Thank you Nina_deF for straightening my hair (pics)


Reclaiming my time
Nina_deF flat ironed my hair yesterday. I have put the pics in my LHCF album, but here are a few! :)

A before pic. I had washed, dyed and conditioned my hair earlier in the day and combed it through. I usually don't comb my hair after washing, but I wanted it to be easy to detangle for Nina_deF. I made a mistake and had a little too much avocado butter in my hair so it was perhaps a tad bit too greasy lol! I won't do that the next time.

Tada! After flat ironing. My ends were a little uneven and dry so I asked Nina to hack them off! :)

It looks uneven here, but it's not, it's just the way I sit. This was after Nina trimmed my ends.

The mandatory swing pic.
Thank you ladies!! )

I hope Nina can come in later and share her technique and the brand of the flat iron...I forgot its name.

It seemed so easy for her!! I'm a klutz, so I can't do this the way she can. :lol:
Your welcome, being a hair-oholic
I had fun!

I thought it would take longer and be harder then it was but it was a breeze.
Her hair straightened with one pass of my GHD iron and the denman boar bristle brush chaser.
beautiful results flowerhair and great job Nina, I would have been drooling the whole time I was straightening her hair
Its so beautiful and swangy! you have such lovely tresess flower hair, Nina_Def did a really good job :up: That's a great freind :yep:
Gorgeous hair!!!

I think it's fantasitc that the LHCF ladies help each other out like this. It's so wonderful, espeically given some of the threads on this site about how mean women can be to one another.

Great job Nina!
beautiful results flowerhair and great job Nina, I would have been drooling the whole time I was straightening her hair

Ya' know
. I kept hiding it by sipping my wine....

Nice results :). It's great to have another hair-health-conscious woman do your hair.

How long did it take?

It's weird but we were talking so much I didn't clock it but when we were done I realized that my iron hadn't turned off and it has an automatic turnoff safety after 30 minutes......