The art of taking hair pictures


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I would like to start a thread that discusses tips and tricks that you may have picked up along the way to help take your progress pictures. No tip is too small!!

I have been doing this thing now for 2.5 years and I still have a tough time taking the pics. Looking forward to your lovely advice :-)
well i made sure when i bought my camera it had many options on the timer setting. I set it (camera) up on a dresser, fireplace, etc and stand in front of it and it takes my pics for me. No more "pics in the bathroom mirror" with a big flash whiting out everything.

Make sure the camera you have has a timer flash on it, if not invest in one if you have the funds. It will save you trouble and get great back length shots perfectly.
I prop the camera up on one of the cabinet shelf in the bathroom and set the auto timer. I'll sometimes use a hand mirror to quickly fix fly aways before the picture is taken.
I feel very stupid right about now. I have a camera with a self timer but I never use it to take hair pictures,but I use it for full body shots. When it comes to hair I do the mirror thing (that's about to change).Thank you
Using the 10 second delay with the camera set on a tripod lets you take the picture yourself; indirect lighting with the flash turned off, & the basic camera setting (icon for the camera) worked better for me than portrait or automatic. Taking lots of pics and remembering what settings worked!
Thanks, great thread! I thought all ya'll had devoted and willing SO's taking all those great back shots. :laugh:
Thanks, great thread! I thought all ya'll had devoted and willing SO's taking all those great back shots. :laugh:

lol I have had my SO take pictures for me before. But honestly I feel funny doing so b/c I don't want him to think I'm weird for taking hair progress pictures :lachen:
lol I have had my SO take pictures for me before. But honestly I feel funny doing so b/c I don't want him to think I'm weird for taking hair progress pictures :lachen:

I wasn't going to say that, but same here! Plus, I feel weird directing him, easier just to do myself.
lol I have had my SO take pictures for me before. But honestly I feel funny doing so b/c I don't want him to think I'm weird for taking hair progress pictures :lachen:

lol my thoughts exactly! I could ask my BF, but he already thinks I'm weird about my hair. :laugh:
Thanks for this because sometimes I take them myself or have my SO take them but he starts to think I amm obsessed with my hair or he does not get the shot right. I need to get a better digital camera
My mom usually takes them for me, lol. She's a hair junkie too so she doest think I'm weird for taking them.

I need to figure out how to use my timer...anyone here have a Nikon d40?
My hair is not long, so it's easier to take pics for me, However, when I take most of my hair pics, I take them in front of the mirror, but I don't point the viewfinder towards the mirror. I stretch out my arm and point the camera towards me, then I use the mirror's reflection to look at the LCD screen on the back of the camera. Hold still and snap.

It's better if you don't use flash, and don't forget to turn on the "macro" feature on your camera for detail.

Some of my pics are just pure luck, like this one, I had 2 mirrors and just looked at the camera until it was in position, then turned my head to the back, holding very still and snapped:





Most of my back/length pics are not straight on, since my hair is not long. If I get a straight on length shot, like my avi someone helps me.

Practice does help and usually have to take a lot of shots to get a good one.

The camera was sitting on top of my head in this one, so if you're pointing towards the mirror, the flash must be off.

Another tip for good hair pics, don't have a pile of dirty clothes in the background!
I stand with my back turned to the bathroom mirror and I have a hand-held mirror in one hand and the camera in another.

That way, when I face the camera screen to the hand-held mirror, I can see the pic being taken.
I stand with my back turned to the bathroom mirror and I have a hand-held mirror in one hand and the camera in another.

That way, when I face the camera screen to the hand-held mirror, I can see the pic being taken.

I do this too but I still see the flash in the pic. I guess I need to turn the flash off.
Get someone else to take them :yep:

The perspective and angle is much more natural.

I get my bf to do them sometimes.

I think as my hair gets longer, he'll be more excited and inspired and do them more often. He's still a teeny little bit upset about the BC :giggle:
LOL - I open up the medicine cabinet and place camera (start the 10 second timer) and
turn around.

A camera with a timer is essential.
My camera flash bkoke up last nich when i was taking my monthly naked hair pictures ToT

Well, anyway. For me, what work the best is to use the flash in a low iluminated room, or flash off, while in the sun. The best picture i ever took, was in my balcony it was like 3 to 5 pm and i could capture even my hair color (the flash not always took it).
This will be a helpful thread.

IDK, I take like 20 pictures to get 1 good picture.

I'm buying one of those new camera with the lcd screen on the front and back (just saw the commercial today), I think that will be helpful.