Thank you LHCF: Co-washing Technique Rave!!


New Member
This board never ceases to amaze me. I literally learn something new every day here.

So I had been having problems with co-washing. My hair felt dry crunchy and/or clogged (built up).

So I learned from CandyC and others to apply conditioner on DRY hair, then do a water rinse.

So what I did last night was I added KC Humecto on my dry hair and sealed it with KC oils. I put on a plastic cap and I dc'ed for about 15 minutes.

I then got in the shower, bathed (while letting the shower steamed), then took off my cap and rinsed.

I took off my towel and my hair felt like complete buttah baby!!!! I used some more KC Humecto as a leave-in and sealed it with Wonder 8 Oil Mist, and airdried in a twist.

My hair is so soft and moisturized right now. I am in love. Though I won't continue to use KC Humecto (unless I get the tub) for dry co-washes since it cost too much, I think this technique is perfect for people who really don't have all day to be in the shower.

I lost about 5 hairs, no kidding, during the detangling process. This may be contributed to me just having a relaxer but detangling was a breeze. Now if I could just find a conditioner that detangles well as KC humecto and is cheap (new mission). Anyways, you ladies should try it.
That sounds heavenly. On the rare occasions that I do deep condition, I did so on wet hair..... but dc'ing on dry hair is a really great idea. I will try this next time. Thanks for sharing. :)
This is how I normally deep condition-I treat it as a pre-poo. I love it. I'm definately one of those people who dont have the extra time to be in the shower all day.
I did the same thing with Humecto last night, but I left it on overnight. That stuff is no joke! like a charm. I actually like doing this with protien. I slather Keraphix on dry hair and steam with hot towel and plastic cap for 30.....then rinse (butter!!) and then poo and follow with a moisturizing DC. And you better believe I learned that on LHCF:love:. Thanks ladies!

I havent actually tried this technique with a moisturizing conditioner though. I didnt have good results CWing with the suave milk n' honey on wet hair so I will try this method on dry hair as a simple CW with no pooing. Hopefully I will get good results and not have to toss the suave :)
I am going to try this method because I had the same results you had with co washing wet hair. Thanks for sharing.
OMG I was just going to post the same thing this morning. Last night I put my shea butter cholesterol mix on my dry hair and dc'ed for 1 hr and then rinsed it with the Vo5 Balsalm & Protein condioner. My hair came out so soft and I didnt lose any hair while detangling or washing. This is going to be my new co-wash regimen....i plan on doing it twice a week. I applied my leave-in mix and sprayed my hair with S-Curl and then just let it airdry hanging down with a scarf on to go to sleep. My hair came out great. It was soft and the ends were curly ... even when I combed the curly ends none of them broke. I'm so happy I finally got a good co-washing regimen down.
LeKair :love:

Once I used DPR-11, LeKair SheaButter and Aloe mixed together and got the best slip...

See this is my problem.. I find stuff that really works for me then I stop doing it cuz I think the grass is greener..

Im bout to stop that :lol:

goldensensation said:

Lekair cholestorol-$2.99

Just add honey and jojoba oil and you will get just as much slip as Humecto. I know I do.:)
KhandiB said:
LeKair :love:

Once I used DPR-11, LeKair SheaButter and Aloe mixed together and got the best slip...

See this is my problem.. I find stuff that really works for me then I stop doing it cuz I think the grass is greener..

Im bout to stop that :lol:

This will be my next move too! Thanks for the recs ladies