The 10 Commandments Broken Down (In Laymen's Terms)

I am not sure what you want me to research, but All Christians should test what they hear and do the research and so I will, but you have to remember Crown, I made the decision to become SDA after I did my own research and I have been in the church for two years now and I still do my own research, I still take notes during service and go home and look them up, now I only look them up when It seems different to me or I want to know more, or I don't agree. But I have as of yet to hear anything contradictory to the bible.
And yet, everyone ignored all of the points and Bible passages I posted. Emotions have nothing to do with what I am talking about! I do not believe what I am seeing. Do people wish to worship the Bible rather than the Creator Himself? No wonder most Christians have no power or in the world; they reject the spiritual and focus on the flesh and soul (their own version of God - religion). No wonder the world is on a downward spiral and and increasing number of people do not believe Jesus is their Lord and Savior.

Your good works mean nothing if you do not know Him on a personal level.

Worshipping the creator is the most important aspect of Christianity. However, the bible gives insight into the character of God. In any love relationship, we adjust our behaviors to show the object of our affection that we care about them. We want them to be happy and to please them. If God has outlined his likes and dislikes in his word, why wouldn't we want to please Him. It is not to get into heaven by works. That is impossible. However, it is iequally impossible to love someone and not do the things that bring them pleasure. Actions speak louder than words. Sometimes Christians forget why they are performing thier service. This is when they need to remember why they are performing a service. They should then continue the behavior with a different heart.
@Volver_Alma_Gitana or anyone else believing in the bold part above, how do you understand these verses (I don't eat pork but I ate shrimps - no more since I read those verses; cf. abomination : Lev. 11)? The prophet is talking about the end, so no specific consideration about the sacrifice of the Messiah or NT. Then, the real point is about the expression all flesh : does all flesh refer only to Jews or to all flesh (mankind)?

Is. 15 For behold, the LORD will come with fire And with His chariots, like a whirlwind, To render His anger with fury, And His rebuke with flames of fire. 16 For by fire and by His sword The LORD will judge all flesh; And the slain of the LORD shall be many. 17 “ Those who sanctify themselves and purify themselves, To go to the gardens After an idol in the midst, Eating swine’s flesh and the abomination and the mouse, Shall be consumed together,” says the LORD.

I just saw this...sorry, it's late. But it's absolutely a sin for a Jew to eat such. It's called keeping kosher. People are taking what was meant for the Jew and applying that to the christian. It's not necessary and it's theologically unsound. The first covenant with Jews is not's eternal. Now, when the Messiah Triumphant comes, how that morphs will be up to G-d. Part of that is referring to the final judgment of all mankind but when He says to a Jew to observe all the laws, then He meant it. Jesus did. Of course, christians are not Jews now but at one time, they were.
I just saw this...sorry, it's late. But it's absolutely a sin for a Jew to eat such. It's called keeping kosher. People are taking what was meant for the Jew and applying that to the christian. It's not necessary and it's theologically unsound. The first covenant with Jews is not's eternal. Now, when the Messiah Triumphant comes, how that morphs will be up to G-d. Part of that is referring to the final judgment of all mankind but when He says to a Jew to observe all the laws, then He meant it. Jesus did. Of course, christians are not Jews now but at one time, they were.

I am not talking about Jews and I am not talking about what was meant for Jews (although there are many Israelites that ignore who they are). I also know the history of Christianity.

I am only referring to Is. 66:15-17 and I am concerned by the expression : all flesh.

