Thandie Newton Talks Hair


New Member
I finally got some time to flip thru my new InStyle mag (Nov 2002) and low and behold! the Beauty Talk feature was Thandee Newton! I was so excited! Even though I give InStyle much props for featuring tons of people of color thruout the magazine each month, they rarely have a person of color featured in Beauty Talk.

Thought I'd share what Thandee had to say about hair:

Question: How do you care for your hair?
At home I use Biosilk by Farouk Systems shampoo, conditioner and spray-on serum. My hair is naturally very, very curly. I have been getting it straightened once every 12 weeks with the most vicious chemicals you can put on your hair. Soon I'm going to cut it all off and go back to natural again. My daughter [Ripley, 2] has the most beautiful, huge curly hair, and I want to show her how much I love my curly hair too because your mother is your key role model.

How sweet...and how true.
thanks for posting, you know I saw the trailer for the new movie she is in, and I didn't even realize it was her until they said newton. She didn't look like herself, I thought the lady in that movie was asian until they said her name. But her mom is african and her father is english it appears. But she is a very pretty women in any case.
She is an actress that has appeared in several movies. Mission Impossible 2 is one of them. She was also on some primetime show awhile ago. CSI or something. She was playing someone's girlfriend or fiancee.
Thanks for bumping, I love Thandie Newton, I think she is very pretty. I have that InStyle and I thought it was sweet of her to want to go natural for her daughter.

Here's a pic Poohbear
soulchild said:
She was on ER

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I was very impressed with her as an actress after I saw her in Oprah's movie 'Beloved'.