beacause faucet water was to harsh...yada yada. So then I started paying attention to her. Then she said that washing my hair everyday was to harsh :eek: She said that I should mist everyday with distilled water to re-activate the moisturizing products in my hair. She said that I should wash only once a week maybe twice since my hair is oily :look: She then said that I should not air dry :confused: :eek: She said that air drying leaves the cuticle rough and that I should at a minimum sit under a hooded dryer because the heat seals the cuticle. I mean it sounded like it makes sense. What do ypo all think about this?

I agree with EVERYTHING she said, because they seem to apply to me. But of course everyone's hair is different. I do believe that airdrying leaves the cuticle rough, but there are ways to change that, with good moisturizing leave-ins etc. And i see the difference. I don't like airdrying, but I do it anyway sometimes. I ran out of leave-ins and I washed my hair last night and today, my hair feels drier than it did last week when I was using my leave-ins. The oil moisturizer that I used last night on my hair (the only thing i used) was'nt enough to smooth down the cuticle.

I do believe that washing everyday is too harsh, b/c even if the shampoo is moisturizing, MOST still have the harsh chemical agents, SLS or whatever. I have noticed that even though my hair is healthier, some of the thickness I used to have isn't really there, and I didn't know what to do about that. I do notice that when my hair feels dry and I spritz it with water a little bit, it feels all moisturized again.
The problem would be though, if you're exercising? u would NEED to wash your scalp. So what would u do in that case?
I prefer to wash my hair twice a week, but I want to start an exercise regimen where I'll exercise 5-6 days a week, and biweekly washings won't cut it. I'll need to get the sweat off my scalp. and I DON'T wanna wash everyday, I'm thinking maybe i'll spritz my scalp after each exercise, and still wash twice a week.

Rollersetting, IMO, is the best thing for my hair. After all the shed hairs I had today, I think I may start rollersetting now, b/c airdrying doesn't work for me when I'm far into my relaxer stretch.
u have to do what works for you...just like that may work for her...but it may not work for everyone you know...its just like some people on the board with cowashing...for some it works for and some it doesnt...ive seen some Asian women with the most beautiful bouncy hair...but then again i cant do they do because their hair is totally different then ethnic hair...i most of the advice she gave sounds like some advice that has already been given on LHCF....
locabouthair said:
i always thought that heat opens up the cuticle and washing with cold water seals the cuticle. when i airdry my hair comes out softer. when i sit under a dryer to dry my hair it comes out very hard. but my hair is natural. i guess everyone's hair is different.

Airdrying leaves my hair moist and soft, my hair comes out dry with heat.
tthreat08 said:
...So I went to the beauty supply today to get a color rinse to tone down my highlights (I get bored easily), and the owner of the beauty supply started offering all this advice. I was half way listening to her beacause I already have access to the best advice (LHCF) right? But then she started saying things that sounded absolutely correct. She said she was really into hair care opposed to just styling...that I should use a leave-in after washing as well as an oil, use distilled water beacause faucet water was to harsh...yada yada. So then I started paying attention to her. Then she said that washing my hair everyday was to harsh :eek: She said that I should mist everyday with distilled water to re-activate the moisturizing products in my hair. She said that I should wash only once a week maybe twice since my hair is oily :look: She then said that I should not air dry :confused: :eek: She said that air drying leaves the cuticle rough and that I should at a minimum sit under a hooded dryer because the heat seals the cuticle. I mean it sounded like it makes sense. What do ypo all think about this?

Well, I think the Asian lady knows what she's talking about.

I'm not sure I agree with the part where she says your hair is oily though....I am yet to meet a black person with oily hair.

Yes, if I were to just leave my hair to air dry by itself without putting on any leave-in or oil etc it would look a hot mess so I see the sense in what she's saying.

I am open to taking advice from any person, as long as they understand my hair and this Asian lady was talking basic scientific facts, which pretty much works for any hair type IMO.

In fact I'm surprised that she showed such interest because usually they just want to grab your cash.
CarLiTa said:
I agree with EVERYTHING she said, because they seem to apply to me. But of course everyone's hair is different. I do believe that airdrying leaves the cuticle rough, but there are ways to change that, with good moisturizing leave-ins etc. And i see the difference. I don't like airdrying, but I do it anyway sometimes. I ran out of leave-ins and I washed my hair last night and today, my hair feels drier than it did last week when I was using my leave-ins. The oil moisturizer that I used last night on my hair (the only thing i used) was'nt enough to smooth down the cuticle.

I do believe that washing everyday is too harsh, b/c even if the shampoo is moisturizing, MOST still have the harsh chemical agents, SLS or whatever. I have noticed that even though my hair is healthier, some of the thickness I used to have isn't really there, and I didn't know what to do about that. I do notice that when my hair feels dry and I spritz it with water a little bit, it feels all moisturized again.
The problem would be though, if you're exercising? u would NEED to wash your scalp. So what would u do in that case?
I prefer to wash my hair twice a week, but I want to start an exercise regimen where I'll exercise 5-6 days a week, and biweekly washings won't cut it. I'll need to get the sweat off my scalp. and I DON'T wanna wash everyday, I'm thinking maybe i'll spritz my scalp after each exercise, and still wash twice a week.