[FONT=&quot]Final judgment is a good point... I will continue to meditate on this.[/FONT]
Please look at this site. It's very helpful. The Ten Commandments - God's Ten Bible Commandments

I read the first page so far and this part of it is so true:

Many people today are no longer looking for truth, but instead they are looking for a smooth, easy, comfortable religion that will allow them to live the way they please and still give assurance of salvation. There is indeed no true religion that can do that for them. One will say the Ten Commandments are a law of love guiding us in how to love God and man. Another will say there is now a new law in Christ and all we have to do is love one another. And yet still others will say the Ten Commandments are now nine Commandments or that they were all nailed to the cross. If all we have to do is love God with all our heart and our neighbour as ourselves, does this mean we can take the Lord's name in vain, worship idols or even deny God the quality time of praise and worship He wants from us on His Holy day? What about others; does it mean we can lie, steal, murder, disrespect our parents or sleep with another's spouse? If one loves God with all their heart and others as themselves, they will be obeying every single one of the Ten Commandments.
These parts of the second page stood out to me:

What we need is the searchlight of God's Word to shine into our moral darkness so He can reveal His truth to us. Were the Ten Commandments nailed to the cross? Is the very sin that started with Adam and Eve and nailed our loving Saviour to the cross something God no longer cares about? Did Jesus die so we could continue living in lawlessness? Is this what the Bible really says about the Ten Commandments, or are these just lies from our adversary who is determined to keep and steal everyone he can from God's kingdom, especially as we draw closer to this Earths final days? Romans 6:23 says Jesus died to redeem us from the penalty of sin which is death by taking the penalty for our sin upon Himself, not so we could continue living in sin, which is breaking the Ten Commandments. 1 John 3:4.

Jesus also informs us that the result of living in deliberate sin is “Hell Fire” and that it is better that one of your members should perish than for our whole body to be cast into Hell. My question is, “Why would any Christian try to justify disobedience to God's Ten Commandments anyway?” If we do not desire with all our heart to do this now, why would we be any different in the kingdom of heaven? The Bible says that God is love (1 John 4:8, 16) and that His Ten Commandments are Ten Royal laws of love. (James 2:8) All the attributes of the Ten Commandments are found in God's very own nature and is why God cannot tolerate sin as it is a defilement of His very own character. To try and abolish or attack the Ten Commandments is to also attack God and His character.
I read the first page so far and this part of it is so true:

Many people today are no longer looking for truth, but instead they are looking for a smooth, easy, comfortable religion that will allow them to live the way they please and still give assurance of salvation. There is indeed no true religion that can do that for them. One will say the Ten Commandments are a law of love guiding us in how to love God and man. Another will say there is now a new law in Christ and all we have to do is love one another. And yet still others will say the Ten Commandments are now nine Commandments or that they were all nailed to the cross. If all we have to do is love God with all our heart and our neighbour as ourselves, does this mean we can take the Lord's name in vain, worship idols or even deny God the quality time of praise and worship He wants from us on His Holy day? What about others; does it mean we can lie, steal, murder, disrespect our parents or sleep with another's spouse? If one loves God with all their heart and others as themselves, they will be obeying every single one of the Ten Commandments.

I totally agree with your post.
I am not saying : don’t have 6 working days, and rest on the seven, and worship on this day. But, don’t tell me that the day originally called Saturn day, Saturday, is the original seven day of the creation because it is not. Don’t tell me Saturday is replaced by Sunday, because it is not. This is why I said : research.

Some (general) tend to obey to the commandments more than to live them. The commandments (and they are not only 10, but the 10 are the platform) were first a tutor (outside). The Messiah came to show us how to live them (from inside), and the key is LOVE. If I love my parents, I will honour them; if I love my neighbour, I will not steal, covet, commit adultery… If I love YHWH, I will worship Him, not commit idolatry… I will obey Him and live by His Commandments.

Ez. 20 : 11 I gave them my decrees and made known to them my laws, by which the person who obeys them will live.

[FONT=&quot]Rev. 14.12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.[/FONT]
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I totally agree with your post.
I am not saying : don’t have 6 works day and rest on the seven, and worship on this day. But, don’t tell me that the day originally called Saturn day, Saturday, is the original seven day of the creation because it is not. Don’t tell me Saturday is replaced by Sunday, because it is not. This is why I said : research.

