THANK YOU LADIES! (long with pics)


Well-Known Member
I don't know which thread I was reading but someone mentioned Claires was a good place to find accessories for hair. I've been really frustrated with my hair lately because it's at an in between length now....still too short to pull back into a pony tail, but too long to wear a wng and look good. It didn't help when some anonymous poster:rolleyes: decided to leave this comment on my blog:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "ChaLEAN Extreme Day 1 Review, Pics, and Beginning ...":

You may need to post some better pics of yourself. Perhaps do your hair and put on a little make-up. You look like a dude. Buckwheat to be exact.

People on the WAHM board are secretly PMing each other laughing at your avatar.

:nono: I use the same avatar I use here and granted, my twist out is not the best and my TWA is short, I hardly think I look masculine or like "Buckwheat." Seeing as wahm is predominately white board I'm pretty sure the person who was so brave:rolleyes: and looking out for my best interest:rolleyes: was either a racist white person or (perhaps much worse) some self hating black person that thinks any sign of kink in the hair is not "done":rolleyes: but it still hurt:nono: But like my husband said "That's not constructive criticism, that's just plain hate. Anyone who has nothing better to do with their life than stalk your blog posting anonymous comments trying to tear you down is not worth your energy."

I agree with him, but still:nono: I've been relaxed since I was 6 years old. I don't even remember a time when I didn't have a relaxer, so even though I've been relaxer free for a year and relaxed ends free since July, it's still a struggle.

I do sometimes feel like I look boyish but you gotta start somewhere right? Anyways, after that message, I really felt an urge to relax. Not a strong one, but definately had one come on. Then I though "maybe I'll braid my hair up until I reach a better length." But when I went to take my shower, after shampooing and conditioning with my AO HSR:love: I realize that I don't want to hide my hair. I love washing and conditioning my hair. I like it to be free:lol:

Well the only style I really like my hair in right now is a headband and the ones I bought from Walmart are some cotton mesh material that rip the hair out of my head. Enter Claire's. Instead of buying a couple bags of weave, I went to Claire's. Never been before but man I am in LOVE! Now I see where ya'll get all those cute accessories from. I bought myself 4 headbands (silk/satin material, doesn't pull at all, feels like night and day compared to the walmart ones) some barrets and some cute earrings and I feel semi pretty again.

I know I shouldn't let people's hate effect me, it's my own insecurity about who I am and how God designed me that needs dealing with, but until that's taken care of I'll continue to do my best to look my best but in the end my hair is gonna do what it does and if people don't like it they can talk to God about it:yep: Ok so I took a couple pics. Don't know why my eyes don't stay open when I smile (I swear I'm a raod hazard if I laugh while driving:lachen:) but hey, it's how God made me, and everything he creates is good, including my hair....




kbragg you are beautiful honey :bighug: and whoever left that comment need a :spank:. Love the headbands :yep: I never even knew Claires had great hair accessories.
First of all I love your pics there. You hair looks great.

I like your husband's comments. He is right. It is nothing but hate.

Girl, you know you are a solid member here and we are on your side.

This world is full of crazy, negative people. I realize that now. More people CHOOSE to be negative and use that energy on themselves and others. Nothing but negative things will come to them for it.

I feel sorry for people that go through life and find it easy to be so harsh and negative towards others. This world and the life we have to live in it is hard enough. Why people have so much hate and meanness is beyond me.

Anyway, you look great. I love your posts and positive energy.

Based on the person I have gotten to learn about over the years, I would never think that you have any major insecurities about yourself. I never get that vibe from you. I mean we all have things we need to deal with for ourselves, but in you I see a person that energetic, positive, a woman that loves her children and family, and woman that is hard working and high achieving.

If they don't get those vibes, too bad for them!
I don't know which thread I was reading but someone mentioned Claires was a good place to find accessories for hair. I've been really frustrated with my hair lately because it's at an in between length now....still too short to pull back into a pony tail, but too long to wear a wng and look good. It didn't help when some anonymous poster:rolleyes: decided to leave this comment on my blog:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "ChaLEAN Extreme Day 1 Review, Pics, and Beginning ...":

You may need to post some better pics of yourself. Perhaps do your hair and put on a little make-up. You look like a dude. Buckwheat to be exact.

