Thank you LHCF - I'm on the grow...

October 2009

September 2009, My hair was a hot mess. I was experiencing sever itching and my hair would literally grow and break. I kept scratching away at my scalp and spent loads of money at the salon. They told me I needed to relax every 5 weeks. :rolleyes: More fool me for listening to them:wallbash: and I kept faithfully going back, spending more and more money with them.

I tried everything, even the stupid concoctions the salon gave me. All the while they would tell me they didn't know what was wrong with my hair but kept applying their "home made" relaxer.

Meanwhile my hair at the sides and front would grow but the middle and nape kept breaking 2 weeks after every relaxer. I kept cutting my hair to even out the misshapen tapered cut and using the longer hairs at the sides and back to cover up the lack of hair in the middle.


I found LHCF in October 2009 and researched and researched, jumping on every band wagon. I finally decided in December I would stop relaxing.

I wasn't confident enough to just chop all the relaxed hair off so I retained what I could after cutting off as much of the damage as possible. I started wearing wigs and by Feb 2010 I saw that the crown had filled in from being near bald


I DC'd twice a week and used a mixture of JBCO, MT and MN to moisturise. I also tried all sorts of growth pills. Can't say they really helped....

July 2010, I decided to straighten to see where I was at.


I'm sort of pleased. I did a length check and I have about 3 & 1'4 growth at the back where I was near bald. I'm considering going natural and cutting off the rest of the relaxer but I will make that decision in December at one year post

So, from my hair to you, THANK YOU

Good to hear you are having some improvement. It's always horrible to hear about the things stylists do or say to ensure your repeat business. I'm glad you got away from that!
That's such great progress! :yep: I had similar damage from months of self relaxing last year, and then went to the salon for them to only ill-advise me further :nono: But at the time I forgot I had this place for support. I'm on the mend too so I truly wish you all the best on your HHJ!! ...Lookin' forward to your update :grin:

I was thinking about you the other day and 'wondered' how your hair was doing. I can certainly 'relate'.:sad:

Good things are improving........:grin: Keep Up the Good Work!
Great job! Good for you for taking control of your own hair and babying it back from damage. You're an inspiration- thanks!
Congratulations!!! on your progress. I'm sure it was very stressful situation to be in. Keep doing research and learning your hair.. the more you know the more you'll grow.
Congrats on your progress! I was cringing the whole time b/c I know what it's like to walk into the WRONG salon and get jacked by a stylist. I'm so glad your hair is growing nicely.