THANK YOU LADIES! (long with pics)

Your hair looks so cute with those headbands.

What that poster said was just cruel. I dont understand how people can be so hateful:nono:
Nubian sister -

Once you conquer your insecurities and become okay with who you are today COMPLETELY, you will :lachen: at other peoples comments ESPECIALLY those who post them anonymously. E-BALLERS! :lachen:

Anyway your headbands are cute, and you look so pretty in your pictures.

ETA, adding my own recent hair drama :rolleyes:

There's a hispanic chick at work who is always up in my hair all the time. WTF? I rock a wig - she need to know. She has a black baby daddy and described his hair as being like a "brillo pad."


Now, if I wasn't secure in myself or my hair texture, I would have let her comments bother me (maybe I would have straightened my hair or relaxed my NG, but I didn't).

Instead I just :thumbsup: (with my middle fingers) because she SHOULD be worried about her dried, damaged, to' up looking mop hair on her own head. :yep:

I have about 10 weeks of NG and I'm rocking my bun e'reday - bunk what anybody else has to say. Do you ma.
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You are beautiful sister! Don't let some anonymous poster take away from your beauty and self esteem. Stay true to yourself and do what makes you happy.

BTW - Loving the headbands :yep:
I am sending some LOVE your way. You look like a beautiful queen in those headbands. Your hair is perfect as is- do not feel compelled to relax. I cannot belive people sometimes- it makes my heart sad. Keep on keepin on you are doing phenomenal with your hair growth and weight loss goals. I swear I could kick some cyber a** on your behalf right about now.
I don't know which thread I was reading but someone mentioned Claires was a good place to find accessories for hair. I've been really frustrated with my hair lately because it's at an in between length now....still too short to pull back into a pony tail, but too long to wear a wng and look good. It didn't help when some anonymous poster:rolleyes: decided to leave this comment on my blog:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "ChaLEAN Extreme Day 1 Review, Pics, and Beginning ...":

You may need to post some better pics of yourself. Perhaps do your hair and put on a little make-up. You look like a dude. Buckwheat to be exact.

People on the WAHM board are secretly PMing each other laughing at your avatar.
:nono: I use the same avatar I use here and granted, my twist out is not the best and my TWA is short, I hardly think I look masculine or like "Buckwheat." Seeing as wahm is predominately white board I'm pretty sure the person who was so brave:rolleyes: and looking out for my best interest:rolleyes: was either a racist white person or (perhaps much worse) some self hating black person that thinks any sign of kink in the hair is not "done":rolleyes: but it still hurt:nono: But like my husband said "That's not constructive criticism, that's just plain hate. Anyone who has nothing better to do with their life than stalk your blog posting anonymous comments trying to tear you down is not worth your energy."

I agree with him, but still:nono: I've been relaxed since I was 6 years old. I don't even remember a time when I didn't have a relaxer, so even though I've been relaxer free for a year and relaxed ends free since July, it's still a struggle.

I do sometimes feel like I look boyish but you gotta start somewhere right? Anyways, after that message, I really felt an urge to relax. Not a strong one, but definately had one come on. Then I though "maybe I'll braid my hair up until I reach a better length." But when I went to take my shower, after shampooing and conditioning with my AO HSR:love: I realize that I don't want to hide my hair. I love washing and conditioning my hair. I like it to be free:lol:

Well the only style I really like my hair in right now is a headband and the ones I bought from Walmart are some cotton mesh material that rip the hair out of my head. Enter Claire's. Instead of buying a couple bags of weave, I went to Claire's. Never been before but man I am in LOVE! Now I see where ya'll get all those cute accessories from. I bought myself 4 headbands (silk/satin material, doesn't pull at all, feels like night and day compared to the walmart ones) some barrets and some cute earrings and I feel semi pretty again.

I know I shouldn't let people's hate effect me, it's my own insecurity about who I am and how God designed me that needs dealing with, but until that's taken care of I'll continue to do my best to look my best but in the end my hair is gonna do what it does and if people don't like it they can talk to God about it:yep: Ok so I took a couple pics. Don't know why my eyes don't stay open when I smile (I swear I'm a raod hazard if I laugh while driving:lachen:) but hey, it's how God made me, and everything he creates is good, including my hair....