People on the WAHM board are secretly PMing each other laughing at your avatar.
:nono: I use the same avatar I use here and granted, my twist out is not the best and my TWA is short, I hardly think I look masculine or like "Buckwheat." Seeing as wahm is predominately white board I'm pretty sure the person who was so brave:rolleyes: and looking out for my best interest:rolleyes: was either a racist white person or (perhaps much worse) some self hating black person that thinks any sign of kink in the hair is not "done":rolleyes: but it still hurt:nono: But like my husband said "That's not constructive criticism, that's just plain hate. Anyone who has nothing better to do with their life than stalk your blog posting anonymous comments trying to tear you down is not worth your energy."

I agree with him, but still:nono: I've been relaxed since I was 6 years old. I don't even remember a time when I didn't have a relaxer, so even though I've been relaxer free for a year and relaxed ends free since July, it's still a struggle.

I do sometimes feel like I look boyish but you gotta start somewhere right? Anyways, after that message, I really felt an urge to relax. Not a strong one, but definately had one come on. Then I though "maybe I'll braid my hair up until I reach a better length." But when I went to take my shower, after shampooing and conditioning with my AO HSR:love: I realize that I don't want to hide my hair. I love washing and conditioning my hair. I like it to be free:lol:

Well the only style I really like my hair in right now is a headband and the ones I bought from Walmart are some cotton mesh material that rip the hair out of my head. Enter Claire's. Instead of buying a couple bags of weave, I went to Claire's. Never been before but man I am in LOVE! Now I see where ya'll get all those cute accessories from. I bought myself 4 headbands (silk/satin material, doesn't pull at all, feels like night and day compared to the walmart ones) some barrets and some cute earrings and I feel semi pretty again.

I know I shouldn't let people's hate effect me, it's my own insecurity about who I am and how God designed me that needs dealing with, but until that's taken care of I'll continue to do my best to look my best but in the end my hair is gonna do what it does and if people don't like it they can talk to God about it:yep: Ok so I took a couple pics. Don't know why my eyes don't stay open when I smile (I swear I'm a raod hazard if I laugh while driving:lachen:) but hey, it's how God made me, and everything he creates is good, including my hair....





Good morning my LHCF Sister!!!!! :kiss:

Well, you are Gorgeous.... and so is your hair. Of course - you know this.... But - it is good to hear from others....
I am reading a new book for the new year..called the 4:8 Principle.........

The Book is based on the scripture below....

And they are words that I thought of when I was reading your post:

Philippians 4:8 (New International Version)

8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Continue to be confident and brave........

and I :love: Claire's too!!!!!!

I too was extremely insecure about my transition... I braided my hair for years.... Then I was forced to deal with it ( no money )

So - just know - many ladies have been where you are!!!!

Happy new year, and God's Blessings to you!

ETA - To say the BABY!!!! I love seeing that baby.... SO CUTE!
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That Buckwheat comment makes me agree with who this supposed helper was. Your headbands are too cute!! And don't mind people like that, they just want you to feel bad about yourself.
Girl your pics are fly!! That poster could have been a white racist Craving a fro and beautiful skin Or a black idiot without a hairline …bush-’em off.

Haters keep me motivated.

Love your pics!!
those headbands are beautiful and so are you ((hugs)). no where near buckwheat. keep living and loving your life. dont worry about the ignorant folks.
Ahh my dear friend you look gawgous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love those head to Claires I go.

Oh and you have on makeup! :shocked: ;)
Girl you are beautiful on the inside and out!!!! Don't let those people get to you. Some people deal with their own insecurities by trying to bring others down. DO YOU MAMA!:grin:
You and your hair look great!

Your husband is right. F that ignorant troll.

He or she who posted that nonsense probably has no room to talk about ANYONE!

Keep on growing that beautiful head of natural hair :)
I love Claire's headwraps too! :yep: I have the same ones in your first and third pics.