Yeah, the other day I got a trim and the stylist said the same thing to me about washing your hair everyday. She said that it dries your hair out but then I told her that I don't wash it every day unless I work out because I must wash my hair to rinse all the sweat out but when I do I usually wash and go. Then she said that should be okay as long as I'm not using heat so I was kinda confused :confused:.

I wanna know the same thing though. I would like to go without washing my hair as often but I have to when I work out because it gets so sweaty.
Tene said:
Airdrying leaves my hair moist and soft, my hair comes out dry with heat.

same!! my hair has this lovely texture when i airdry, and its more silky. blowdrying and heatstyling looks nice and all, but i feel a bit scared of bein free with it. i cant play with it cuz it feels parched even if its full of products, and it feels like thick horse hair.
Well, I think the Asian lady knows what she's talking about.

I'm not sure I agree with the part where she says your hair is oily though....I am yet to meet a black person with oily hair.

Yes, if I were to just leave my hair to air dry by itself without putting on any leave-in or oil etc it would look a hot mess so I see the sense in what she's saying.

I am open to taking advice from any person, as long as they understand my hair and this Asian lady was talking basic scientific facts, which pretty much works for any hair type IMO.

In fact I'm surprised that she showed such interest because usually they just want to grab your cash.

my hair ends up oily, but its not naturally oily. needs something to kick it off
That was pretty good advice and I would have given the same, especially about co washing everyday and airdrying. But everyone's hair is different and therefore react's differently . My hair is a dry frizzled hot mess if I airdry. And as far as co-washing everyday, I would not live to see the results, I would die of pneumonia. I get sick If I walk around or sleep(even worse) with a wet head.
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Well, I think the Asian lady knows what she's talking about.

I'm not sure I agree with the part where she says your hair is oily though....I am yet to meet a black person with oily hair.

Yes, if I were to just leave my hair to air dry by itself without putting on any leave-in or oil etc it would look a hot mess so I see the sense in what she's saying.

I am open to taking advice from any person, as long as they understand my hair and this Asian lady was talking basic scientific facts, which pretty much works for any hair type IMO.

In fact I'm surprised that she showed such interest because usually they just want to grab your cash.

In Asian woman's defense, I actually do have oily hair. I have oily hair and skin. I have always been a frequent washer for that reason. Granted I didn't do it everyday, but I would wash every three days. When I used to get my hair pressed at the salon, I stopped letting the stylist add any oil to hair. By day three it would be an oily stringy yucky gross mess. The Asian lady said that I was actually the exception to the rule.
I'm really intrigued by the different responses regarding air drying and heat drying. I have been air drying forever (even before LHCF-because I'm lazy :) ), and my hair isn't dull or rough. BUT, I always airdry in a braid or bun, NEVER just all out there. NOW, if I dried with my hair all losse, that would be a tragedy. This happened before and I had to just start all over. It would be so tangled, etc. I can appreciate though how different hair types would respond differently to this.

I find though, that when it was freaking -1000 degress outside (that's 45-50 here in Southern cali...don't laugh, but that's very cold for us :) ), The wet hair was just not an option. So, I washed at night so it would be dry by morning. I am going to begin cutting back on the washing though. I'll wash after workouts (three times a week-every other week day). That should be more than enough.

The asian lady offered to flat iron my hair as well. I dunno though.... :confused: She said that flat ironing should not be done by pulling the iron across the strands, but rather in 123 second intervals along each section of the strand. She said it's because the porosity along each strand is different and piulling the iron stretches the strand. Makes sense. I may give her a whirl. All the black girls were coming in and asking for here by name, so she has gained their trust somehow.

She also recommended the Vonte hair products (I wanted some QP Elasta gel and mango butter, but they were all out of the gel). I bought the gel, it seems pretty cool. I only use gel sparingly on the edges. Any of you use this line?
the asian lady sounds like she knows her stuff. i think i read somewhere about not pulling the hair when using heat.

i have always hood or blow dried my hair. my hair is so thick that it's never dry by morning when i air dry. i tried it again since discovering this site and it's just too time consuming. it will only dry if it leave it all out, and then it gets really big and knotted :ohwell:
tthreat08 said:
...So I went to the beauty supply today to get a color rinse to tone down my highlights (I get bored easily), and the owner of the beauty supply started offering all this advice. I was half way listening to her beacause I already have access to the best advice (LHCF) right? But then she started saying things that sounded absolutely correct. She said she was really into hair care opposed to just styling...that I should use a leave-in after washing as well as an oil, use distilled water beacause faucet water was to harsh...yada yada. So then I started paying attention to her. Then she said that washing my hair everyday was to harsh :eek: She said that I should mist everyday with distilled water to re-activate the moisturizing products in my hair. She said that I should wash only once a week maybe twice since my hair is oily :look: She then said that I should not air dry :confused: :eek: She said that air drying leaves the cuticle rough and that I should at a minimum sit under a hooded dryer because the heat seals the cuticle. I mean it sounded like it makes sense. What do ypo all think about this?

I agree with what the Asian lady said except for the hooded dryer. I never tried the hooder dryer thing. Washing once a week for me is great. I highly recommend misting hair each day, hair needs moisture on a daily basis and the best source of moisture is water. After misting I suggest to cover hair with scarf. I mist at night. Your Asian lady is quite knowledgable. Her tips work just fine with my 4zzz natural, past bra-strap hair.