Textures and Tones anyone?


New Member
Well, since i posted that i would like to color my hair light brown with caramel highlights, Ms. Karonica told me i might b interested in Textures and Tones. My natural hair color is black. I don't know how resistant it is but i do know i tried to put a bronze color in my hair (by feria) and it didn't take... hmmm, isn't feria a semi-permanent? okay, i digress
I did use dark and lovely a long time ago but i don't know if it had bleach in it or not but my hair looked orange AND it was brittle.

But i'd like to know what color would actually give me the color i want (kind of like Tamia's in the Stranger in my House video) Light brown with caramel highlights. And how in the heck do you do a strand test?

Here's a pic of my natural hair color, if you riteclick on it, go to properties and paste it on your browser, you'd get a bigger & clearer picture.

I use Textures & Tones in Bronze, and I love it. I think you would have to use the Honey Blonde, or maybe even the Lightest Blonde, to get the highlighted look that you want. You should definitely do a strand test first though!!

Edited to add:
To do a strand test, you can take some hairs out of your comb or brush, tape them together, and then follow the directions.
I tried to put highlights in my hair this past weekend and I was looking for the Textures and Tones kit also. I wound up just getting a reddish color permanent dye and getting one of those highlighting caps to pull out the pieces I wanted to highlight. It didn't take very well. I got some good advise from Latia on this board and that was to dye the part of my hair that I want highlighted to a light color and then use some Sebastian's Colourshines to get the actual color I want.

I've been prepping my hair all week by using my Protectiv Healthy Ends, doing conditioner washes and just making sure I keep it extra moisturized(as usual) and I'm going to try that this weekend.
Everything Lindy said.

I've used Honey Blonde on my mom's. It had a booster (which is similar to bleach and gives great lightening power to dark hair. My hair will not get lighter without a booster because it's super resistant, although I use Miss Clairol). It came out Honey Blonde too. I need to get pictures of our hair, I'm working on it. There was a touch of brassiness, because I let it get too light. You have to be fast when working with a color that comes with a booster, because it gets lighter faster, depending on the porosity of the hair.

I touched up her roots with their Bronze color (this one doesn't have a booster) and it came out Bronze, although the lightening took a little longer since there was no booster to speed up the process. But when I tried it on some of my strands (I found them in an old brush
) it didn't lift. So a bronze base would be good, and for the highlights, you could use one of their two lightest colors that comes with the booster.

For the strand test, Lindy told you correct.
So honey blonde should give me highs and lows (i heard that on a commercial
)? And the booster, i understand what it is but do you have to do that first, than apply the color? And who makes textures and tones? Please do not say dark and lovely
Clairol makes the Tex. & Tones
. CH, are you looking to change the color of your whole head of hair, or just put highlights onto your dark hair???

If you want to completely change your hair color and then add highlights, I would highly recommend you get this done professionally, especially since you're new at the color thing!!

You really don't want to play around with permanent color too much, cuz it can jack you up!! Your hair is so pretty... I KNOW you wouldn't want to cause yourself any setbacks...
Thanks Lindy. I wanted to completely change the color. Every beautician i've gone to about it has told me i'd have to bleach my hair. I wouldn't mind just getting one color (like light brown). Does anyone have a picture (celeb or otherwise) of hair that would mostly represent the honey blonde?
No, Clairol.

The booster (a small packette of powder) is mixed with the developer and the color liquid. If you wanted, you could use the Honey Blonde on your hair all over, and stop the color once it reaches a brown shade. Problem is, when hair is lightening, it may pass orange at some point, but I think you could catch it before it gets too ugly. Then, perhaps about 2 weeks later, you could add the highlights (your hair would get lighter in those areas, Honey Blonde can get pretty darn light). If you did your own highlights, I'd advise a streaking cap so you could watch the color better.

But since you're new at this, I'd definitely discuss this with a professional first. I'd hate to see you mess up that beautiful hair!
I have dyed hightlighted hair also. I used a wash in honey blond (because it comes out different tones of blonde) and add sebastian cellophane color rinse to achieve the real desired color (cognac,red,plum etc). My present highlights were done by my stylist because she mixes my color just for me and I love them. Just remember to deep condition the hair to keep it healthy and avoid dryness.
If your hair is a very dark brown, CH, the Tex. & Tones may not lift your hair to the color you want. You may well get that dreaded yucky brassy orange color... then you'd have to go have MORE color put on top of that to correct it...(NOT GOOD...
) I'd definitely get this done professionally if I were you...
my hair is black lindy
so i guess that makes it worse huh? Can someone recommend someone to help a sista out WITHOUT using the bleach?
WHOA... In that case, just like the stylists already told you, you will have to bleach your hair to lighten it
. You should just go and get some highlights put in.

I def. would NOT bleach my whole head!! That is VERY damaging!!!
When ya'll "bleach" are you referring to the booster? Cuz if so, it's not quite bleach, but it's like bleach.
Well, at least that's what two stylists told me.
Everyone's hair responds differently to things. I've had my hair permanenly dyed (and all times with the booster), highlighted (with the booster
), and everything else in the rainbow, and have yet to suffer anything negative.

You can always buy colored packs of hair CH.
I know, I know, it's not the same, but it's fun and can give you a temporary change without the possible damaging consequences.
You could try it, CH, but I highly doubt it. It MAY lighten your hair a few shades, but I think that's about it!!

I wish Tracy would respond to this post... cuz maybe I'm wrong...
CaramelHonee said:
Now i'm depressed. I thought i could get the textures and tones and it would lighten my whole head.