Ignore it...some people have nothing better to do!:wallbash:
Buckwheat?? My goodness, sometimes people really do irk me. Your pics are Gorgeous and those hairbands are sooo pretty! I wish i had a claires where i lived, or some store half decent and not so expensive.

Some of those ladies on WAHM boards make me sick. Alot of them have bad attitudes and think they are better than others. I don't pay attention to them.
Girl, don't sweat it. People can be darn right rude. I have mine set up so you have to login to Fotki to leave a comment. Why don't you do that?
There is nothing wrong with your avatar. I bet the person who said it probably looks worse than doo doo on rye bread. Don't even give them a second thought.
First of all, don't let them trip you up because that's all some people live their lives for is to put other people down. Your hair is beautiful, you are beautiful and you have confidence to go against the grain and wear your hair in it's natural and God given texture. Whoever that coward was is probably sitting around hating themselves so much that it has to spill out onto other people.

Second of all, where have you been that you have not been to claires?! I have been going to that store since I was 14. And I have those first two headbands you have on too LOL I'm glad that you found it. Where I live it has a sister store called Icing that also has nice accessories.

I love the pics, thanks for sharing them!
Your avi pic looks great and your claire headbands are very cute!! Girl, whatever makes you happy then do it! You can never please everyone but you do know that we have your back here at LHCF!!! Your hubby's support is awesome too! Keep your head up, K!!!
Ignore the haters. You puff is cute and you have made great progress with the fitness.

I had to laugh at the buckwheat comment though, only because I started a thread earlier today where I posted a pic of buckwheat resembling my poor bantu knot attempt.
You look great! Love the headbands. I actually get a lot of my accessories from claire's because they are cute, stylish, and affordable :yep:.

P.S. Don't mind the haters. They aren't even worth considering. If he or she was any kind of real person and wanted to offer "constructive criticism" they wouldn't hide behind the cowardly anonymous option. They didn't wish for themselves to be known because they aren't worth knowing :grin:.
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:bighug:Thank you ladies soooo much for the encouragement:grin: Some of ya'll's comments have me:lachen: Man I wish I had ya'll when I was in school:lachen: I'm using this as an opportunity to step up my game even more. Ima wear my fro bigger, badder, and blacker!:grin: I want that chunky fro India Aire has in the "I am not my hair" remix:yep:

PS: Rhonda, actually all I have on in the pic is some Nicole Miller lip gloss I've had since 2003. One thing I can say about Melaleuca products is their products last forever:lachen:
K, you look so radiant and happy in your pics. Please don't let some idiot(s) determine how you feel about yourself. You are enjoying your hair (and you should be, it's gorgeous:grin:), and that's what counts.

Your hubby sounds like a great, supportive guy. I can only imagine how miserable some of those WAHM posters are. I know the type, trust me. They will find anything to criticize because they are so empty and jealous on the inside.

ETA: And that lipgloss is hawt!:grin:
i'm sorry to hear that that idiot made such a stupid comment to you. I swear i'm starting to wonder what's worse people in real life or on msg boards?
people will try to tear a person apart, it's really disgusting.
Please ignore those ignorant fools.
You look very pretty (and I don't hand out random compliments).
I LOVE those headbands.
I cant get over how nasty people can be...Just a look beautiful!! what a lovely smile..and ur hair looks feirce!!
You definitely look like a girl in your avatar pic - almost as pretty as that baby in your signature. :spinning:

I read in a psych book that people say mean things to bring others down and laugh at others when they are hurt because the person saying and laughing has great insecurity and feels unloved. It's like this person has so much hurt and anger inside of themselves, they can only express joy as a negative event - thus the nastiness.

You really have to feel sorry for someone so hurt and damaged.
All I will say is know who you are and know who's you are. (God's child) Work on you for only you. I love your hair and headbands. Congrats on your weight loss too.
Darling, I think you look cute. Don't let this worry you because we all get caught at a bad camera angle or bad hair day. I can find so many other things to worry about. How rude of those people.