Thank you LHCF - I'm on the grow...

I know you feel so much better that something good is coming out of all of what happened... keep up the good work
Congrats! Great progress!

I've had the same problem in the same area for years. My scalp was always irritated and it would grow for a while and then break off to about an inch of hair. I finally had to throw in the towel and stop relaxing. Not saying thats the only solution, but it was for me.
Congrats to you on your hair turn around. I can't believe those women at the salon continuing to abuse your hair after it OBVIOUSLY wasn't working. I guess some people WILL do anything for a $. I'm sorry this happened to you but I'm glad you discovered what you and your hair needed. HHJ
What an inspiration! If you are sort of please then i'll be ecstatic for you! HELLA great job and continue to keep it up! Happy Hair Growing and i look forward to seeing more updates in the near future.
thats great progress!your hair looks muuch better !I m sorry u had to go through this ,story like yours really upset me ,i cant believe they kept relaxing your hair without realizing they were doing so much damage . If i was you i would ve BC and start from scratch just so that the lenght would be even ..perhaps is best staying away from chemicals for a while .