Some (general) tend to obey to the commandments more than to live them. The commandments (and they are not only 10, but the 10 are the platform) were first a tutor (outside). The Messiah came to shows us how to live them (from inside), and the key is LOVE. If I love my parents, I will honour them; if I love my neighbour, I will not steal, covet, commit adultery… If I love YHWH, I will worship Him, not commit idolatry… I will obey Him and live by His Commandments.

Ez. 20 : 11 I gave them my decrees and made known to them my laws, by which the person who obeys them will live.

[FONT=&quot]Rev. 14.12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.[/FONT]

Oh so did Sunday used to be the seventh day of the week? If so, do you have any bible verses to support this notion?
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Oh so did Sunday used to be the seventh day of the week? If so, do you have any bible verses to support this notion?

I said : Don't tell me that Saturday is replaced by Sunday.

You already know that there is no Saturday or Sunday in the Bible!

The Bible tells us about Sabbath day.
The Bible tells us about 6 working days and 1 day of rest.
Ez. 46: 1 “‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: The gate of the inner court facing east is to be shut on the six working days, but on the Sabbath day and on the day of the New Moon it is to be opened.

YHWH does not count the days like it is in the Roman calendar.

I gave some links in my posts # 20 & 29 .
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I said : Don't tell me that Saturday is replaced by Sunday.

You already know that there is no Saturday or Sunday in the Bible!

The Bible tells us about Sabbath day.
The Bible tells us about 6 work days and 1 day of rest.

YHWH does not count the days like it is in the Roman calendar.

I gave some links in my posts # 20 & 29 .

Yeah I know you said "Don't tell me that Saturday is replaced by Sunday". I did not say you were saying "Sunday was the original first day". I was just merely asking. :cool:

And you're right. There is no Saturday or Sunday in the bible. I just wonder if this Sabbath day commandment can be applied to the structure of the week in today's time.

I haven't read every post in this thread before posting. I will go back and look at your post.
Neither intellect nor willpower will save anyone and can hinder the power of the Holy Spirit as well. Knowledge of the Bible cannot save anyone, but His guidance through the book is a part of our refinement. Also, His will is not confined to the Bible; He deals with us as He sees fit.

Yes, He does not change, but He does change the way He deals with us for His goals, or all gentiles would still be doomed. Do you recall the laws in place prior to the Commandments? What did Jesus command us to do? Did He create a new covenant or not?

Every day is another day to be set apart for His purpose; the main one is to spread the Gospel as His light in the world. There is a danger in ritual when people develop the mindset that it can get them into heaven or that they honor the Father better than someone else or make them inflexible to change when He steers them into another direction for the Kingdom’s sake (or spiritual growth). JinaRicci explained it perfectly.

At no time did I say or imply, “Do it like this,” but only “Ask Him.” (Romans 14) For some, He may order them to keep the Sabbath as the ancient Israelites did; others may be allowed to choose a day, and yet a few are called to consecrate all of their days to His will and glory. Is there any of the prior I mentioned holier than the others? No, only those in His will are more holy (set apart) than those who refuse to seek His will over their lives.

Our righteousness should exceed the Pharisees (Matthew 5:20) and the only way that can happen consistently is on the spiritual tip, no? You do not do things simply because it is in the Bible, but because He Himself told or directed you to do so. There is such a fine line between holiness and self-righteousness; self-focus is of the soul and the reason why we need to seek His direction solely from Him.

Why not ask the Almighty Himself how He wants each of us to honor Him? If you are a disciple as Jesus instructed, the answer will come. Jesus has become my Sabbath for I rest my body, soul and spirit into His will so He can work through me. His will never rests! That was the lesson the Pharisees missed when they criticize Jesus about the Sabbath.

Resting in the Lord was what He wanted for the Israelites in the wilderness, (remember, Canaan was only eleven days’ journey away) but they were too polluted by Egypt (a biblical symbol for the world) to grasp the concept, so He commanded them to rest a day from manual labor (caring about the flesh’s wants and needs). Glory and thanks to Him He sacrificed Himself through Christ so we do not have to sacrifice as they had to.
And the others...

When This love is in your heart by the Holy Spirit, you know exactly how to do it and to please Him and to grow spiritually.

On this, I agree with Nymphe, seek Him first, not a denomination.

I AM seeking Him first through His Word, The Bible. I never once said anything about any denomination in this thread. I only spoke of what I read in the Bible. I believe the True Spirit speaks to us through The Bible. There are many "spirits" that can speak to us, but cross-checking with The Bible can save us from the deception of false "spirits."
I AM seeking Him first through His Word, The Bible. I never once said anything about any denomination in this thread. I only spoke of what I read in the Bible. I believe the True Spirit speaks to us through The Bible. There are many "spirits" that can speak to us, but cross-checking with The Bible can save us from the deception of false "spirits."

It is not specific to you, general statement, people tend to give to much emphasis to the doctrines of their denomination instead of doing their personal homework by praying and reading. Some, deceived by their denomination, start their own personal religion/denomination in neglecting the Bible. What is written is for our edification.

You are so right about the deception of false spirits, this is what I call : emotions.

The Messiah not only said : follow me, But He also said : Abide in ME and bear fruits.

I do what you wrote in your post with prayers and worship.
There are many sabbath keeping churches, I never brought up mines until I was told to research and inside the research it has negative tones for SDA's which is funny to me, because I had already did all my research prior to making the choice. All of my points are scripture based and not related to the denomination as others want to call it that I belong to. IN all honestly I can't tell you much about SDA's the bible is my standard. I follow the bible and that particular church follows the bible, whether the people therein follow it that's between them and the Lord. I can only speak for myself. So many say the Sabbath was for the Jews. Well the Jews were our example of how God wanted us to live, those who chose to followed God. we have the word of God and Jesus as our example to help us follow the true and living God today. The Sabbath is important because it points to God it is a SIGN between them and me (God) that I (God) am the Lord that sanctifies them, to set aside for a holy purpose. The Sabbath is a sign of trusting totally in a Christ Righteousness and not our own. But most importantly these are the very words that the Lord spoke himself, now if he spoke again. I have yet to find it. he spoke through people and animals and such but himself speak, he spoke his laws. Exodus 20

1And God spake all these words, Also
Exodus 31

13Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my Sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.

14Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you: every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death: for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people.

15Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD: whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death.

16Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.

17It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.

18And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God.
You know that when you follow Christ you become grafted into the tree and is now part of the children of Israel, only a branch but still have an inheritance. No word of God is just words, they have strong and significant meaning. Whether people want to believe it or not. The Day you Worship will be very important. Very Very important. God has already told you what day to worship. Elijah asked the same question who side are you on. If your on the Lords side follow the Lord. Do the research it took me a while. A long while I had to ask and get answers to every single thing I had every been taught and more. Exodus 33 18(AB)Then Moses said, "I pray You, show me Your glory!"

19And He said, "(AC)I Myself will make all My goodness pass before you, and will proclaim the name of the LORD before you; and (AD)I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show compassion on whom I will show compassion."

20But He said, "You cannot see My face, (AE)for no man can see Me and live!"

21Then the LORD said, "Behold, there is a place by Me, and (AF)you shall stand there on the rock;

22and it will come about, while My glory is passing by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and (AG)cover you with My hand until I have passed by.

23"Then I will take My hand away and you shall see My back, but (AH)My face shall not be seen." 5(F)The LORD descended in the cloud and stood there with him as he called upon the name of the LORD.

6Then the LORD passed by in front of him and proclaimed, "The LORD, the LORD God, (G)compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth;

7who (H)keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He (I)will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, (J)visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations."

8Moses made haste (K)to bow low toward the earth and worship. The Sabbath is everlasting never ever ending. it points to the one true God and no other day but the 7th day will do. It is not my intent to offend anyone or harm anyone. It is my intent to tell the truth. As Christians we are required to do our own research, with much prayer and in open heart and mind.