[/ QUOTE ]

The ones with the booster will most definitely lighten your hair. I'm just afraid of you coming out with an orange tone, but a gentle, semi-permanent can always fix that.

Okay, I think I've figured it out.
Most people refer to the peroxide in permanent dyes as "bleach." Well, I don't know of any permanent color without peroxide, but it doesn't have ammonia.
So should i go out and get the T&T in honey blonde? I could have my friend do it, she's pretty good with color. Unless one of the color gurus wants to help a sista out
I'm sorry babycakes. School started Monday.

Okay - first tell me this - is your hair NATURALLY black? Or is it dyed or rinsed darker?
CH, Tracy is the color-spert but I would dye with the Texture and Tones Honey Blonde, then get professional hilites 2 weeks later, doing protein treatments in between to boost the strength of your hair.
Ok Caramel Honee, this is my personal input. Alot of the procedures mentioned by some posters can JACK up your hair and this is coming from someone whose 2-inch from brastrap hair got chewed up by a Goddamn Dark &lovely hair dye and I had to cut it off to neck lenght (grrr). Black (the color) hair is extremely hard to lighten specially to wat u mentioned u want, which I was able to achieve when my hair was lighter. I almost made the same mistake recently when I tried Feria and a whole bunch of dyes but wat kept happening was that my roots would pick up the color and the rest of my hair will stay black. My mom has naturally jet black hair and had the same experience when dying with feria, yea it lightened and highlighted the hair right outta her head. What she does now is she applies this hair gel that lightens her hair and her hair has been lightening. It was recommended by a friend at work and even though its obviously taking longer than one application its easier and healthier. She just rubs it all ova and slicks her hair in a bun. I also used to use Sun-in, sprayed it sat under the dryer and my hair lightened more and faster than my mom is gettin with the gel. I dont know just some insight, the double process is just killer damage for your hair. So be careful, your hair is very beautiful. It looks alot like mine and it took me a minute to get me there after the dreadful experience: cutting all my hair off up to top of shoulder length, relaxer free for 6 months with no manipulation (cornrows every2 weeks), then cuttin the remainder died ends and progressing from there.
Tracy - I'm a natural black
Foxycus02 - thanks for replying. I use to think about using sun-in but i thought that was for the caucasions. How long did it take u to lighten your hair and how much lighter did it get since ur a natural black? AND what color is your hair now and how light have you gotten it? I know, i know, it's a lot of questions but i really want to dye my hair light brown, heck i'll even go sandy brown if i can.
What did the colorist do to your hair to lighten it? and did it come out exactly how u wanted it to? and what color was it?
CH -

Ok here's the thing. When I FIRST went light, I used T&T Lightest Blond but I used HEAT to help the formula penetrate my cuticle further and faster. It had a booster as well - which you alaso already know.

I sat under a dryer and a plastic cap, with the dye on for QUITE a few minutes (like 15 of the 30 that the color was on) and hoped for the best.

But I was willing to LOSE MY HAIR to get it lighter (sad but true and hence the reason I maintain - I am a A DAREDEVIL NOT A GURU!!!!!

That said - I think your BEST bet is to get highlights ONLY. I know that's not exactly what you think you want, but I think it will be close enough to the EFFECT you want with less damage.

My real rec, is to not color that pretty hair at all. I don't have hair like yours. So if I lose it ten times in a lifetime, it's not as great a loss.

I disagree with the sun-in rec. Sun in is a toss up. It works fine on some, and HORRIBLE on others. I have no dount it worked for Foxycus - but even it works, it wi.ll go brassy on jet black hair. Just the rules of color. We can figure out how to do it, but you are going to have to be really careful.
Well I sat under a hair dryer and at that time I had died my hair a mahogany color so my hair took on a lighter shade and it looked like hightlights. I also had hightlights before some very good ones with no problems. Its just about the hairstylist. I mean my hair stylist will straight tell you no Im not doing this- you gotta do blah blah blah before I put this in your hair. and then you got the other ones that dont give a damn. I suggest shop around and get some very thin blondish highlights but only on the top layer. What they do is take like 2 or 3 layers of hair and highlight so when you have it parted down the middle, side, watever you choose it will show and they look pretty nice. Also if your stylist was a (no comment) and messes up your hair u really wont lose much. But like I said I didnt have a problem with this method. My problem came into play when I wanted to be cute and highlight my whole damn head. and guess wat after they bleach the single strands and they put the color you want, your hair will pick up that really pretty brown or watever shade you wish. Point of information if you do get highlights, the first day or even second wash they will seem a bit orangier than they really are, but soon enough they will adjust.
O and by the way, I gave up on color and maintaining color. I used to use no lye relaxers which lightened my hair to a somewhat light brown and I thought it made me look dull, so now I use Jet Jet Jet (lolol) black color rinses which improve shine and overall health of your hair. It really brings out my facial features and I really like it. Makes your hair look healthier too. So for now the blacker the better.
You need to bleach, meaning bleach, not boost your hair. You have to remover the black and then deposit color. You can't get that level of boost without bleach- it will turn orange and stop there. I've been there, done it. I've tried light colored dyes, and they ONLY work if you remove the black first.
Look at my pics- my hair in the pictures is light ash blonde, meaning well past those brown colors black women say is blonde, just because it's lighter than black- my hair was BLONDE with white/platinum streaks, girl!
Thanks ladies... now, im more confused than ever

Like blaxalrose, i am too light to keep rocking this morticia adams hair

Soooooo, what color hightlights should i get that will soften my haircolor (yes, i'll go to a colorist) and bring out my face?
Thanks for taking the time to type ALL of that out and just for me too boot. I feel so special, here's a
just for you. I will be printing this out too.