Texturized Heads - Got Pictures


New Member
I know there are so many of us here that are considering texturing so with that, i'd like to know, how many of the texturized heads would like to share some of their hair pictures (and daily styles) so we'd get an idea on what we can look forward too?
Also, i'd like you to answer the following questions:

1. How versatile is your hair now?
2. Do you believe it's easier to upkeep then relaxed hair (if you've been previously relaxed)?
3. How easy is it for you to go from straight to curly, and what do you have to do to accomplish same?
4. Is your texturized hair closer to your natural hair state?
5. What products do you swear by?
6. If you were relaxed before you started texturing, how long was your hair? How much did you cut off (relaxed)? Did you do the big chop?
7. Does having a texturizer entail having wash and wear hair?
8. What type of relaxer (for the texturizer) did you use? How long did they keep it on for?
9. What is a strand test and why is it important?
10. How often do you get touch-ups (texturizer)?
11. Lastly, how much new growth did you have b4 you got your hair texturized?
Thanks for asking all those questions CH..I wonder those same things! Hopefully people will start answering.. I have a question though..#7.. so not everyone with a texturizer has wash and wear hair?
You didn't have too..I just thought there was something that I didn't know about..again..LOL
1.I find my hair extremely versatile.up,down,straight,curly,braided pretty much whatever i feel like doing to it
2.I was never relaxed but i was texturized bfore and natural.
3.To go straight requires either a really hot blowout
, or rollerset, and lightly blown out roots (this way is much gentler.
5. it always change but as of now. Purology shampoo, conditioner, and leave in spray.elasta qp breakage control serum.shea butter pomade that i make for the ends, and johhney boy gel(it took me forever to find this super great gel).
6. when i was texturized before and started to go natural i transitioned and slowly cut off 10 inches of hair
8.hawain silky mild mixed with cholesteral conditioner.more conditioner than relaxer
9.twice a year
10.i was all natural when i texturized which was actually like 3 weeks ago. so i had my same 8 inches of hair.
1. How versatile is your hair now?
Very. I can wear twists without securing the ends (they curl around each other). I can wear it straight and I can wear it wash n' go curly. I rollerset or airdry and use the curling iron when I wear it straight, which isn't often. I haven't worn it straight or used heat since January.

2. Do you believe it's easier to upkeep then relaxed hair (if you've been previously relaxed)?

3. How easy is it for you to go from straight to curly, and what do you have to do to accomplish same?
Very easy. Just wet it. I don't need any additional products to get it curly or to define curls. It curls up on its own. I wash with conditioner or conditioner mixed with oil, rinse with cool water, then air dry and go.

4. Is your texturized hair closer to your natural hair state?
Well, that's hard to say. As a natural, I had MAJOR shrinkage. I don't now. It's not bone straight either. I guess it's in between.

5. What products do you swear by?
My main products consist of VO5 (esp. Nourishing Oasis) or Suave conditioners, glycerin, water, ACV, and olive oil. I don't use shampoo, unless I'm retouching (neutralizing shampoo).

6. If you were relaxed before you started texturing, how long was your hair? How much did you cut off (relaxed)?
Well, I was actually natural before I texturized. Prior to that, I had healthy looking relaxed hair that was thick and below bra strap length. I transitioned for about 9 months. I just wanted to try something new and went natural. Didn't like the major shrinkage when I wash n' go, which was my primary style, other than twists.

Did you do the big chop?
Yes, from relaxed to natural.

7. Does having a texturizer entail having wash and wear hair?

8. What type of relaxer (for the texturizer) did you use? How long did they keep it on for?
Revlon Realistic (lye) Mild now. I started out using Regular and left it in for about 15 minutes. The sides get less time because the curls are smaller and the hair is finer. I now use Mild and leave it in for 20-25 minutes. I do strand tests throughout my head to determine how long to leave it on. I have very strong and resistent hair. I've been applying BB Oil Moisturizer on the previously relaxed hair when I touch up.

