Texturized, Relaxed, Texlaxed I need your HELP!!!!


Well-Known Member
So I need everyone’s help. I go through this all the time because I want to be natural. I found LHCF because I wanted to be natural and I quickly changed my mind. So now, there’s a girl/woman who comes to my bank and she’s just cut all her hair off to grow it out natural. OMG:eek: because of her I want to grow my hair out naturally again (it would be funny if she was on this board too). So I was sitting here thinking about and I’m think of it texturizing. Right now I’m just texlaxed/relaxed.

I’m so confused though. Like I was telling my friend he just shook his head at me and called me a confused child.:lachen: I don’t want to cut my hair. *Disclaimer* I’ve cut my hair off before I’ve cut it from BSL to ear length getting ready to go BC later on, and then quit that idea. So natural is out of the picture. But I’m in the North Jersey, Passiac, Essex, Bergen county area. I haven’t found hardly any non bias stylist to ask questions so hopefully ya’ll can help me. I’m not willingly to do it myself since I’ve had a bad experience before.

Can I just start texlaxing my hair less than I do so that it’s just curlier? Is texlaxing even a term that stylist know?

Can texturized and texlaxed hair survive together on the same head?

Does anyone in my area know of a stylist that is good with natural and tex hair? I know of a natural one but she was really not helping me and was starting to irritate me when I was asking her question, since she was acting like I was irritating her.

Any info or stories anyone has would be appreciated? Is this how the natural’s feel when they want to relax?
Do any relaxed heads feel like this? Has anyone gone back and forth before?
And no one relaxed wanted to have curly hair?
So everyone with texturized hair just cut it off and started over?
It's easier to be one or the other IMO. It will make touch ups easier. Personally, I had awesome wash n gos being texlaxed because I left the relaxer on for 5 minutes. It was harder to tell the NG from natural. I'm no expert.:rolleyes: I hope you find the answer you need. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
It can be done, but I wouldn't attempt it without at least 12 week stretches.

texturized = using a product called a texturizer on your hair. (scurl and other such products)
texlaxed = using a relaxer for less than the specified time to underprocess your hair so that it has some curl/texture left
relaxed = relaxer used at correct times (or longer) to produce straight hair.

So first you gotta decide what it its that you want to do, because it's not really clear from what's written above.

If you're looking to texlax, tell your stylist that you want more texture to your hair so when she applies the relaxer to only lightly smooth the relaxer on the new growth. -DO NOT comb through.

Between touch ups you'll have to be dilligent about keeping the demarcation lines between the previously relaxed and newly tex'ed hair moisturied.
Thank you both of you so much! Yeah sorry I thought it might be confusing after I posted. I don't know what I wanna do but I didn't know the exact differences in the products used. Or up keep methods. I'm already slighty texlaxed cuz I don't let the relaxer stay too long. At least now instead of constantly confusing myself. I can explain it better.
I also wanted to know if it was just easier to be one or the other? And if anyone relaxed ever thought about going back and forth or started out to do it. Also if anyone yexed had gone from relax to tex or texlax and their process?