Continue doing and wearing what makes you feel and look good.
Your pics looks great!!! The headbands are too cute...I'm headed to Claire's today!!! Let the haters hate....they are usually lonely, sad people that don't have anything else to do!!! LOL!!

BTW, congrats on the weight loss; I need to PM you for advice, tips, and motivation. And that baby....OMG, so adorable!!! :-)
There will always be some idiots that will try to bring you down. Your a natural beauty and sometimes that beauty outshines the ordinary.:rolleyes: Shake 'em off, girl.
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Oooooooooooooooh I like those headbands. I really think the black one looks really nice on you too.

Your hair looks great and so do you. :)
Aww, so sorry that happened! :nono:
I've noticed that a lot of these hateful comments are geared toward ladies who are on a quest to actually do something with themselves and to be better. Some people just don't want to see that and would rather tear you down. We live in a "tear-down" culture nowadays where we can't be happy for people or root for them:ohwell:

Your blog is very nice and your pics are cute! I know I need to banish the baby belly fat :lachen:

Don't let some anonymous hater dictate how you look or feel about yourself. You're beautiful :yep:
I don't think I could have stated it better than the sistas who have already posted....You KNOW You and You LOVE You (period)!!!!

We got you girl!!!! Shake them haters off - (got a good man there!!!)
You look GREAT, be happy, don't let ANYONE take away the love and joy you have for yourself. Of all the nerve...This is how you know there are truly evil people just walking around looking for someone to harass. That said...go into the "NEW YEAR" knowing there will ALWAYS be people with Bad INTENTIONS (ALWAYS). Just remove yourself from there reach...That's all!:yep:
I am so sorry that someone would take the time and energy to document such hateful, ignorant statements. Do not be discouraged by this. I am with my LHCF sisters...You are BEAUTIFUL!!! Love those accessories. Your little Blessing is adorable also!!! ITA...Everything God made is beautiful and has a purpose. Many Blessings!!! :)
Honestly, I like your current avatar. Nevermind those wahm members. Some of them are only out to hurt others due to their own insecurities. Also, don't forget this is the net and it could have been some children just playing around (happens a lot). I think natural beauty is best and your inner confidence is threatening to some people (remember back in the day certain races didn't like it when black people seemed to be "uppity").

I also like the other pictures of you with your headbands. But you are beautiful with or without them. :)

Just had to add, while I was writing this my husband walked in and said you are pretty and don't look masculine at all. He is the most brutally honest person I know (to the point of hurting feelings lol). :)
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Honey, you are beautiful and don't pay any attention to what people say. I know how you feel. I take everything so personal and if someone say something to me hurtful it kinda knocks me off a bit. I have to remind myself everyday that I am confident, intelligent, and beautiful. I have to work on my insecurities. Keep in mind everyone has insecurities. I love Claire's. I have the same headband you are wearing the the 3rd pic.
We love you over here, but anyone who doesn't know what you're about hair care wise, or isn't into LHCF would think it's just a random pic you put up "thinking you were cute." I like the pic for LHCF but not for other non-hair forums, especially with the unforgiving trolls throughout.

I think the comment was rude and messed up, whether helpful or not. At least have the balls to say it in PM with your name known. I cannot stand "guest/anon" comments, none of them are ever polite :rolleyes:

But the new pics with the headbands are cute as hell! Show em off over there, and if they are still talkin tell em kiss your cake.

"He who cannot confront me is not real to me."
ITA with everything said .

The internet is a wonderful thing but one of the big drawbacks is that it gives cowards, racists and pervs a big mountain to hide behind.

Do not let these types in any way strip you of your self esteem and power. I can tell by reading your posts that you are motivated and about something. Don't let anonymous people have the power over you. I used to be on that site but I stopped a while back.

If I were you I would post as publicly as I can just like you did here showing the comment that was made and saying what you did here that you know it was either a racist or a self hater and the fact that you will not be bullied or intimidated by them and that you will let your haters be your motivators.

If you want to relax your hair do it but don't let someones anonymous hate spewed at you make you do such a big decision.