9. How often do you get touch-ups (texturizer)?
Every 3 months.

10. Lastly, how much new growth did you have b4 you got your hair texturized?
I was natural and had 6" of hair. I started out using the Naturalaxer and that left my hair VERY dry and didn't really take. Revlon Realistic worked much better, but as time went on, I noticed that the Naturalaxer hair was much drier than the Revlon hair. So, after a while I cut off the Naturalaxer ends. That's the picture in the gallery for last spring (2003-April?).
You know what i love about u curlycurly. No matter how many times or how many ways these questions r posed, you ALWAYS answer them
You're welcome. LOL

I really love texturized hair and think it IS the best of both worlds, but it can be tricky. So, I try to give people the information that I have. Strand tests and the texturizing process itself are the most important things to remember IMO.
I'm going to edit my questions...

Here it is CC:
The Strand Test, why is it important? And what is the texturizing process?
The strand test is important because many of us have so many different textures on our heads. They'll require different amounts of time or maybe even different relaxer strengths to avoid overprocessing. Even though I've been texturizing for several years, I still do strand tests from time to time. For example, when I switched from regular to mild I did one and when I started mixing olive oil in it, I did one.

What I mean by texturizing process is: who does it (you or someone else), how fast you apply it, the strength and type of relaxer/texturizer used, the amount of time spent combing it through/if you comb it through, options of mixing other ingredients with the relaxer, etc.
Yes, I really love CurlyCrly. Always, always, always answers.

I'm still not getting the texturizing process either other than
1-leave the relaxer on for less time OR
2- dilute relaxer with oil OR
3-put oil on the new growth to slow down the processing


whether to
1-let the relaxer sit there
2-comb through new growth
3-smooth new growth a little

How do you decide?

I think I'm going to have to up the money to get Jazma's video. I can't visualize worth anything.
The results from doing strand tests are guaranteed, but IMO they are the best way to get an idea of what may or may not happen to your particular hair when you apply a relaxer for a specific period of time. Obviously, you can't comb the relaxer through with a strand test the way that you would if you were relaxer your entire head, so that will perhaps alter the results. However, at least you will know if leaving it on will completely straighten your hair or not even put a dent in the curl pattern.

Also, I wanted to mention that when I first started texturizing, I sectioned my hair off and did a section at a time because I was concerned about not having enough time.
GodMadeMePretty said:
Yes, I really love CurlyCrly. Always, always, always answers.

I'm still not getting the texturizing process either other than
1-leave the relaxer on for less time OR
2- dilute relaxer with oil OR
3-put oil on the new growth to slow down the processing

whether to
1-let the relaxer sit there
2-comb through new growth
3-smooth new growth a little

How do you decide?

I think I'm going to have to up the money to get Jazma's video. I can't visualize worth anything.

[/ QUOTE ]

Doing a strand test would tell you how long to leave the relaxer on to achieve the results you're looking for. If you determine by the strand test that you will only have 5 minutes to let it sit on your head before your hair is completely straight, then you know that you won't have much time. You can add oil to the relaxer to dilute it, use a milder strength, do your hair in sections or all of these, so that you have more time to devote to your relaxer application and combing, or whatever you choose to do. I added oil to mine because my hair is very thick and I figured that the oil would thin out the relaxer a little so that I can comb it through easier. Adding the oil also gave me more time to comb it through.

Smoothing the relaxer on may not stretch out the coils the way that you want them to be. It may flatten them or straigten them. If you're trying to achieve a loosened curl, then just letting it sit or combing would be better. Letting it sit would not help me, so I choose to comb in very thin sections. This is something that I know from relaxing my hair straighter over the years.
kjames001 said:
Question for GodMadeMePretty, Who/What is Jazma's Video? How can u purchase it?

[/ QUOTE ]

You can go to www.Jazma.com and read all about it.. hth
Jazma is a Canadian (I think) salon that does "wash and wear" which is or is like a texturizer. They sell a video for about $100 that is a "how-to" video. After you purchase the video, you can then order the relaxer that they use. The site is jazma.com.
Thanks, CC. I'm just a picture girl. My problem is that I haven't been doing my own relaxers for very long and now with this 9-month hiatus, I think I'm rusty. I've seen people putting on a relaxer, but never a texturizer. I know that doesn't make any sense since it's the same chemicals, but because of the outcome, I somehow have gotten it into my head that one of the differences is the way it is done once on the head.
CaramelHonee said:
I know there are so many of us here that are considering texturing so with that, i'd like to know, how many of the texturized heads would like to share some of their hair pictures (and daily styles) so we'd get an idea on what we can look forward too?
Also, i'd like you to answer the following questions:

1. How versatile is your hair now?

Before my unwanted "corrective" relaxer, my hair was EXTREMELY versatile. I could get up in the morning wash it, let it air dry and have big beautiful hair by noon. If I wanted straight hair, I could just roller set and voila. Also my hair was much thicker than when I was fully relaxed.

