The advice from a stylist who trimmed my hair...


Love yourself first!
She told me

1. To throw my Mane and Tail away.
2. To Trim every 6-8 weeks.
3. Do not need to add moisturizers to my hair but once a week.
4. WGO is too heavy for my hair.
5. Should only wash hair once a week.

Of course I was looking at her like she was crazy!

Well after she washed my hair and blow dried for about 20 minutes! (which I didnt like!) she trimmed my hair. Afterwards she flat ironed with a Chi and must admit my hair was silky smooth except for the new growth! She said I was due for a touch up and advised me to get one, I told her I was at 5 weeks and she said I still need to get one otherwise my hair would break off.

Well, Now my hair feels all nylonish! She said hair is suppose to move freely! I want to put all kinds of oils in my hair! For the past two days I wanted to try it her way. I dont think I like it. I feel like my hair is screaming for some products! LOL!

So tomorrow is a wash day for me and I am going back to my old ways!

What do you guys think of the advice she gave me?
I don't know what the stylist is talking about. She just wants to kill your hair and take your money for doing it. Your hair looks great!

I just checked out your album and you have a beautiful head of hair! So it's obvious you know what you're doing. Your hairdresser has a lot of nerve!
mrslee said:
She told me

1. To throw my Mane and Tail away.
2. To Trim every 6-8 weeks.
3. Do not need to add moisturizers to my hair but once a week.
4. WGO is too heavy for my hair.
5. Should only wash hair once a week.
1. Are the Mane 'N Tail products working well for your hair? They seem to do good for a lot of the ladies here. I haven't used their products in years.

2. I haven't trimmed every 6-8 weeks in years.

3. I like adding moisturizers to my hair more than once a week. If I get a roller set, then I add only a small amount of serum.

4. I tried WGO a long time ago. I didn't like the smell, but my cats sure did. :grin: It seems to be working well for a lot of the ladies here.

5. I wash my hair once a week. However, I have washed it way more than once a weekin the past (without a problem).

Allandra said:
1. Are the Mane 'N Tail products working well for your hair? They seem to do good for a lot of the ladies here. I haven't used their products in years.

2. I haven't trimmed every 6-8 weeks in years.

3. I like adding moisturizers to my hair more than once a week. If I get a roller set, then I add only a small amount of serum.

4. I tried WGO a long time ago. I didn't like the smell, but my cats sure did. :grin: It seems to be working well for a lot of the ladies here.

5. I wash my hair once a week. However, I have washed it way more than once a weekin the past (without a problem).

Thanks for the compliments ladies! I know I still have a long way to go to catch up with some of the beautiful heads here!

Exactly!! I was sitting there thinking..."If my girls could hear this!!"

I know what is best for my hair and I am going to stick with my own regimen.
It just frustrates me to know stylist give such advice to draw clients back to them. I feel sorry for the ladies who dont know any better.
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What does her hair look like? With advice like that, I just have to know.
Lucia said: too

Its funny you ask! Because when she was saying all this stuff, I was looking dead at her hair! It was just barely touching her shoulder. It looked dry to me. She also told me SHE needed a touch up and a trim, but didnt have time to do her own hair! YEAH RIGHT!!! LOL!
mrslee said:
Its funny you ask! Because when she was saying all this stuff, I was looking dead at her hair! It was just barely touching her shoulder. It looked dry to me. She also told me SHE needed a touch up and a trim, but didnt have time to do her own hair! YEAH RIGHT!!! LOL!
Ooh uh uh. Don't listen to her. I'm thinkin from the sounds of her hair, YOU should be giving HER the advice, not vice versa!
candibaby said:
Ooh uh uh. Don't listen to her. I'm thinkin from the sounds of her hair, YOU should be giving HER the advice, not vice versa!
ITA your hair looks like hair product commercial quality without the weave. Don't listen to her, and watch her like a hawk, she's goning to want to mess you up. I do my own hair now for that very reason.
She sounds crazy. Although the only advice I have to agree with her on is trimming every six to eight weeks. If I don't trim my ends look raggedy.
Lucia said: too

Me three. I would also have taken a good look at her other clients' hair if i had been in the salon long enough. Sounds like this is woman is giving out bad advice AND trying to make a quick buck. She wants you in her chair every week.
i was gonna ask who was down for a ROLLING UP ON HER LHCF STYLE
but hearing that her hair was dry and a mess is punishment enough.
sounds like some not so undercover hair envy going on
mrslee, your hair is very beautiful and healthy! Whatever you're doing is working for you, so I'd take that hairdressers advice with a grain of salt.
Your hair looks fine to me. Very thick and shiny. If I were you I'd tell her okay, then do my own thing. And then before I see her, I would follow her suggestions a few days before her appointment, and then I would see what she says.

