
Somebody in my house owes me some money LOL. I searched all over the internet for the best virgin coconut oil. So then i searched all over town for it because i hate waiting on the mail. I went 30min away to the next suburb over and found it at the Vitamin Shoppe. Now this ish was like $20 and it was perfect. at room temp it is a solid, it was white, and it smelled like coconuts. Now the plan was to melt/eat a teaspoon in the morning and to mix my own mtg with some of the rest. I have been staying with my man over spring break I come back, So my mom holds up the bottle in the pantry and says is this stuff expensive? I'm like yeah $20 she made a face and was like oh. then her hubby digs a fork in my ish and slams a clump of it in a frying pan. i was like ok i can share but when i opened up the jar and looked that dang bottle was scooped out like you wouldnt believe about 1/3 of the jar is missing!!!!!
Mind you i have only had like 2-3 tablespoons. THIS ISH AINT CRISCO!!!!!
You knew i bought it for my hair and you never thought about cooking with it until i brought it into the house. Now you might say why leave it in the pantry if you didnt want to share but i wanted it there so i would remember to take it in the morning when i ate. Plus i needed the stove/microwave to melt it down. This burns me up...

I am so sorry they used up your oil. Make sure they give you $10 toward a new jar.

It's a shame when folks gatta' pull out the tape and markers and label stuff....
I'm sorry you had to go through that. I went through that mess with roommates in college and for that reason I refused to rent an apartment with roomate(s) even though it means that I have to cut corners in order to pay the rent.

If you have your own room, you should consider keeping your stuff there or in a box under your bed if you share room.

All the best


Also, check out Puritan Pride when they have their sales, sometimes you can by 2 at $16-$20 each (I can't remember) and you'll get 3 free! Their coconut oil is really good. I cook with it AND put it in my hair.

btw. Coconut oil is the best oil for frying/sauteing foods, it has a high temperature threshold/burning point so it's chemical structure doesn't change to something toxic during frying. (don't know if this includes deep frying though).
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i feel the same way when i bring products home. all of a sudden, my husband is out of shampoo and lotion and everything else that i bring home just for me. he burns through all of his products and instead of buying more he just uses mine. do you think he replaces my stuff when he replaces his? of course not. i resorted to hiding my shea butter before i made him go get his own!

some people!
sunnyjohn said:
I am so sorry they used up your oil. Make sure they give you $10 toward a new jar.

It's a shame when folks gatta' pull out the tape and markers and label stuff....

Sorry to hear that Ms Portugal:( i hide my stuff in plastic bag and double knot it so people know not to touch my stuff ) lol Sunnyjohn you reminded me of what i did when i had in-laws and friends and there was a particular recipe for my hair ,drink or shakes and they used to drink it or use ingredients i needed so i would tear off labels and put new ones with DANGER THIS IS A DIET STUFF EK PROPERTY DO NOT TOUCH DIS IS NOT A DRINK :lachen: and nobody touched my stuff. it s when they see something new flaxseed oil things of that nature i have to hide everything cause fam or friends dont realize you went all the way to vitaminshoppe or ordered the stuff and it always pisses me off. And specially if i say you can have anything you want in the house help yourself but if i dont want nobody to touch something i have to mark it ahhahahha:grin: hubby knows i get mad if someone uses my conds i always buy 2 sets of products one for guests/hubby and mine but people love to try the new stuff. trust me when my friend came over for the weekend i hid all my stuff in the room cause she thought she was coming to shop my products
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Ekomba, I love your family photo.

You father looks like a famous actor, but I can't remember his name right now!
sunnyjohn said:

Ekomba, I love your family photo.

You father looks like a famous actor, but I can't remember his name right now!

Oh thank you Sunnyjohn !:p haha an actor that s funny :lol: who? :grin: lol
The reason I like living alone but I didnt know you can cook with coconut oil? What was he cooking?
"Ekomba, I love your family photo.

You father looks like a famous actor, but I can't remember his name right now!'

I think he looks like Nipsey Russell! I actually thought that was him when I first saw the pic! :lol:

To Ms P, that is messed up, I'd make them pay for part of it too, but it was also kind of funny!
sky_blu said:
The reason I like living alone but I didnt know you can cook with coconut oil? What was he cooking?

Sky_blu i heard that coconut oil is the best ever, healthier cooking oil followed by canola oil. then olive oil but olive oil is best if not cooked but poured over food (salads) i learned that at a health seminar.
anatomicallycorrect said:
"Ekomba, I love your family photo.

