Thank you LHCF Members


New Member
I started lurking here in April 2007 and finally joined up in June 2007. After some stress induced breakage in July/August 2007, I made some drastic changes:

(1) I started a vitamin regimen.

(2) I started doing my own no-lye relaxers instead of going to the salon for lye based relaxers.

(3) I started washing and roller setting my hair faithfully 2x's per week.

(4) I started using MN and then a MN mix (I got bored one day and mixed it but I don't think I like it mixed).

You'll notice that my current hair state in my signature has now been changed from "short and damaged" to "top of ear and healthy." More importantly, the parts that had completely broken off are now long enough for me to get around a hair roller and not come out when I sleep. Also important, my hair is getting thicker and filling out in places I thought my hair would no longer grow.

This is all thanks to the great advice members here so freely give!

SO THANKS FOR THIS GREAT SITE. If it weren't for you guys, I probably would have cut my hair off again!


Hopefully, i'll be getting a camera for Christmas so I can post pics....
That is great. I have been on this hair trip since September 06' and it has really paid off. I would have been no where near this length, health or thickness if I didn't find BHM or this site. Mind you, I wasn't going to the beautician and had no idea how to care for my hair.
I too am thankful for the members. If it weren't for them and the information they share this newbie would be in serious trouble.