I don't tell my hairdressors anything. They don't like to show or tell me what they use, so I do the same thing. Everything you use to a hairdressor ALWAYS seems to be wrong. I am a woman of few words. When they tell me I need a cut, I tell them I don't have the money for it, can you do it for free? When they say I need a touch up, I tell them I don't have the money maybe later. I don't entertain some of them too much.

I have gone to a few stylists who actually think my hair routine is on point. But then again their clients are always looking sharp, and their hair looks great. I keep them as stylists when I don't feel like doing my hair.
mrslee....why are u even entertaining thoughts of what this chick told you to do??

I'm mad she told you to give up the Mane N Tail. She should catch it on the baby toe for that one.

You have gorgeous hair...I'm trying to be like you....keep doin what ur's working just finnnnnnnnnne chica!

mrslee said:
She told me

1. To throw my Mane and Tail away.
2. To Trim every 6-8 weeks.
3. Do not need to add moisturizers to my hair but once a week.
4. WGO is too heavy for my hair.
5. Should only wash hair once a week.

Of course I was looking at her like she was crazy!

Well after she washed my hair and blow dried for about 20 minutes! (which I didnt like!) she trimmed my hair. Afterwards she flat ironed with a Chi and must admit my hair was silky smooth except for the new growth! She said I was due for a touch up and advised me to get one, I told her I was at 5 weeks and she said I still need to get one otherwise my hair would break off.

Well, Now my hair feels all nylonish! She said hair is suppose to move freely! I want to put all kinds of oils in my hair! For the past two days I wanted to try it her way. I dont think I like it. I feel like my hair is screaming for some products! LOL!

So tomorrow is a wash day for me and I am going back to my old ways!

What do you guys think of the advice she gave me?

I agree with #3 only. If I moisturized my hair everyday, it'll come out stringy and dirty looking. Plus, too much moisture makes my hair break, but that's just my hair. I'm sure others do well with daily moisturizing.

I can't belive that stylist- well, actually I can. Which is why I don't go to them anymore. Not that there are not good ones out there, but I don't agree with her at all.

Did she specifically say why she wanted you to throw out your MNT? Did she examine your hair and say it did something to it? Your hair is GORGEOUS and she probably was just envious. It sounds like it didn't even feel like it feels when you do your own hair (nylon comment). At least you got a good trim (hopefully she didn't take too much off). When you do your next relaxer you should probably be back at your original length, if not longer.

I use to have "hair that moved freely" before coming to the board, but I also had a lot more breakage then b/c I wan't oiling enough. Make sure you monitor your hair for breakage when you comb. If you see little hairs, time for moisture!! ;)
Always look at the health of your stylists' hair...if it looks like crap...RUUUUUNNNNN!!!

You should never trust someone with your hair that knows nothing about taking care of their own. If I were you I'd stay away from the stylist that gave you those tips.
frankie said:
Always look at the health of your stylists' hair...if it looks like crap...RUUUUUNNNNN!!!

You should never trust someone with your hair that knows nothing about taking care of their own. If I were you I'd stay away from the stylist that gave you those tips.

Co-signing on this. Nor should you trust a stylist who wont you what she does to make your hair look good so that you can replicate it when you leave the salon -- I've seen stylists like this too. Truth be told, I would have been scared to let her trim my hair! She might have been envious and SH!
SouthernGirl said:

I can't belive that stylist- well, actually I can. Which is why I don't go to them anymore. Not that there are not good ones out there, but I don't agree with her at all.

Did she specifically say why she wanted you to throw out your MNT? Did she examine your hair and say it did something to it? Your hair is GORGEOUS and she probably was just envious. It sounds like it didn't even feel like it feels when you do your own hair (nylon comment). At least you got a good trim (hopefully she didn't take too much off). When you do your next relaxer you should probably be back at your original length, if not longer.

I use to have "hair that moved freely" before coming to the board, but I also had a lot more breakage then b/c I wan't oiling enough. Make sure you monitor your hair for breakage when you comb. If you see little hairs, time for moisture!! ;)

Hey SG! :wave:

She told me to toss the M/T cause it was made for horses not human hair! She had no real reason as to why not to use it!
I went back to putting moisture in my hair two days ago, I couldnt take it any more. Plus my new growth was looking extremely poofy! :wow:
I felt so much better after I applied the oil and I believe my hair was happy also!
mrslee said:
Hey SG! :wave:

She told me to toss the M/T cause it was made for horses not human hair! She had no real reason as to why not to use it!
I went back to putting moisture in my hair two days ago, I couldnt take it any more. Plus my new growth was looking extremely poofy! :wow:
I felt so much better after I applied the oil and I believe my hair was happy also!

Ah, I suspected this. I'll bet she's never gone to the website to see that the product has been formulated in a manner that makes it safe for humans. Not to mention, many people are getting good results.

Now, not only do we have to LHCF cards made, we'll also need to get the MNT website printed on the card so she can do her due diligence :lachen:

I hear this all the time- not surprised. Well, as long as you are getting great results, don't worry about her. the proof is in the pudding!!
