The 2006 Qu.I.C. Start Thread: Post Your Regimens!


old head
First, if you don't know what Qu.I.C. is, read the introductory thread that was started earlier to see if you want to join.

For the challengers:
You've still got plenty of time before January 1st if you haven't decided on your plan yet. When you've got an initial plan, post it in this thread.

For me
Hair Stats: 4a Natural, about 10 inches scalp to ends

Growth Rate Stats: Currently: .75 inch (I think a little less in these colder months). Goal: 1 inch

Initial Plan:
1. Exercise at least 3x per week with videos at home.
2. Conscious effort to eat more protein (won't be measuring grams, just qualitatively "more").
3. Vitamin Regimen: Skin Eternal Plus, multi (Naturemade), and flax(Naturemade) on a two-day alternating schedule.
Day 1: 3 SEP
Day 2: 1 SEP, 1 multi, 2 flax​
I plan on doing this along with C&G method alternating braids and weaves. When out of braids the usual(s); braidouts, twistouts, knotouts, buns.

Hair type: 4a

While in braids:
Wash once a week with diluted Poo and Conditioner
Spray shaft of braids with moisturizing spray
follow AJD's method for braid success

While in Weaves:
Follow Reniece's tips for weave success
Wash every week or every two weeks
oil/moisturize between the tracks-use MTG concoction 2-3 times a week
Make sure that I use a strengthening (liquid) every time I wash
Keep in for a max of 6 weeks, then poo and deep treat accordingly

When out of braids:
co-wash once a week (winter months) or 2-3 times a week (spring & summer)
MTG concoction every time I co-wash
Oil ends
Protective styles
Deep treat once a week-alternating strengthening and moisturizing treatments and incorporating more pre-poo treatments and hot oil treatments
Aphogee or hardcore treatment every 6 weeks
Hair Stats: 4b, Relaxed, APL

Growth Rate Stats: Currently: .5 inch/month (which is already progress for my slow hair.) Goal: .75 inch/month.

Initial Plan:
1. Continue being consistent with my vitamins. (PP Hair, Skin, & Nails. Amino Acids. EPO.)
2. Drink carrot juice on a daily basis. I've slacked off lately but this is the only thing that gives me quick results with my nail growth. And hey, if it grows my nails...
3. Keep upping my protein intake till I regularly get at least the RDA 40g a day.
4. Make sure to maintain my exercise plan of long but enjoyable walks. I've finally gotten back into the groove recently.

:D :D :D
Ok I did pretty good this year, so I intend to surpass that in 2006. :) Now here's my game plan:

Hair Stats: 4a/b relaxed, just below the shoulders :weird:

Growth Rate Stats: Currently: about 1/2 inch I think, Goal: 1 inch, yes you heard me 1 inch per month

Initial Plan:
1. April stretch club & April no heat club by using braids
2. Carrot juice EVERY SINGLE DAY
3. Continue using oil mixtures (Coconut, Black castor, and possibly Amla)
4. Finding a good vitamin to go along with my Biotin
5. Exercise at least 3 times a week

June 1 will be my 2nd hair anniversary, and I plan to be at arm pit length by this time. I am so excited about my hair progress up to this point. Thanks LHCF ladies :kiss:
Wash twice a week
*No blowdrying
*Flat iron once a week maximum
*Relax every 3 to four months with Profectiv Relaxer
*exercise at least 3 times a week

This will be my product rotation during the washing:

1st wash:

Profectiv Clean and Healthy Shampoo
Profectiv 60 Second Reconstuctor strengthener w/jojoba oil

2nd wash:

Keracare Hydrating detangling shampoo or Keracare Moisturizing Shampoo for color treated hair
Keracare Humecto Creme conditioner w/jojoba oil

3rd wash:

Profectiv Clean and Healthy Shampoo
Profectiv Growth Masque w/jojoba oil

4th wash:

Keracare Hydrating detangling shampoo or Keracare Moisturizing Shampoo for color treated hair
Keracare Humecto Creme conditioner w/jojoba oil

When I flat iron I will use my wonderful Ion straight Heat Protectant.

Leave ins and moisturizers:

Profectiv Breakfree
Profectiv Long and Healthy
Profectiv Healthy Ends


I'm looking for a setting lotion for when I use the Caruso. Got hit the BSS again.
Hair Stats: 3c-4a relaxed {no-lye Elasta QP senstive}

Growth Rate Stats:
Currently: seems to be 3/4 a month due to the MNT range

Initial Plan:
1. a. Take my biotin every day without fail with my b-50 complex in the morning
1. b. Then take my iron and flaxseed with a hearty meal in the afternoom
2. Eat more eggs and drink protein shakes at least 3 times per week (their so expensive).
3. my next relaxer will be stretched til early February rather than january. and i will relax every 16 weeks from now on. FEB 2006/JUNE 2006/OCT 2006
4. Massaging my scalp again with jojoba and rosemary mix
5. I'm aiming for an inch a month!!
6. Use heat every 6 weeks for a dusting (blowdry only)
Hair Stats: 4a/b Relaxed, Shoulder Length

Growth Rate Stats: I would estimate about .5 inches per month
Goal Rate: 1 inch per month

Initial Plan:
1. Exercise at least 4x per week
2. Increase protein intake (Eggs, Protein Shake, Nuts)
3. Vitamin Regimen: GNC Women's Ultra Mega, GNC UltraNourish Hair
4. Co wash 3xs a week; MTG 3xs a week; Clarify Shampoo 1x a month
5. Limit Heat
6. Protective Styles 95% of the time
7. Try to incorporate daily scalp massages.
8. ATTEMPT to stretch relaxer for 6 months (May 2006) but at the very least stretch for 3 months (February 2006)
9. 8 glasses of water daily
I want to join! Yay! I wanted another challenge similar to 12 inches in 12 months and this is more realistic!

Hair stats: 3c/4a "Texlaxed," Approximately 13" all around (most hair falls around armpit, longest parts in back reach bra-strap)

Current growth stats: About 0.5" a month
Goal rate: 0.75" a month at minimum

Initial Plan:
1. Get back on a Vitamin Regimen! (I stopped taking them for many months). I will be taking a multivitamin and CLO w/ EPO. Might add B-complex/biotin later.
2. Exercise at least 3x per week (even if i have to break out the jump rope. This will also have me drinking more water I assume)
3. Increase protein intake (eggs, nuts etc.)
4. Ends ends ends! Gotta keep what I grow! So Moisture, moisture, moisture!
(Water, CW's, activator gels/instant moisturizers, oils etc.)
5. Limit Heat (in the April Fools No Heat Challenge anyway)
6. Protective Styles most of the time (braids, buns etc.)
7. Try to incorporate daily scalp massages.
8. Stretching/transitioning (this relaxer has my hair too thin...need to go back to my roots!)
Welcome, welcome, everybody!

Qu.I.C. Challengers so far:
Lorraine S
I will be doing all the things I have been doing i.e., exercise, water & vitamins, COing, DCing, hot oils etc. etc. but I will be adding:
1. eating carrots daily
2. I will be alternating homemade sulfur-herbal oils & homemade sulfur carrot creme
Happy New Year!

Well, ladies, the time has come. The Quarter Inch Challenge starts today!! Let's be super diligent with our regimens for the next 3 months so we can have some success stories in our first update thread in April!

Let's get growing!! :dance7: