Texlaxers: How do you tell your ng from your texlaxed hair?


Well-Known Member
I texlaxed my hair approx 25-30% about two weeks ago so the texture is about the same as my natural texture except it is softer (like when u use the coconut/lime mix). I did this about two weeks ago and today when I looked I saw about 1/2 inch of what seems like ng. It appears to be almost the same texture and the ng is not long enough for me to fully see its texture so i'm not sure if it really is ng. How do you differentiate your ng from your texlaxed hair?
My newgrowth is kinkier than my texlaxed hair. Also, I let my newgrowth grow out more so I can see more clearly by stretching my relaxer.
I plan on relaxing again in december and i am going to relax the texlaxed part also because its like i didn't relax at all and I underprocessed by mistake and don't like it.
I texlaxed on purpose and now I wish I'd just fully relaxed it. I can't tell what is texlaxed or natural.:perplexed I plan on doing the same thing as Ms Fallon, though I don't think I'll be waiting til December.
i am having the same problem, i really can not tell and so i am completely unable to keep up with my newgrowth. seems to me that it is going to end up defeating the purpose because it'll look like ng and just get reprocessed. i'm going to have to go back to something stratighter.
I can't tell the difference either. My last texlax was 5/29, and it all still looks the same to me. I know it's growing, but I really can't tell how much.

I was thinking about going back to relaxing straight too, but I like the waves/curls. I guess I'm just going to have to use my judgement and/or texlax no sooner than 3 months.
Sorry I cannot offer a suggestion but I will have the same problem in the near future. I texlaxed for the first time a week ago and I have been thinking about this problem too. I am hoping once my ng comes in I will be able to tell the difference at least a little bit whether it's when it's either wet, airdryed, or rollerset, etc.
I can tell after flat ironing it because my new growth always reverts and my texlaxed hair stays straight (you can see it in my avatar). When it's wet though it gets wavy and pretty much all looks the same but I do think that when you stretch longer it's much easier to tell.