The 15 week stretch is over.....what next?


Well-Known Member
I am going home on leave in 6 days!!!!!!!! I have not had no heat, no relaxer...nothing on my hair for 15 weeks. I have cowashed everyother day, DC'd once a week,taken my vitamins, and bunned everyday. I am getting a relaxer during the week of the 15th. My question is what do I do now? How do I prepare my hair...what is everyone else doing? The last time I just did a protein/moisture deep cond. about three days before and that was it. My hair came out fine. About two days after my relaxer I did another protein/moisture DC and started back bunning. And last thing I am going to Nashville for vacay. A lady put me in contact with a salon. They use Vitale relaxer....does anyone use this? Can anyone advise on another salon? I am usually a butter blends kinda girl.

Here is a pic of my last rollerset/relaxer from August.


While I tend to stretch for around the same length of time, I'm a minority here on the board. Prior to relaxing I usually cowash and detangle 3 days prior to the appointment and I use a moisturizing DC after. Again, as I said I am a minority here, as I don't do any true protein DC's, ever. This is what works for me. She (my stylist) doesn't have any problems sectioning my hair or getting to my NG. I don't have any issues with breakage or weakened damaged hair.

If you feel like your hair needs it, then I'd say add your protein DC after cowashing and detangling.

I can't offer any advice on the Vitale relaxer, I'm a Affirm user. You may want to check in the Salon review forums if you are looking for another salon.

Good Luck, I can't wait to see pics of your freshly relaxed hair!
NanCeBoTwin - Thank you for your response. I think I will just do what did last time. I was at about an eleven week stretch then and everything was ok. Your hair is beautiful.

Janet' - Your are sooo nice. I dont post much but I read all the time. Your comments are always so nice and you and your hair are beautiful.

Pompous Blue - Thank you very much!