2. Do you believe it's easier to upkeep then relaxed hair (if you've been previously relaxed)?

Umm, yes and no. It should have have been much easier but I had uneven textures so my hair was a little more difficult to upkeep. However, when my hair was fully relaxed I didn't have "Healthy Hair regime" so I don't know if it's fair to compare.

3. How easy is it for you to go from straight to curly, and what do you have to do to accomplish same?

It's easy to go from straight to curly. Just wash, add some product and go. It's harder to go from curly to straight.

4. Is your texturized hair closer to your natural hair state?

At first, yes

5. What products do you swear by?

Water!! It solves all problems
, conditioner - I was using Pantene smooth and sleek last summer to comb out and scrunch into my hair. Also, some type of oil for my wet sets.

6. If you were relaxed before you started texturing, how long was your hair?

Hmm, My hair was probably at the base of my neck when I decided to transition.

How much did you cut off (relaxed)?

I didn't cut off any at first.

Did you do the big chop?

No, I did several trims.

7. Does having a texturizer entail having wash and wear hair?

Definitely. That is probably the biggest perk, IMO.

8. What type of relaxer (for the texturizer) did you use?

Affirm regular.

How long did they keep it on for?

Probably about 15 mins.

9. What is a strand test and why is it important?

I didn't do a strand test. I wasn't trying to get a texturizer, it just sort of happened. It's important to determine the right strength of chemical to use so your hair will come out the way you want it - not underprocessed, not overprocessed.

10. How often do you get touch-ups (texturizer)?

I was going every 3 to four months

11. Lastly, how much new growth did you have b4 you got
your hair texturized?

I had about 6 inches. I went nine months w/out relaxing. It took a while for me to cut all of the relaxed hair off. By the time I did that I had about 10-11 inches.


[/ QUOTE ] Sure, that was actually kind of fun!
I have another question to ask you all.
As new growth comes in, is it difficult to manage both textures?
Back when I was texturized, I used an actual Texturizer Kit - that Botanical Soft Sheen kit with the lady with the really short curly hair on the cover. I thought would be even milder than a mild relaxer. But I didn't comb it through at all, I only put it on really lightly, barely quickly smoothed it a little, and all of that was like 5 minutes. So it would definitely closer to my natural texture, but my hair has always broken down pretty easily and even when relaxing a mild would get my hair bone straight. So I only left mine on like 5 minutes and though closer to my natural texture, I was definitely curlier and less fuzzy/frizzy than my normal hair. The 3C part of my hair (front and crown) was curlier/wavier than the rest though, but I just have to live with the fact that's just the way my hair is. When I was natural before, it was the same thing. If anything the texurizer helped blend my two textures of 3C and 4A. I think texturizers are good for blending those of use with multiple natural textures!
I just took a roll to be developed b/c I was so nervous and anxious about texturizing. They come back on Friday, so I'll get them up as soon as I can. My daily style is a braid-out which I wear either clipped on pinned up. My ends aren't tucked all the time. I pin them sometimes, sometimes they flop around free, but they are sort of getting too long
. I'm getting better w/controlling frizzy braid-outs too so the hair is hanging more.

1. How versatile is your hair now?
It's 100 times more manageable. I wish I had done it alot sooner, b/c I could have saved more poor ends from heat.

2. Do you believe it's easier to upkeep then relaxed hair (if you've been previously relaxed)?
I haven't been relaxed since high school, so I don't remember and can't make this comparison.