You father looks like a famous actor, but I can't remember his name right now!'

I think he looks like Nipsey Russell! I actually thought that was him when I first saw the pic! :lol:

To Ms P, that is messed up, I'd make them pay for part of it too, but it was also kind of funny!

aw thank you Anatomicallycorrect!:D Nipsey Russell? hahahha i m not familiar with him i m search a pix to see how he looks like :lol: thats funny!

Sky-Blu i dont know what it tastes like to cook with coconut oil i was tempted to buy the one at Vitaminshoppe to cook with it after the health seminar but i m particular for salty foods i like to cook with olive oil and for desserts and pancakes i use vegetable oil or canola oil or corn oil sometimes. i d like to try though to see if the food tastes good with coconut oil;)
I'm sorry they used up all your oil but its funny that you walked in and your mom's SO is cooking with it ha ha that is hilarious:lachen: but on a more serious note you might need to keep it your room
sky_blu said:
The reason I like living alone but I didnt know you can cook with coconut oil? What was he cooking?

girl i asked him hey says: "Everything i cook in it tastes real good" which tells me anything that requires skillet frying is being cooked in my oil

its a dang shame when you gotta hide your "earls" but i'm not really mad i get to live in a 3000+ sq foot home with my daughter and have my car insurance paid for $300 a month so my $20 coconut oil is a small sacrifice these coconut oil consuming folks are a blessing :)
I hear you, girl. I've done a couple of carrot juice challenges and everytime I stock up on it my husband starts guzzling it like water. Then he has the nerve to complain that his hair is growing too fast and he has to have it cut more often. Meanwile my growth is barely creeeeeping along 'cause that fool keeps drinking all my carrot juice.
"aw thank you Anatomicallycorrect!:D Nipsey Russell? hahahha i m not familiar with him i m search a pix to see how he looks like :lol: thats funny!"
Ekomba, you don't know Nipsey Russell? Hmmm, and I can't think of ONE thing to tell you that he was in, either. I know he passed away I think just last year. Oh. yes I just remembered: he played the Scarecrow in The Wiz:
My own das has passed, but as he got older, he looked just like BB King! :) Whenever I see him in those diabetes commercials I feel like it's my dad talking!

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Sorry this happened to you. :(

Was the oil made by Nutiva? That has such a lovely coconutty scent.

Guess from now on you've gotta keep your stash in your room, so there won't be any problems.

msportugal said:
Somebody in my house owes me some money LOL. I searched all over the internet for the best virgin coconut oil. So then i searched all over town for it because i hate waiting on the mail. I went 30min away to the next suburb over and found it at the Vitamin Shoppe. Now this ish was like $20 and it was perfect. at room temp it is a solid, it was white, and it smelled like coconuts. Now the plan was to melt/eat a teaspoon in the morning and to mix my own mtg with some of the rest. I have been staying with my man over spring break I come back, So my mom holds up the bottle in the pantry and says is this stuff expensive? I'm like yeah $20 she made a face and was like oh. then her hubby digs a fork in my ish and slams a clump of it in a frying pan. i was like ok i can share but when i opened up the jar and looked that dang bottle was scooped out like you wouldnt believe about 1/3 of the jar is missing!!!!!
Mind you i have only had like 2-3 tablespoons. THIS ISH AINT CRISCO!!!!!
You knew i bought it for my hair and you never thought about cooking with it until i brought it into the house. Now you might say why leave it in the pantry if you didnt want to share but i wanted it there so i would remember to take it in the morning when i ate. Plus i needed the stove/microwave to melt it down. This burns me up...

I'm going through this same ish with my sister who's staying with me. She never buys her own toiletries, but of course mine are fair game. Now I've gotta hoard my stuff cuz it's not like I'm getting reimbursed.... :(

StartinOvah said:
i feel the same way when i bring products home. all of a sudden, my husband is out of shampoo and lotion and everything else that i bring home just for me. he burns through all of his products and instead of buying more he just uses mine. do you think he replaces my stuff when he replaces his? of course not. i resorted to hiding my shea butter before i made him go get his own!

some people!
Get outta my head! Same thing I thought--LOL! :grin:

anatomicallycorrect said:
"Ekomba, I love your family photo.

You father looks like a famous actor, but I can't remember his name right now!'

I think he looks like Nipsey Russell! I actually thought that was him when I first saw the pic! :lol:

To Ms P, that is messed up, I'd make them pay for part of it too, but it was also kind of funny!
Girl I didn't know you was living that nice? 3000 sq ft!!!!!!!!!! Girl don't worry bout the oil and enjoy that nice big house:grin:
anatomicallycorrect said:
"aw thank you Anatomicallycorrect!:D Nipsey Russell? hahahha i m not familiar with him i m search a pix to see how he looks like :lol: thats funny!"
Ekomba, you don't know Nipsey Russell? Hmmm, and I can't think of ONE thing to tell you that he was in, either. I know he passed away I think just last year. Oh. yes I just remembered: he played the Scarecrow in The Wiz:
My own das has passed, but as he got older, he looked just like BB King! :) Whenever I see him in those diabetes commercials I feel like it's my dad talking!


ahahahha:lachen: Yeah you right anatomicallycorrect!:lol: sorry i m not familiar with a lot of american movies i only been here for 8years hihi but yeah he s a look alike lol who knew hihi:lol:
Sorry this happened to you Msportugal! It's kind of funny though!:lol: Pure coconut oil tastes so good when we cook with it.:lick: They probably got hooked on it and it's so healthy for them too. There is a whole thread in the Health and Fitness section about cooking with coconut oil to lose weight and all the many benefits it has for our bodies.

phoenix said:
I hear you, girl. I've done a couple of carrot juice challenges and everytime I stock up on it my husband starts guzzling it like water. Then he has the nerve to complain that his hair is growing too fast and he has to have it cut more often. Meanwile my growth is barely creeeeeping along 'cause that fool keeps drinking all my carrot juice.
:lol: This happened to me too with an ex-bf, drinking it like it was water. :fat: He said he loved what it was doing to his hair.
msportugal said:
Somebody in my house owes me some money LOL. I searched all over the internet for the best virgin coconut oil. So then i searched all over town for it because i hate waiting on the mail. I went 30min away to the next suburb over and found it at the Vitamin Shoppe. Now this ish was like $20 and it was perfect. at room temp it is a solid, it was white, and it smelled like coconuts. Now the plan was to melt/eat a teaspoon in the morning and to mix my own mtg with some of the rest. I have been staying with my man over spring break I come back, So my mom holds up the bottle in the pantry and says is this stuff expensive? I'm like yeah $20 she made a face and was like oh. then her hubby digs a fork in my ish and slams a clump of it in a frying pan. i was like ok i can share but when i opened up the jar and looked that dang bottle was scooped out like you wouldnt believe about 1/3 of the jar is missing!!!!!
Mind you i have only had like 2-3 tablespoons. THIS ISH AINT CRISCO!!!!!
You knew i bought it for my hair and you never thought about cooking with it until i brought it into the house. Now you might say why leave it in the pantry if you didnt want to share but i wanted it there so i would remember to take it in the morning when i ate. Plus i needed the stove/microwave to melt it down. This burns me up...


lol, that is too funny.:lachen::lachen:
Sharing is hard- when people don't pitch in! Also when they don't get the importance of the hair thing! I've had my share of roomates and can only recall two that were any good- ALL the others were loosers- including the gay one I shared a house with. All his "friends"came over for a party while I was out of town. when I returned all my underwear was missing!! Ewww! After a good yelling they returned it :eek: EwwwEww! I told them to keep it and moved out the following weekend. People can be strange.

On to your problem, I would mark your expensive jar with something repulsive (as mentioned earlier) -tell them u mixed that "other" stuff with castor oil- they'll flee from it!:lachen: :grin: Then head to Walmart, they sell a cheap brand called Louana oil in the cooking oil isle, it's less than $3.00 per 2lbs! Act like this is the good stuff and leave it for them to fry to their hearts content,
Oh yeah, I was totaally thinking Nipsy Russell!!! I barely remember him from childhood he was a comedian I think, and loads more hansome than the pics posted so far!! I remember that!
Well, when all is said and done, we must share....even our precious oils. I have some in my fridge and had been putting it in my oatmeal. I'd never thought about using it in a skillet LOL. But, the more that I think about it, banana pancakes....yummy!
Aww Msportugal. :( :(

I went to Big Lots and have my products, and oils in a plastic storage box. I hide my stuff. It's too hard to shop for our special things, order online, etc., so I feel you. :)