3. How easy is it for you to go from straight to curly, and what do you have to do to accomplish same?
My hair is under processed in the front, so I'm not comfortable washing and wearing. The back is perfect and wouldn't need much product. I'm not going to have the front corrected until I get a touch-up (5-6 mos or so depending on rate of new growth, it comes in wavy "s" pattern, so it's manageable). I've learned that heat is retarding my retention of length, so I texturized to eliminate heat. I've only done braid and twist-outs since (which I don't think would have been so cute w/o the chemicals!). I anticipate that going from natural-curl to straight should be easier b/c my natural hair blew dry straight.

4. Is your texturized hair closer to your natural hair state?
My texturized hair is very similar to my natural hair. I'm posting pic of both after the Easter break. My hair is cottony-soft so I've lost some of that "fuzz". It still shrinks up about 4 inches in the back and 5-6 in the front (where under processed, same as my hair did before).

5. What products do you swear by?
Phytodefisiant!!!!!!!! I wish I could send it to all of you b/c this is the BEST stuff in the world. Tangles are history!!! And as a person that thought I had to live w/huge hair... I believe no more!!!
The Phyto conditioners give wonderful slip too and I loose so little hair when I detangle in the shower w/conditioner in my hair. I think all Phyto conditioners have the detanglers and they WORK!

6. If you were relaxed before you started texturing, how long was your hair? How much did you cut off (relaxed)? Did you do the big chop?
No more BC's for me. I've had too many that I wasn't seeking! When I had my last full relaxer my hair was at the top of my bra strap and I'm almost 6' so let's say it 18". I've since cut off all of that relaxed hair and the longest I've been since was 16"... then the heat came.

7. Does having a texturizer entail having wash and wear hair?
My hair would definitely be wash and wear if were all processed the same.... so my day is coming.

8. What type of relaxer (for the texturizer) did you use? How long did they keep it on for?
I have a PhytoSpecific Index 1 (mild). I would say it stayed on the back for about 10 mins total and the front left side for maybe 5 mins and the right, no more than 3 mins(which was way too little).

9. What is a strand test and why is it important?
It tells you how long you can keep it on before the curl is lost. The goal is to keep the curl and increase manageability.

10. How often do you get touch-ups (texturizer)?
It will depend on my new growth, but I'm thinking a few times a year, maybe 4 at the most.

11. Lastly, how much new growth did you have b4 you got your hair texturized?
Years worth!!

Thanks! The thickness can be a pain sometimes, but growing out the layers is helping. I guess I'd rather have thick hair than thin because it helps hide my big head. I wish that I could get a better picture of my hair though.
1. How versatile is your hair now?

Very. I can wash and wear, rollerset, flatiron, etc.
2. Do you believe it's easier to upkeep then relaxed hair (if you've been previously relaxed)?

I would say, about the same. With texturizer the main difference is that you have the option of wash and wear—but at the same time washing and detangling is a little more of chore than with relaxed hair. So I think it’s about the same.

3. How easy is it for you to go from straight to curly, and what do you have to do to accomplish same?

Very easy. Just wet my hair.

4. Is your texturized hair closer to your natural hair state?

I think so---my texturized hair is pretty curly—as you can tell from my pics.
5. What products do you swear by?

Elasta QP Mango Butter
6. If you were relaxed before you started texturing, how long was your hair? How much did you cut off (relaxed)? Did you do the big chop?

Yep, but my relaxed hair has always been curly/wavy when wet. I have very resistant hair. My hair was about 3 inches past collarbone.

I didn’t do a big chop. I wore weaves off and on for like a year straight, so I gradually switched.

7. Does having a texturizer entail having wash and wear hair?

Hecks yeah! I don’t see a point in texturizing if wash and wear isn’t a styling option.

8. What type of relaxer (for the texturizer) did you use? How long did they keep it on for?

I use Elasta QP relaxer in regular strength that I now cut with a cholesterol conditioner. I leave it on for about 5-10 minutes.

9. What is a strand test and why is it important?

I guess it is important—but I’ve never done one to tell you the truth.
10. How often do you get touch-ups (texturizer)?

About every 4 months

11. Lastly, how much new growth did you have b4 you got your hair texturized?

Even with a relaxer---I’ve always gone 4-5 months between touch-ups….so I guess, about 2-3 inches.